Finally Meeting Part One

Dr. Emmanuel Michelson, after a decade of intensive training, was now classified as a triple-S class lethal human, the highest rank in any secret service or spy agency. The deadline he set had finally elapsed and he had finally decided to make contact with his protégé.

After organizing himself and loading his sleek new BMW X7 with the necessary equipment, he set off towards the coordinates he received from his contacts.

After hours of non-stop driving, he arrived at the mountain range. He drove past several mountains and finally arrived at the designated coordinates. He hid the car behind a cover of rock ledges and walked over to a clearing and observed the house through his high-spec binoculars. After minutes of observing, he saw something that made his heart jump with excitement.

A little 'boy' came out of the house followed by his mother. He had huge, red leather-like wings on his back. The wings were almost three meters long, each. His mom kissed him on the cheek and he smiled brightly. The boy then spread his wings out and flew into the sky, disappearing behind the mountains.

"Good, there is no observable change on the mother and it seems his relationship with his parents is very good", Dr. Michelson mumbled as he noted down his observation on his tablet. Soon, another lady came out of the house dressed in a maid's garb. She slowly skipped up a nearby hill to pick wild berries to make snacks. She reached the top of the hill and began to pick them with a hum. As she picked the berries, she suddenly slipped due to her poor footing and began falling down the slope screaming.

She barrel-rolled, quickly approaching the rocky base of the hill. Out of the nowhere, the boy swooped in and grabbed her. She was so grateful that she strangled him in a hug and blew him a kiss on the cheek. "Even without proper training, his speed and reaction time is incredible. Must be his instinct as a flying creature", Dr. Michelson noted. Samuel giggled and blushed as he was showered with kisses. His ears twitched suddenly as he quickly turned around and stared in a particular direction.

"What's wrong?" Betty asked stunned by his sudden action. "I thought I felt someone's gaze on us", he said. "Really? Who could it be?" she asked. "I'm not sure, I probably just imagined it", he stated. "Anyway, what would you like for dinner? I'll prepare anything you want" she suddenly declared, changing the topic. "Really? Anything I want?" he asked excitedly.

"Of course! I'm going to prepare any meal you want. I'm going to demonstrate my top-chef ability today", she announced smugly. "Meat!!" he shouted back without hesitation. "Very well. Tonight, we'll have a meat-lovers dinner", she said. "Yay!!", he shouted, beaming with glee as he followed her into the house.

Standing in the doorway, he turned and took one last look at where he sensed the gaze. He activated his enhanced eyesight and scanned the entire area. "I must be imagining it", he said to himself as he couldn't see anything or anyone. He then entered the house and closed the door.

"He's amazing. I completely underestimated his natural instincts; they are incredible", Dr. Michelson said from behind the rock he had dove behind to escape being discovered. "He was able to sense me even from a mile away. He is something special alright", he said as he stood up and dusted himself off while still being completely amazed with the natural animalistic instincts the boy possessed alongside his human intelligence.

With his initial observation done, he moved back to his car and drove to a very partially hollow mountain he had discovered months ago through satellite imaging. The mountain was a few miles away from the Griffins, hence close enough to monitor the family, but not so close as to be easily noticed. The entire mountain stretched out for a quarter mile each direction from the center.

"Time to go to work", he said as he brought out the blueprints he had designed. He had a plan for renovating the mountain making it a home for Dr. Michelson as well as a training grid for his protégé. He opened the trunk of his car and took out several dozen, large metallic boxes.

The boxes were no bigger than large travelling suitcases with several grooves etched on them. He placed the boxes down, lining them all up and took a few steps back. He took a deep breath and shouted, "ACTIVATE!"

The several dozen boxes hummed suddenly and came to life. Each box opened up gradually into a robot-like contraption with multiple limbs. Each machine had its own specialty equipment attached to each limb but there were several pairs that had. The machines were roughly three meters in height and were made up of a shape memory alloy developed in the Sienna Institute for Genetic Research and Analysis.

The machines were designed by the Institute to be used for rescue and emergency response in case of disasters. They had been used several times and the mortality rates of the victims of those disasters had been reduced over time. Dr. Michelson, using his authority acquired and reprogrammed these machines for the purpose of carving out and building a state-of-the-art laboratory and living quarters within the mountain without disturbing the mountain's surrounding ecosystem.

It took a little time and elbow grease, but within two months, the lab was ready for use, topped off with the latest in technology and a residential suite that would make several five-star hotels green with envy. It was truly the best of the best that money could buy; with an A.I system running the whole shebang. Doing all this while keeping clear of his protégé's radar was no easy feat. The boy's senses were monstrous and hard to escape but with his constant vigilance, he managed to achieve his goals.

