chapter 8: FIRST TASK

Finally the soul hunting had come to an end, since he's limited to 5 souls reaped per day at the end of the hunt he managed to get 60/100 SE it's still far from achieving his goals.

He noticed that all the souls he consume today he didn't come across any holy souls, is all the world an unholy or I just happen to not come across any holy souls asked Troy.

Maybe it's just that you just didn't come across any holy souls said the system.


Hundred of kilometers away at Fred's house, he was sweating profusely he drank a glass of water as the memories of what happened on his way home and that of his dream were flooding into his head.

What's happening to me I think am going to go crazy, I kept having this dream over and over again is there meaning to it or is it just a bad dream that I can't get off my head asked Fred.

I think I will have to go home I will have to beg father and go back to my mansion maybe all this will eventually go away said Troy.


Troy laid down on his bed now he's starting to feel lonely no friends no family no one to talk to except for the maids which he would just give them instructions that's all.

Am really missing you Clara if it weren't for Fred I would have been with you right now,we would have started our relationship but am sure you don't remember me because I don't want you to feel pain and feel shattered.

I wish you were here right now, you know that you can go and see her said his guardian who had just appeared behind him, I can but how I mean I don't want her to see me said Troy.

All you have to do is to activate your power and nobody will be able to see you not even her said the guardian.

But I thought I only activate it when I want to reap a soul said Troy, don't worry nothing will happen to her it's just that she won't see you said the guardian.

Troy did as he was told and activated his death power and then his assassin's Creed clothes had appeared together with his sword, you have to stay inside me hell am not going to reap soul said Troy hell shook slightly and disappeared into his body.

Troy then flew out his window and started flying towards Clara's house.


Troy had used 20 min to get there and since it's in the night he knows that she would be in her room.

He then entered through her wall and entered her room,as he saw her she was reading a romantic novel he almost cried but contain his emotions.

As Troy entered Clara could feel a gust of cold wind blew towards her and she felt cold though she's not shivering nor is she feeling cold, it's just that all her body is cold when she looked at her window she realized that it was closed and was surprised since all her body is cold.

As Troy was about to touch her he was stopped by his guardian, what are you doing you are death and you want to touch her, do you want to send her into an everlasting coma said his guardian.

I didn't know thank God you stopped me said Troy.

As he's looking at her beautiful face suddenly a bright light shone on him,it was so bright that he couldn't see directly all this is not noticed by Clara since she's a human.

Troy could hear a voice speak to him from the light saying Troy the angel of death you have been tasked to bring me the souls of this people, suddenly a beam shot from the light and penetrated his head as the images of three people appeared in his mind.

The voice continues, because their time is up in this world bring me their souls and the light disappeared.

Troy quickly left Clara's room and as he left,the room returned to normal and so as Clara's body.

Is that the almighty's voice asked Troy, yes it is said the guardian, so am going to take this people's soul asked Troy yes you are said the guardian.

[New quest received]

[Complete your first task in 20min]

[Reward: instant level up]

Now I have only 20min just enough said Troy, he then concentrate on the first person and then he had got the location he then flew towards the place.


As Troy arrived there he could see an old man on a sick bed, that is the soul he has to collect, he then drew out his sword and walked towards the old man.

He saw many people most likely the old man's relative sitting behind and opposite him.

As he looked at the old man,he couldn't bring himself to do it then suddenly the old man turned to look at him with a smile of relief.

He can see me asked Troy, yes he can because he's at the point of death said his guardian, but why is he happy asked Troy, he's in immense pain you are the one that can relieve him from it by taking his soul said the guardian.

Very well then, Troy raised his sword and thrust it into his chest and then he was dead.

Although there was no blood, he had killed the body. He could see his family member crying but none of them could see Troy.

He then dipped his hand into the old man's body and brought out his soul, he could see how pure and whiteness the soul is, it means it's a holy soul.

[Congratulations on your first holy soul]

[Reward 100 SE]

Troy ignore the message since he would read it later he then brought out a pure white orb and store the soul inside he then kept it in his cloth.he then set off to collect the next soul.


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