Rampage and Goodbyes

Samuel's eyes glowed a deep crimson as he stood before the terrorists with a snarl, Elizabeth lying unconscious behind her monster of a friend and slowly recovering. The amount of murderous intent leaking out of his monstrous form was more than enough to cause the terrorists to soil themselves.

"De…demon!" one of the men shouted with tears in his eyes as the beast before them slowly approached them.

"IT'S TIME FOR YOU ALL TO DIE!" Samuel roared, his voice mimicking that of an abyssal monster, as he charged at them with superhuman speed. He went on a literal rampage, destroying everything and everyone in his path. The terrorists, in their terror, tried fighting back with everything they had but nothing they did could slow down the beast.

Samuel continued to tear through all the terrorist; his fangs and claws going through everything like a shredder, as his consciousness slowly faded away. the night was filled with the screams of the vicitims of the monster who took over Samuel's body.

Samuel woke up several hours later; his head resting on Elizabeth's lap. The morning sun stood clear in the sky. "Good, you are finally awake", Elizabeth said as she stroked his hair and horns. "Are you alright? You were wounded", Samuel asked realizing the wound was gone. "Yeah, I had a few broken bones as well but my body has completely healed itself. I guess it's all thanks to you", she said with a smile. "That's good", he said with a sigh as he lifted his head and sat upright.

He turned only to experience the greatest shock of his life. The entire mountain was gone. It had been destroyed with the members of the terrorist organization scattered on the ground with majority of them dead, as if they willingly walked through an industrial shredder, and the others either paralyzed, broken or unconscious. Even the hidden trucks were torn asunder, none left operational. "What in the world happened?!" Samuel asked shocked. "I have no idea. When I recovered, I was already outside and you were lying by my side unconscious as well", Elizabeth explained.

"Well... I'm glad you are safe", Samuel said as he wiped the dust off her cheek. "Same here", she replied with a smile as she wiped a smudge of blood off his lips. "I can't remember anything that happened after you were injured. My world went red and I wanted nothing more than to hurt them", Samuel said as he stood to his feet and helped her up. "I can't imagine it but what's done is done", she replied trying to appease him.

"I guess we should call the authorities, they need to come and clear this place", Samuel said. "It's already been done. The first thing I did after I woke up was to contact the police. They were quite skeptical at first but after I sent them a photo, they believed me. They should be here anytime soon", Elizabeth informed. "You're right. I can hear the faint sound of helicopters heading this way. They'll probably be here in a few minutes", Samuel said as he listened intently. "That's good", she replied as she cleaned herself.

"Good, but I think it would be bad if they meet me here", Samuel pointed out. "You're right. We have to leave. They already have this location; we don't have to be here anymore. Let's go", she said and held on to him. With a beat of his wings, they were high up in the sky. The duo cleared out of sight as several cars and helicopters belonging to the Sienna Metropolis Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation arrived and surrounded the former mountain.

They set up a perimeter and round up the few terrorists who were lucky enough to still be alive. They were really astounded. The maps clearly showed a large mountain in their location but what laid before them was a smoldering crater. The analysts had trouble trying to imagine what could have caused this level of destruction other than a missile.

Upon examining the dead and the paralyzed, the investigators discovered traces of an unrecognizable venom in their systems. The dead had greater doses in them as well as dismembered body parts, while the paralyzed and broken had smaller doses in their system. Their bodies were also covered in deep lacerations made by some sort of claws. It was a miracle that they were alive at all.

They discovered one of the terrorists who was still conscious but paralyzed. Fear had consumed him and he shook violently with tears and snot streaming out of his eyes and nose. He had soiled himself front and back.

The still conscious survivor said nothing but uttered one statement over and over, "The devil… it's the devil. He's come for us… he's come for us all". The federal investigators stood confused and alarmed at the terrorist's psychotic ravings. They, of course, disregarded his ravings and continued their work and had all the bodies, both alive and dead, transported back to the city for processing.

After several hours of investigation, they still came up a blank. They couldn't identify any creature that had that kind of venom, fangs, claws and the destructive force capable of destroying an entire mountain. Unable to identify the cause or causes of all the death and destruction, they decided to close the case and chock it up to providence for delivering the terrorist group into their hands.

After observing the operations of the police and federal investigators from high up in the sky the entire time, Samuel flew Elizabeth back to her camp. He snuck her into her tent and laid her on her sleep bag. All her accumulated exhaustion hit her instantly and she fell asleep instantly. He then snuck back out of the camp and flew into the sky. He flew back home and went straight to bed, not speaking of the incidents of the day to anyone.

A week later, on the eve of Elizabeth's family's departure, Elizabeth snuck out of their camp and met Samuel in the woods. They strolled under the stars, recalling all they had gone through these past few days, until they came to an open grassy field in the mountains. They laid on the open field, with Elizabeth on his open wing, stargazing for hours. She suddenly broke the silence with an announcement.

"I have to leave", she said with a sad tone. "Sure, I'll see you tomorrow, right?" he asked with oblivious stare. "No, I-I mean leave-leave. My family is going back to the city tomorrow", she announced. "Oh, so when will you return?" he asked in a hopeful tone. "I can't really say. It took almost a year to convince my parents to allow for this trip this summer. We only got this opportunity because my dad finally had time off from work", she informed.

"Well… I am going to miss you very much", he said with a sad look on his face. "Don't be upset, I am sure we'll meet again sooner or later", she said trying to cheer him up. "I guess". "Well until we meet again, I'll like to give you something to remember me by". Before he could react, she drew closer, placed her hand on his shoulder and kissed him, taking him completely by surprise. She pulled back and proceeded to hug him a final time. "Bye", she said and ran off towards her camp with tears trickling down her face.

"Wait!" he said as she stopped and looked back. "I promise I'll come find you. No matter how long it takes", he said to her with resolve as she smiled amidst tears. She waved towards him and continued running towards her camp. Samuel flew home in slight despair. He couldn't sleep the entire night as his mind was flooded with thoughts of possibly never seeing Elizabeth again. He flew out his window to the roof of their house and laid down upon it.

He gazed at the night sky until the first rays of the morning sun caught his eye. "Today's the day, huh!" he sighed as he got down from the roof.

He left his home a few hours later, flying towards Elizabeth's campsite. He was just in time to see their camper van driving out of the camp. From his position, he could see Elizabeth looking out of the window hoping to see him. He flew in a pattern he knew only she could recognize until she spotted him. She immediately, opened the window and waved at him.

Watching his little sister's action, her brother's curiosity got the better of him. He opened another window and peered through it in the direction his sister was waving at. Noticing him, Samuel gave him a smile and a wave. Seeing the flying boy once again, Elizabeth's brother calmly withdrew his head, closed the window and finally collapsed onto the car seat.

Elizabeth saw this and smiled. Samuel and Elizabeth waved at each other with tears in their eyes until the camper van disappeared beyond the horizon. He clenched his fists trying to bottle up his sorrow. "I'll definitely see her again", he reassured himself as he flew back home with a dejected look on his face. He sighed as he recalled all their time together, causing him to be depressed even more than before.