As Troy arrived at the next person,he saw that he's a man who had been stabbed many times in his stomach but hasn't completely die yet.

What has he done to deserve this asked Troy, like I said this is humans for you said his guardian.

Let me quickly relief him of his pain said Troy, he then walked towards the man and stab him with his sword as usual there was no blood, he then dipped his hand into his body and brought out his soul which was also a Holiness soul.

He is even a holy man and yet he was killed it seems like our story wants to be similar he said as he placed the soul into the white orb.

Now for the last person said Troy as he flew towards the next person.


On getting to the next person, he saw a woman struggling in pain in a seems like she has an incurable disease and she's in pain.

He saw many doctors and surgeons circling her,one passing oxygen and the other pressing her chest to get her heart responding.

It seems like her pain is far more worst said Troy as he walked through the doctors and surgeons and arrived in her front, she looked at him with a smile like she's had been waiting for him.

Troy raised his sword and stabbed her,as he did he saw the doctors saying no no keep pressing, but later the surgeon said we lost her and she was covered with a cloth.

Troy took her soul and placed it in the same orb since she's also a holy person.

I guess am done, I managed to do it in 10 min not bad but it's time to give the almighty the souls said Troy.

Troy Left the hospital and flew up to the sky, so how do I get to the almighty asked Troy.

You ride lightning to get there said his guardian, now that's insane but how asked Troy,raise your sword and say the horse of death said the guardian.

And Troy did as he was told he raised his sword and say the horse of death, suddenly lightning struck out of nowhere and a black horse with red mane appeared and red lightning dance around its body.

" NEIGHHHH"the neigh of the horse shook the very soul of every humans even thunder welcome it.

Wow this is my horse asked Troy, yes it is said his guardian; it galloped towards Troy and rubbed it's Head against Troy's belly,ha ha ha I will name you lightning said Troy.

The house galloped happily, now let's meet the almighty said Troy as he sat on the horse and then lightning zoomed off.


As lightning was galloping on the air there was thunder at his feet and Troy noticed that he can't be harmed by the lightning.

As there were moving all Troy could see was just a bright white light all around him, not long after they suddenly appeared at a huge castle,it is the most biggest castle he has ever seen, he saw the beginning of the castle but couldn't see the end and it's made out of gold and diamond.

He could see many angels moving around all singing praises and worship, lightning then landed on the golden ground, Troy patted lightning mane before he then galloped away.

Troy was led by the angel of battle and war to the biggest place of all the castle,as he opened the door Troy could see a long hall and inside he saw seats in both sides.

And a throne in the middle, the seat was occupied by some supreme being known as the chiefs of heaven and someone a hundred times superior sat on the throne, Troy could not even see his face clearly.

He is know as the almighty by his right a huge lion with red fire burning on his body and wasn't affected,it is known as the lion of Judah and by his left is a white Lamb with six eyes and six horns with lightning playing on his body,it is known as the Lamb of thunder.

At the back of the throne stood the arch angels, Troy had reached the center of the hall he then go down on one knee and bow.

Glory and honor be to the almighty said Troy, TROY THE ANGEL OF DEATH YOU HAVE COMPLETED MY TASK IS THAT SO said the almighty as his voice was like thousands of thunder and thousands of oceans and a huge wind sounding at the same time.

Yes my lord I have completed the task said Troy, GOOD NOW BRING OUT THE SOULS said the almighty.

Troy brought out the white orb and brought out the souls,all the souls then appear as the form of their body.

The gate keeper of the paradise which was an angel with six wings, two was covering his eyes, two was covering his leg and two to fly came and took the souls into the paradise.

After they were gone the almighty then spoke SINCE YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOUR TASK YOU CAN LEAVE, YOU ALREADY HAVE MY BLESSINGS GO AND AWAIT MY NEXT TASK, yes my Lord said Troy as he was led out of the castle by the same angel the angel of battle and war.

We will see soon again said the angel, surely said Troy.

As he came out of the castle lightning was already waiting for him, he then rode lightning back home, after stroking lightning mane he then rode away.

As Troy return to his house he decided to take a shower, after shower he then sat down, I can't believe I saw the almighty I feel fear around me said Troy, don't worry yourself too much you will get to see him all the time said his guardian.

Troy then decided to check all the notification he had gotten so far.

[You have completed the quest]

[Reward granted]

[Congratulations you have elevated to evolution 3]

[First holy soul reaped]

[Reward:50 SE]

[First encounter with the almighty]

[Reward:50 SE]

[New pet gained]

[Reward:20 SE]

I guess this task is truly worth it said Troy.


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