chapter 10: DEMONS

Fred woke up in the morning and decided to skip work for the day,he has been having weird dreams where by he is killed by someone with a sword.

After having breakfast he then put on his jacket and locked his door,as he began to hit the road; he has decided to go to a therapist maybe he could find some answers to his problem.

On getting there he realized that he is in a very calm environment with no noise only the chirping of birds and the gentle sound of the wind he somehow felt calm, upon entering he was greeted by a man who has an aura of gentleness and elegant all around him.

You must be Fred right asked the man, yes I am. I had an appointment with you today said Fred, that's right my name is Richard Robert but you can call me mr Robert said the man, alright my Robert said Fred please have your sit said mr Robert while pointing to the chair in front of him.

Alright what can I help you with asked mr Robert,um I have been having this weird dreams more like a nightmare lately and I always have this dream every single day said Fred.

Hmm I see so this dream exactly what happened in it asked mr Robert, well what happened in the dream is that there's someone in a weird clothing and mask with a sword always killing me said Fred.

I see it might be because you have been watching horror movies lately or something reminds you of a horror movie which you have watched in the past said mr Robert.

I don't think this is about a horror movie and I haven't even watched any horror movie since I don't like horror movies , and sometimes it seems real said Fred.

Really then I think that it's more serious than I thought all I can say to you now is to go on a vacation and relax maybe you will be relieved and relax your brain said mr Robert.

Alright maybe I will try said Fred; ok you can come back anytime you want I will be available said mr Robert.

Thanks very much I will do as you say said Fred as he then left the place.


Some where far away from where Fred is Troy was just leaving his house and decided to take a stroll.

As he was walking among the crowd he suddenly felt a strong presence like a dark power as Troy looked towards the source,he could see a creature with horns and a tail with red burning eyes inside a man who just sat outside a cafe at one of the tables.

What the hell is that asked Troy,that thing is a demon said the guardian.

Why can I even see them asked Troy, have you forgotten that you now belongs to the spiritual realm and you are the angel of death Said the guardian.

Should we take him to a church for deliverance by a priest asked Troy, what are you talking about you can kill them said the guardian.

"Whaaaat" shouted Troy as all the people passing by looked towards him , what are you talking about I can't kill an innocent person said Troy.

Who says you are gonna kill him you just have to kill the demon inside him without him dying or even feeling a single pain, look even if you send him to a church and the demon was cast out you still need to kill the demon yourself said the guardian.

I thought that's the work of other angels like angel Micheal and others said Troy.

Well you can also do it to gain more SE said the guardian, really well it wouldn't hurt to try so what do I need to do asked Troy.

All you need to do is to first get into his head and see what he's thinking so that you can convince him not to do the wrong thing.

Though the demons is definitely going to also convince him as well, but if he doesn't listen then you will have to fight the demon said the guardian.

Uh how am I going to get in his head asked Troy, so this is what you have to do...


In a place which is not in earth, this place is more like a place of nightmare fire here and there the place is extremely hot, and is deprived of vegetation.

There is a weird looking castle that is built with strange structures, it has a long structure though the size is something out of this world.

There are two demons guarding this castle and a huge dragon with seven head's and seven horns was flying around the castle with fire that are twenty times hotter than lava was released from his mouth and it's roar even shook the entire castle.

Inside the castle there is a long hall leading towards a throne different types of demons can be seen swarming around.

And at the back of the throne there is a huge serpent swarming around the throne.

Beside the throne there are some seats lined up there and on top of the throne is a man who's beauty is nothing compared to any human being on earth and his eyes are like fire burning fiercely and a golden hair he is LUCIFER and on top of those seats are the prince of hell they are "MAMMON" the demon of Greed,ASMODIUS the demon of Lust , LEVIATHAN the demon of Envy, BEELZEBUB the demon of Gluttony,

BELFIGOR the demon of Sloth ,SATAN the demon of Wrath,ASTAROTH the duke of hell,BELIEL the demon of deceit .

Those are the princes of hell and they have gathered for a special meeting between them and Lucifer.

So I heard that a new Angel of death has risen said Lucifer, yes a new Angel of death has been assigned said ASTAROTH the duke of hell.

Hmm I think it's time we make a rebellion against them and reclaim the ruler over men said BELIEL the demon of deceit.

Hmm you are right I think it's time, I want you to gather the demons we are going to reclaim what's ours said Lucifer.


Hey everyone it's your writer leonemalin sorry for releasing chapter late and abandoning the novel, but it's because I have an exam which I really need to study for in other not to fail I had to abandon it for a while, but now am done with it and am back to release more chapters.

Your support is my motivation, thanks for understanding and I hope you are enjoying it so far.

Your writer: Leonemalin