Maggie's resolution...

Maggie thought of all the ways she could deal with Jeremy. At first, she was so humiliated that taking him down seemed only fair to atone for his sins, but after some time, she realized that he only acted that way in reaction to what she had done, so it only seemed fair that she let it go. Truth is, she wanted him back, she didn't like that he was with someone else, and she didn't appreciate the way he was looking at Linda, he used to look at her that way, and she wanted it back. She went to the only person she knew could help her achieve this goal, Jeremy's uncle. According to her knowledge, Jeremy respected his uncle so much that he would do anything he told him to, the plan was simple: impress Tony....get Jeremy. After coming down with a plan, all that was left was to get to Tony. She fought a lot to get him to sit in front of her. It was not easy stalking a person day in and day out waiting for the chance to have them seated alone, she even ended up learning about things that didn't concern her, like the closeness between Tony and Jeremy's stepmother, it was unnatural, but that was none of her business.

But as she sat in front of Tony and watched him stare at his phone, she was convinced that her plan had failed, it was evident that he was not interested in talking to her. So she defeatedly sipped her tea waiting for him to finish whatever he was doing and leave, she had accepted her loss, but to her surprise, Tony suddenly announced that he would help her.

She put the cup down, and asked in disbelief, "I am sorry sir?! What?", 

Tony placed his phone on the table and that convinced Maggie that she heard right, although she found the sudden change in behavior suspicious, it didn't matter because she was getting what she wanted, Jeremy would soon be hers.

"Okay, okay....what do I need to do?", she asked 

Tony smiled, "Simple, stop them from getting married and that begins by stopping them from announcing the engagement at the gala." Maggie became confused, of course, she knew what she needed to do, otherwise, how can she get back with someone who is committed? She just needed the how part, the ways to do it.

"I know that sir, but how do I do that? I can't even attend the gala, I am not rich enough to get an invite, let alone the outfit. So, how-"

Tony chuckled, "It's easy, I can sponsor your outfit, and don't worry about the invite, you will go with me. But as for ways to steal back a man, I think there are magazines and the internet for that, that's where you can get all the tricks you need. But just remember, I am only helping you because you seem like the kind of young lady who would do whatever it takes, whatever needs to be done to get what they want, or am I wrong?"

Maggie jumped in excitement, "Yes, yes sir! You got that right! I can do anything....That's me! "

Tony smiled, "That's what I thought...", he stood up to fix his suit, "Teddy here will take you shopping for everything you need for the gala..."

"Now?", She cried,

With a cold expression, Tony said, "Uhm, sorry, I thought you were in a rush to get your boyfriend back.."

"Fiancé's fiancé... and yes, I am..", she said lowering her head

"Oh sorry, Fiancé then. Just that my nephew never spoke about such things, but congratulations. Teddy is here. Happy shopping...", he walked off thinking, 'What an obnoxious little girl, nonetheless, I need her.'

Maggie was ecstatic, everything was going according to her plan. Who knew that she would be driven by a chauffeur, accompanied by a very handsome-looking man to go shop in one of the most, exclusive malls in town, and everything paid for using a black card? She couldn't help but wonder if she would be living in such a lavish once she's managed to get back with Jeremy. Going to all the expensive restaurants, wearing only designer clothes, and being part of the rich and powerful people, hell, she would even consider joining some rich housewives club, her daydreaming was cut shot by Teddy when he announced that they had arrived. The moment she stepped in front of the all-glass grey building, her face immediately sparkled, this was where she belonged, amongst the rich. Shop where they shop and eat where they eat, she had to get Jeremy back so she could experience such benefits, that was her resolution.