chapter 5:NEW LIFE

Troy stood up and scan his surroundings,he realized that he's on a hill filled with beautiful flowers and appealing scent filled his nose; he then looked ahead and saw a city not too far from the hill.

He then decided to walk to the city,on his way he remembered that he saw a notification when he opened his eyes and while he was thinking about the notification, it suddenly pop up in front of him and he read the message YOU HAVE ACQUIRED MY DEATH SYSTEM.

When he was thinking what it meant he suddenly heard a male voice speaking to him, that's the notification for you acquiring the death system said the system.

What are you and where are you asked Troy, you can call me system and I am in your body I will be your guide in helping you getting stronger said the system.

Does the former soul reaper has you asked Troy,no he doesn't you are the first to acquire me said the system, how do I get stronger and what's the need to get stronger since am the new soul reaper death I don't think anyone is capable of defeating death said Troy.

I will tell you later but first you should see your status bar said the system, then suddenly a screen pop up in front of him

[Name: Troy gomal ]

[Position:soul reaper]

[0/5 souls reaped]

[Limit of souls reaped:2]


[1/100 SE]

[Skills]:soul feel

Soul feel: allows you to sense if a soul is about to leave a body or if a person is dying.

After Troy saw all his stats millions of question were up his mind,um system I know what the first line meant what about the second line asked Troy,it means your position in the spiritual realm which is in heaven and hell said the system.

Then what about the rest asked Troy, the third line is the amount of souls you will have to reap before ten days, you see you being a soul reaper means you will have to take souls which body had died, souls of a good and holy person would be taken to heaven while souls of evil hearts and unholyness belongs to you the soul reaper.

What am I going to do with them asked Troy, anything you can consume them to gain soul energy for your evolution or send them to hell or trap them in your death castle as decorations or keep them as prisoners, you can also make them do whatever you want and be their master but for that you need to evolve to death bringer said the system.

The fourth line is the limit to how many souls you can reap in a day the higher your evolution and evolvement the low the limit, the fifth line is evolution similarly like you say level but you are not a creation from earth anymore or from the physical world, you are now from the spiritual world whereby you are one of the superiors in the spiritual realm.

Evolution means you evolve into another rank, you need to be at evolution 5 to be able to enter the next position; the sixth line is the amount of soul energy you have, you use soul energy to enter the next evolution for example you have 1/100 soul energy if it reaches 100 you will enter evolution 2 and so on.

But you need to consume souls or kill a demon to have more soul energy said the system, what do you mean by demon are there demons on Earth asked Troy.

Yes there are, haven't you heard of someone being possessed by demons, that's the demon you kill and those roaming in the earth said the system.

And last but not the least the seventh line is skills that's the skill you have and you can see the description about it I believe I have answered all your questions if you have more let me know but there's a limit to what I can answer said the system, for now no questions said Troy.

And now Troy had finally reached the city, am not even exhausted from all the walk said Troy it's because you are now a supernatural being said the system.

But now how am I going to find a house to stay I don't even have any money said Troy,who says that you have no money said a voice, when he looked at the source it was his guardian who looked exactly like him other than he's a black mist.

Troy had to look around as he noticed that nobody say him it means that he's the only one that can see him.

The guardian gave Troy a suitcase and said to him you are the richest man in the world became you can never lack money but your money is safe with me I will give you a suitcase full of money, and I won't give you another until the first one has finished said the guardian before fading away with the wind.

As Troy open the suitcase he saw a bundle of money arrange inside, he had never seen that amount of money before in his life I guess being a soul reaper is worth it said Troy.

Troy proceeded to look for a house,at last he ended up buying a house where one will say that's a rich man house.

Troy settled in and arrange for everything he needed, he realized that this city is called blossom city and it's one of the peaceful city in the country it's next to the city he died.

Troy is now living a luxurious life he has a huge mansion and maids there, he has cars owned by him he eats wonderful meals.

As Troy sat down to relax on his soft couch he then thought to himself that he now has a new life.


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