The temperature in the room quickly rose with excitement from Linda and Jeremy as they got lost in each other with growing intensity on the bed. The more their lips tangled up, the more they lost sense of their surroundings. It was just them and their overly stimulated bodies yearning for more of the heat - it needed more. Jeremy succumbed to his body's demands, he moved his hands underneath her robe and began to gently caress every inch of her soft smooth skin causing her to moan softly in pleasure at the electrifying sensation caused by his touch on her skin. The memory of her body knowing more could still be achieved increased her excitement and expectations - she'd tasted his warmth before and was badly in need of it - that moment of euphoria - like an addict, she had to have more, even if it meant begging. After all, it's his fault her body was in such a state - it started a long time ago with the teasing, he needed to take responsibility,
"Jeremy...", she moaned softly causing Jeremy's blood to rush, she gently bit his ear lobe and whispered seductively, "Please I want more, I want you to-"
She was cut short by a knock on the door snapping from her cloud of pleasure back to her senses, "Linda, are you in there?", Lilly's voice sounded from the door and all her excitement left her body and she nervously pushed Jeremy off her, then sprung off the bed, "U-uhm...yes..yes...I am", she said while fixing her hair and strengthening her gown, it was as if she was caught red-handed doing something naughty - she imaged Lilly's petrified face.
Jeremy chuckled in amusement, "You see why we need to do things like this in our own space...there is some much I want to do to yo-"
"Shhhh...keep your voice down okay?!", she said nervously, "Just tell me, do I look normal? Okay? Is my hair fine?"
A soft cackle escaped his lips as he got up to fix her hair, "Why are you so nervous? We were not doing anything wrong you know? We will be married soon anyway, I am sure your grandmother won't mind-"
Her face flushed, "Shut your mouth", she gritted.
She went to the door to find Lilly wearing a gloomy face, her heart ached at the look on her face, but she was still too angry to forgive her, "Grandmother", she muttered coldly contradicting the turmoil within her.
"Can we talk?", she said in a sad tone, and she nodded,
"Let me put on clothes.", she sighed.
Meanwhile, John was in an unpleasant distraught state of his own, after the talk he had with his mother he became overwhelmed with emotions he hadn't felt in a long time. He was in a state of regret and excitement. He finally got his wish but out of anger, he said things he didn't mean, "Why did I say I don't forgive her??" He gritted while downing his 4th glass of whiskey, "One more-", he said to the bartender.
His chest clenched just thinking about it, in fact, the more he thought about it, the more his heart sank and the more dumbfounded he felt.
He felt a tap on his shoulder, "Fancy meeting you here?", he turned around to find a familiar woman standing behind him,
His face darkened even more, "Jin Ae...not today. I am not in the mood.", he downed another shot,
With a smug look, "Woah! Who clipped your wings? I know it wasn't my nephew...", she gloated,
He sighed, "As if I will tell you. Please leave me alone. No - actually, stay...", he took out his card to pay, "...I will go", he snarled
She held his arm, "Come on John. We used to be able to have a drink...although it was before you betrayed me. Is fine...but just until my nephew gets back. He's the only friend I have in this God-forsaken city you know..and he seemed to have disappeared-"
He squinted his eyes suspiciously wondering if it was a scheme,
She chuckled, "I won't gloat. I won't even ask you what happened. Just one drink-"
He sighed and pulled the chair, "Please give me another one - she's paying."
Jin Ae laughed, he still hadn't changed - still petty. She nodded at the bartender who was waiting for her to confirm, "Yes I will pay, make them two, will you?", he nodded politely
Without hesitation or masking his disapproval, he blurted, "So when are you going back to Korea? You know you can't stay here. Tony will not-"
She laughed, "Still the loyal dog I see...", she sipped her drink, "We already had 'the talk'- at the basement of his house.", she said void of emotions
A boulder of guilt suddenly hit him, "What??! Are you okay??". On impulse and fear of having his plans ruined, he contacted the Tangs without considering the impact this might have on her, "I am sorr-"
She sneered in annoyance, "Please, don't act like you suddenly care - You never cared, so let's just drink in silence or let's talk about something useless like the weather.".
Her cold tone pierced through his already troubled heart. She is not lying, he no longer holds any right to worry about her, he forfeited that right when he chose Global Tech over her, time and time again. So what made him think he could ask that? But still, he can't control his emotions, perhaps that's his problem - emotions.
"I am sorry...", he said sadly, "I will mind my business..."
"Thank you. How was the event last night?", she asked nonchalantly
A smile found its way to his frowny face, "It looks like we will be family. Your nephew niece...",
"I saw on the tabloids, they didn't waste time. They really look good together.", she smiled blissfully, "You know John...I think they might actually love each other - the way they look at each other. It's priceless."
John chuckled in disbelief, "Come on Jin Ae. We both know anything with Tony's hand is bound to crush and burn..."
"Like the plane crash?", she grumbled