John knew Tony was not a good person, it is not like he hid that side of his from him, but there was a limit to his bad acts. Hearing people always suspecting him of something more heinous than what he was capable of always bothered him, especially towards his sister.
His face darkened and his words hardened, "I get that Tony has his problems but honestly, you need to stop with this nonsense, why would Tony want to kill my sister? Their paths have never crossed before. He wouldn't betray me like that. As a matter of fact, Tony is not capable of killing anyone - so watch your mouth.", he retorted
The sudden change of aura made her flinch. 'If he only knew the real Tony', she thought, but he was right in this case, she had no proof that he was involved with the crash - she just made a snorty comment to see his reaction. She chuckled, "Yeah, you are right. You are right. What do I know?", her phone buzzed suddenly, "Oh look at that, it seems I have to go home now. It seems my precious is on his way back..."
He coldly nodded, "Alright. Thank you for the drinks...",,
"Sure don't stay out late. Take care of yourself Johnny", she halted in her steps, "Oh, John. Remember what I said - if you lay a finger on my Jeremy - You are done for.", she smiled and waved leaving him feeling far more worse than he did before she came, 'I guess that's to be expected', he sighed.
Linda had left the King's residence, after her talk with Lilly, she refused to stay even a minute in that house. She hasn't said a word which made Jeremy worried, "Baby, are you okay? What did you and your grandmother talk about?"
She sighed and rested her head on his shoulder, "It's nothing you don't already know.", a tear rolled down her cheek, "Should I forgive them? I should right-"
He cupped her face, "Listen...No one wants you to reconcile more than me. I genuinely want you to forgive them - but don't rush it, take your time and when you are ready, take them to their favourite restaurant and have the best night of your lives...okay?"
Her teary eyes flickered in relief, "Thank you, Jeremy. You seem to always know what to say."
He smiled, "I need a reward...but I know is not the right time - my life sucks.", he teased making her giggle - and Jackson smiled looking at them through the rearview mirror, 'he's going to make a fine husband', he thought.
Soon they arrived at Jeremy's restaurant, "this is my stop", he kissed her lips, "I love you okay? I will see you tomorrow...or call me when you need me.", she nodded with a sad smile. She didn't want to spend a second away from him, but she had things to do, "I miss you already", she mumbled barely audible, but he heard her and he was left surprised, "What?"
He suddenly had a mischievous smile, "Say that again...please...say it.",
She sighed, "Nope. Jackson, drive!", and he did leaving him standing on the sidewalk. Within a minute of leaving, she texted, "I said I missed you already", and her face was crimson red. She'd never texted anything like that to a man before and he replied with a crying emoji making her chuckle, "He's such a child."
The people she left in her house had been eagerly and anxiously waiting for her. The moment she walked through the door, they greeted her with a bunch of questions and worried looks. Her aunt hadn't even slept since she heard about the fever, "Do you know how worried I was?? Where is your phone? What happened??", Sello asked touching every part of her and checking her forehead for fever, "Is the fever completely gone?? Jeremy told Sharon last night and she told me."
Her aunt had always worried about her, she could only imagine the panic she went through, "I am okay Aunty. I am sorry I couldn't return your calls. It was a long day and a lot happened. Although I can't say now, you will be the first to know once it's resolved okay?", without sitting down she turned to Jackie, "Please bring that thing we spoke about to my office."
Sharon sighed disappointedly, "We waited for you all night, and the first thing you want to do is lock yourself in your office. At least have supper with us first-"
"Is it ready? Supper?", she asked knowing the answer...
Sharon laughed nervously, " but it can be in an hour or two-"
She shook her head, and snickered, "Call me when is ready.", she then flashed a smile to everyone before ascending the staircase to her office.
Sharon watched as she disappeared, "Something is definitely wrong-", she muttered to Sello,
"You think!", Sello exclaimed worriedly, "-and I have to fly back home tomorrow - do I really have to leave her like this-"
Sharon interlocked her arm to hers, "Let's probe some more during supper. Don't change your ticket. We both know how much she would hate that. There is nothing she hates like inconveniencing people.",
Sello sighed in defeat, "You are right...let's go start supper then-"
At the same time, Jackie was heading to Linda's office with the red file and her laptop. She opened the door to a gloomy face that stared silently at a picture of her with her grandparents.
"You fought with them, didn't you? and it looks like it's a big one...", Jackie said walking towards the desk,
She sighed and flickered a smile, "Nothing time can't fix- hand me the file."
She hesitated, "Are you sure you are ready, with everything that's happening...maybe is not a good idea-"
"I am fine, besides, postponing it is like postponing whatever reaction or emotions I will have. Let me just feel everything all at once...whatever is there can't be worse than what I found out last night", she sat on the chair and Jackie handed her the file.
"Okay, but remember what I said right? I am always ready to go to war for you.", she sat down opposite her, "So I traced those offshore accounts registered to your father's name and it turned out that Thomas Ndlovu is an alias name that was used to hide art smuggling money - those payments by Glenda Stevens."
She turned the laptop over to her, "Okay, so I searched deeper, and it turned out - Glenda was initially stealing your mother's paintings for personal gain with your uncle's help, but after your uncle pulled out, she began working for an organisation that was notoriously known for smuggling arts and your mother was very vocal about it-like full-blown activist vocal!"
"Wait...that means there is a possibility that Global Tech was not even the motive for her death?", Linda thought, "Interesting- and I wonder what made my uncle stop working with her-"
"Yes, exactly....that's what I thought too... and your uncle left the country for a short while - that's when Glenda switched business partners."
"This is more than a lead. First, we need to trace her-",
"Already done...she's still staying in New York...and I don't think she's caught on to the fact that we are looking into her because there's still that movement of money."
"You mean she's still involved with-"
Things were starting to look up, she now had more than one lead, "Oh my God...she's so brazen. I will ask Kim to handle her - I wonder what secrets she's hiding.", her smile was suddenly replaced by a stern face, she squinted her eyes, "But Jackie, you could've shared this over our normal line of didn't have to come all the way here."
"Yes that is true...and that's not why I came all the way here", she took out a few papers from her red folder, "This is why I came all the way here."