chapter 7: FRED'S DREAM

Many notification kept coming in but Troy decided to check them later as he left the place and went to his house.

He then sat down and started checking all the notification one by one a few ones caught his eyes which is.

[First soul consume]

[Reward:100 SE]

[Congratulations you have elevated to evolution 2]

[New skill gained]

[Past reader]

Past reader:

Allow you to go back to the past to see an incident taking place it can be used on anyone.

I guess I gained a lot of reward truly worth it said Troy let me check my status bar

[Name: Troy gomal]

[Position:soul reaper]

[1/5 souls reaped]

[Limit of souls reaped:2]


[10/200 SE]

[Skills]:soul feel, past reader

All I need now is three more evolution and I will evolve into the next position,hey system when I was in evolution 1 the amount of SE needed is 100 but now that I am at evolution 2,it has doubled does that mean that it will double by each evolution asked Troy.

Yes it will if you elevated to evolution 3 it will be 300 and so on said the system, how many souls do I actually need to consume to reach 200 SE asked Troy, 10 SE per souls consume and 30 SE per demons killed said the system.

I guess I better start now I don't want Fred to enjoy his life for once said Troy.


Hundreds of kilometers away in an apartment a boy was shaking on his bed with his eyes closed and he kept whispering no no please don't kill me.

He was dreaming,in his dream he saw himself hiring a killer to kill a boy and the boy was killed and the boy who was killed in the dream was Troy, the dream continues as he's enjoying his life he suddenly saw some in a cloth that looks like the cloths of the assassin's Creed with a blood red sword in his hand.

He couldn't see the person face, the assassin's Creed person then started moving towards and and he started begging please don't kill me but he kept moving and once he reached him, he thrust his sword into his chest although there was no blood but he could feel his soul left him and was consumed by the assassin's Creed person then suddenly he boy woke up from his dream all sweaty and panting heavily.

The boy then looked around but saw no one, not again why do I always have this dream said the boy he then turn on his lamp and took the jug beside him to get some water beside the jug there was a supermarket badge with the name Fred.


Troy woke up the next day and freshen up, he had decided that today he is going soul hunting.

After having his breakfast he then walk on the street and activated the skill soul feel if he is to take a soul he can be seen by anyone even if it's in the middle of the street, people will walk through him and he will walk through people.

After activating the skill he haven't feel anything and he just kept walking after walking and turning into an environment filled with criminals he then felt a soul which body has just died bingo said Troy as he walked towards the body.


Back in Fred's apartment, he just got ready to leave for work at the supermarket.

As he's on his way he just couldn't get his mind off the dream he had, not long after he has arrived at the supermarket he saw Clara cleaning the shelves he then went to the receptionist where is position his.

As he remembered the dreams he then said I don't even know what Troy's death has to do with my dream, I already killed him he what am I even saying he was killed am not the one who did the killing I just paid the killers to do their job,it doesn't count that am the one that killed him,or is he alive and he wanted revenge;ha ha ha ha that's not possible,it might just be some random bad dreams he said as he continues his work.


When arriving at the body Troy did the same thing he did last time dipped his hand into the body and brought out his soul.

[Unholy and evil soul detected]

[Would you like to consume]


He then click yes as the soul went into his mouth.

[Unholy soul consumed]

[+10 SE]

[20/200 SE]

Hmm still a lot more to go and am limited to only 5 souls said Troy.

He then continue consuming souls three more times and has managed to brought it down to 50 he then decided to move to the next city consume the last soul .


As fred shift is over he then decided to head home since he's going to the club tonight he needed to get ready, but on his way his shoulder hit someone and the memories of the dream came flooding in as fear filled his heart he started to sweat profusely and he couldn't even breath well, it's as if he met with death and his body was in a state of shock as he fell to the ground panting heavily like an asthma patient.

After a few minutes of distress he finally calmed down and looked around but not much People are available there, what was that did I have asthma or What it's because of the dream after my shoulder hit someone it all started but who was it is it the person from my dream, this is serious than I had anticipated said Fred as he quickly rushes home.


After Troy shoulder hit someone the memories of the incident came flooding in as well, what's happening asked Troy.

I think you collided with your hatred fellow Fred said the system, Troy became very angry to the extent that everyone around him couldn't breath,calm down now if you want to take his soul get to the next position first he then calmed down as he continued with his hunt and everyone breath returned.


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