chapter 6: FIRST SOUL

Time past so quickly as three days had passed, those three days were the best days of his life as he got to do whatever he wants since he doesn't lack money.

Troy was in his room thinking about his past and thinking about Clara someone who he thought he gets to start a good life with her.

Those people who killed me I will take their souls to hell, I will consume their souls said Troy.

You know that you can take a step on achieving what you just said about said his guardian, but how can I do it show me the way to do it said Troy.

That's why am here to help you with your goals said his guardian, then show me said Troy.

Now I want you to concentrate and remember the incident, let it play in your head said the guardian Troy did as he was told and he concentrated on remembering the incident as he could see it playing like movie in his head suddenly he could feel some power inside him, and all the memories started playing super fast that he couldn't even see the scene because it's moving too fast and suddenly he opened his eyes and he realized that he is already inside the memories like he has gone back in time.

You are now in the past, let me show you how you died said his guardian, suddenly he met himself back when he's working at the supermarket he could still see his past self cleaning the shelves.

They can't see or hear you, this is how it all begins look at colleague worker Fred said the guardian,as Troy looked at him he could see anger in his eyes.

Then during closing hours at the supermarket the guardian said that they should follow Fred, and has they did they saw him at his apartment saying that he needed to kill Troy because he snatch Clara from him.

Then they followed him to where he met the goons and pay them money to kill Troy, and how Troy was walking home after getting a kiss from Clara and how the goons killed him by pushing him towards a truck.

Then Troy was back to the present, I can't believe that it's Fred that killed me, he hired some killers to kill me all because me and Clara love each other but Clara doesn't even have feelings for him said Troy.

That's how humans are, that's how the world his, this life is not balanced humans killed for no reason for a meaningless purposes and you are a victim that's why you are given this position said the guardian.

I want to take their life, I want to take their souls said Troy.

You can but first you need a weapon to help you with your task said the guardian.

Why would soul reaper need a weapon asked Troy, you need it to kill the body so that you can take the soul and you need it to kill demons.

Does the former soul reaper uses a weapon asked Troy, yes he did he uses long scythe said the guardian.

Alright how do I get my weapon asked Troy,we go to your weapon room in your castle said the guardian.

And how do we get there asked Troy, by you opening the portal to your castle just point a finger in the air and think about the castle said the guardian.

And Troy did as he was told and soon the portal opened and they stepped into it and arrived at the castle he was then greeted by the door man.

Troy and his guardian together with the maids went to the weapon room,on getting there Troy was expecting a room full of different types of weapon but instead it was an empty room with nothing but a circle on the ground glowing blue.

What's going on why don't I see an weapon asked Troy, you see that circle mark on the ground there, that's a weapon maker all you have to do is sit at the center and imagine what you want your weapon to be like said his guardian.

As Troy sat down at the center of the circle he started imagining which weapon he wants and then the circle started glowing red as a blood red long sword materialize in thin air.

Then Troy open his eyes and took the sword, nice choice said his guardian.

Troy could feel that the sword his alive and said I will name you HELL the sword shook happily, Troy then looked at his guardian and said am ready.


Troy held his sword and he's in a cloth that looks like the costume of the assassin's Creed, he's in front of Fred's house.

You know that you can't kill him yet said his guardian but why can't I but I already have a weapon asked Troy.

Because your position is still the soul reaper you haven't reached the position of death bringer your job for now is to only take souls of a dead body said the guardian.

What so he will have to keep on enjoying his life asked Troy, actually yes except you are sent to kill him by the one called the almighty who gave you this position said the guardian.

"Sigh" but I will be back said Troy, but suddenly he felt that someone just died when he looked towards the place it's by the corner of a house when he got there he saw the dead body of a criminal shot by another criminal.

[New quest received]

[Consume the soul]

[Reward:10 SE]

Troy then knelt beside the body and touched it he could see that his hand went inside and he could feel that he's touching something, he then pulled it out and he could see that he's holding a transparent likeness of the body.

[Unholy and evil soul detected]

[Would you like to consume]


He then click yes and suddenly the soul entered his mouth as he absorb it, he could feel the energy phrasing through his body.

[Quest completed]

[First soul consume]

[Reward:100 SE]

[Congratulations you have elevated to evolution 2].


Hello everyone if you are enjoying the novel so far how about you check out my other novel cultivator's paradise:rise of the system.