Half a year later, Samuel, following his usual routine, left the house to explore and play in the mountains. The cold breeze from the lake washed over him as soon as he stepped foot out of the house. He stretched out his wings and limps and shook off the drowsiness the chill came with. He stepped off the front porch, spread his wings and leapt off the ground flying high up into the sky.

He soared through the sky scoping out the land with his sharp eagle eye sight. In the process of scouting, something unusual happened causing him to stop mid flight. He felt some sort of radio waves moving through his body from a particular mountain. "What's happening to me? I feel drawn to that mountain. This is so weird", he said as he flew closer to investigate. Upon reaching the mountain, another unusual thing caught his eye.

There was thin line of, barely noticeable, translucent smoke coming out of a small hole in the mountain's side. "Could that be volcanic fumes?" he asked himself. He circled the smoke and inspected it. He calmed down after realizing that it came out of some sort of chimney. He flew round the mile-wide mountain hoping to see an opening. He soon came to an opening and fearlessly entered the pitch- black cave.

The cave was three meters high and two meters wide. He sighed and blinked, as his eyes suddenly gave off a faint yellowish glow, a sign of the activation his night vision. With the help of his night vision, he saw through the cave as clear as day. He saw a switch along the cave wall and flipped it.

The cave was lit brightly, the suddenness stunning his eyes a little. He deactivated his night vision, returning his eyes to normal. He walked through the tunnel-like cave with his claws extended, prepared for any encounter. The tunnel stretched for a few meters and upon reaching the end, he came to a door. He walked up to a door made of pure mahogany and analyzed it intently.

"What's a door doing here?" he asked himself as he tried the lock. "Locked huh! How do I open this without breaking it?" he asked himself as he began staring at the lock. Despite his wishes, his eyes suddenly glowed and the lock on the door burst into flames. The lock quickly melted and fell to the floor. "What just happened?" he asked himself, completely stunned by what had just happened. He had been discovering things he could do that continually blew his mind each and every time.

He smiled sadly at the now unlocked door, amazed by his newly discovered power but still concerned that it happened against his wishes. He opened the door cautiously and peeped into the room. Instead of the stereotypical thousands of bats nesting on the ceiling as he had earlier imagined, or the dark, creepy and gloomy place he feared it to be; due to prior experiences, he saw a fully furnished living room containing a seventy-inch flat screen L.C.D Television set with tower sound systems, air conditioners, game sets and many other cool looking things.

With a dropped jaw, he entered the room and upon realizing that no one was around, started sniffing around the room. He walked across the entire living room trying to uncover the identity of the one who owned such a luxurious home; a picture, receipt, anything at all. Not finding any such thing, he approached the gaming console. He noticed that a game was already loaded and ready to play.

He wondered for a while if it was wrong for him to enter without permission and touch other people's property but the glowing 'PLAY' icon on the screen stirred up his desire to play the game. His sense of judgment was soon overcome by his child mind and he sat down and picked up a controller. He turned it on and was soon engulfed in it that he did not notice a figure walk in and take a seat.

Dr. Michelson just sat watching the little extraordinary child as he played the varieties of games on the sets. As Samuel played the game, Dr. Michelson studied his outward appearance up close. From his wings to his horns, to his tail to his claws and talons. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary. "I guess I better get him to the lab", Dr. Michelson said as he silently rolled a small ball near Samuel. The ball cracked open and released a silent stream of potent sleeping gas near Samuel.

As he played, Samuel began to sway from side to side with his vision getting blurrier by the second until he finally collapsed on the soft and silky woolen carpet that covered the floor of the entire room. "Prepare the lab!" he shouted as he bent down and carried Samuel into his arms. "ACKNOWLEDGED", a voice echoed a response throughout the entire room.

Dr. Michelson gently carried him to his lab and gently placed him under his PET scanner hybrid, a machine that that combined PET technology with other imaging modalities, such as CT, MRI, or SPECT. (PET- Positron Emission Tomography/ CT- Computed Tomography/ MRI- Magnetic Resonance Imaging/ SPECT- Single photon emission computed tomography)

He scanned him and was fascinated by what the serum had done to the boy. His bones were made up of properties similar to the toughest alloy ever tested made up of chromium, cobalt and nickel. He researched further into the new abilities the boy had and was pleased with the results. "WARNING! THE SUBJECT IS EXPELLING THE SLEEPING GAS FROM HIS BODY. REVIVAL IS IMMINENT!" the previous voice announced.

Dr. Michelson noticed that, with every breath the boy exhaled, faint traces of the sleeping gas was expelled out of his body. "His body is adapting to the foreign substance and naturally expelling the gas. I'm positive toxic gases will be neutralized as well", Dr. Michelson said to himself with a grin. He concluded his tests quickly, carried the boy to a guest room, and laid him gently on the bed. "Rest well my little protégé", he said as he walked out and gently closed the door.