The Genesis Twins Part Five - Reunion Part One

The twins woke up the next morning frazzled and disheveled. "You two look like you just walked through a storm", Maxwell teased as he brushed their hair back. "We've been having the same recurring dream", Sylvester reported and his sister nodded in agreement. "What was it about?" Clarice asked.

"We keep seeing a pretty lady. She keeps calling us her children and asks us to find her. What's weirder is, a particular location keeps popping up as well. We think it's the jungle at the edge of the city. Honestly, being close to her in the dream brings about some feeling of nostalgia", Sylvia said. "Hmm! Well, tomorrow is a Saturday, right? We can go on a picnic in the park nearby and take the chance to look around. Whether or not we find anything, it should be a fun day out", Maxwell said and the twins jumped up with joy.

"Do you really think we will find something if we go there?" Clarice asked her husband after the twins left the room. "I'm not sure but I don't think their dreams are mere coincidences. We may just find something or someone tomorrow", Maxwell confided.

Traffic in the city was light as it was a weekend. After the hour drive from their home in the middle of town, they finally arrived at the park near the jungle at the edge of the city. They continued straight and reached the outskirts of the jungle, finding a nice spot to set up camp. After having lunch, they decided to search for the location. They walked for a few minutes until the twins experienced a sudden déjà vu.

Their current location seemed very familiar. They turned towards a bush path, saw the main road and got a sudden flashback of their first time in that location. They followed the rout that seemed familiar until they came to a large dust-covered rock. "This place seems so familiar but I don't remember such a massive rock", Sylvia said trying to recall as she observed the surrounding area.

"Well, if I remember correctly, you two were found close to here. I wonder if that's related in any way", Maxwell said as he brushed the dust off the rock. A sudden jolt of electricity caused him to jerk back his hand and back off. "What's wrong?" Clarice asked shocked by his action. "That's no ordinary rock. It just zapped me", he said trying to shake the pain away.

"What do you mean?" Clarice asked. "I feel the faint flow of electricity within it", Sylvester said as he touched the rock. The spot he touched suddenly glowed and a voice spoke out, "SECURITY SYSTEM DEACTIVATED!" The rock started to vibrate and the dust like shell covering whatever it was, suddenly blew off revealing a capsule of some sort. A rod popped out of the top and using some sort of infrared beam, did a quick scan of the surrounding area.

Upon completing the scan, the rod re-entered the capsule and the voice of the artificial intelligence in the capsule's system spoke out again. "AUTHORITY RECOGNISED. WELCOME BACK MASTER GENE AND LADY NESIS. I'VE BEEN AWAITING YOUR RETURN". "Whaaa!!" they all shouted in awe.


It then proceeded to give them a brief rundown of everything that happened since they left their home planet until they arrived on Earth. "YOU HAVE A MESSAGE FROM THE KING AND QUEEN", it said ending the briefing. "A message from our real parents?" the twins asked. "YES! WOULD YOU LIKE TO RECEIVE IT?" the A.I asked. The twins looked back to Maxwell and Clarice who nodded in unison.

"Yes please" the twins said anxiously. A three-dimensional image of a man dressed in royal regalia was suddenly projected surprising them. The image before them was of an extremely handsome man exuding profound power. "Greetings, I am Osairus, Monarch of the planet Hexanza", the man introduced himself. If you are receiving this message, then it means your voyage was a success and you are safely on Earth".

"You might be wondering why we had to send you away. We assure you that it was done out of love and fear for your safety. A terrible and unbeatable enemy had set its eyes on our planet. We couldn't bear to let you die, so, we had no other choice but to make this selfish decision. You are the Genesis Twins; mortal reincarnations of the ancient Hexanzan twin gods. Your mere existences have been foretold since time immemorial. Your deaths could possibly create a rift in the flow of destiny. Also, I am afraid this is the only time you will be able to see me, but though we may not be able to see each other again; remember that my love will be with you, always. Also, your mother; my wife, will be with you soon. This is my wife, Queen Silendiana", he said gesturing to another projected image floating beside him.

"That's her. That's the lady we keep seeing in our dreams", they said to Max and Clarice. "I leave the rest in her hands. Live long and prosper. I love you both. Farewell!", Osairus bid his children goodbye as his projection disappeared leaving that of their supposed mother.

"My dear children; by the time you see this, I should already be on Earth. I will be close. Lisia will lead you to me. I want you to find me as quickly as you can", she said as her projection disappeared. "Woah! So those were our true parents", Sylvester said to Sylvia. "But wait, who the heck is Lisia?" Sylvia asked.

"THAT'S ME. I AM LISIA. I AM THE SENTIENT AND AUTONOMOUS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM THAT CONTROLLED ALL HEXANZAN TECHNOLOGY. I AM A FRAGMENT SEPERATED FROM THE MAIN SYSTEM TO RUN THIS CAPSULE. NOW, IF YOU PLEASE", Lisia said as the capsule hummed alive and began to hover, slowly heading up the path, travelling above the trees and moving deeper into the jungle. They followed the capsule's lead and walked deeper into the jungle.

Travelling for a little bit, they soon reached a small open portion of the jungle. Just as they appeared in the open space, the barrels of over ten M15s were trained on them, with Lisia camouflaging the capsule the split second they were spotted. "Hold it right there!" the leader shouted and the family stopped instantly.

"Maxy baby, fancy seeing you here", the leader spoke out. "Who are you and what do you want", Maxwell asked startled by the sudden standoff. "None of that matters. All you need to know is, there are some people who've paid good money to have you gone. It's nothing personal", the leader said as they cocked their weapons. "I see. You are with the 'Warcry Assassins Company', a well renowned group in the dark underworld of this country. I can't believe my enemies would go so far as to contract a formidable group as yours. Tell me how much they are paying you and I'll double it", Maxwell tried to negotiate.

"I'm sorry. That will go against company policy. We are the loyal type if you'll believe it. Besides, it is said that death is the greatest adventure of all. Be sure to send a postcard", he said and gave the signal to open fire. "Go peacefully and meet your maker!" the leader declared and his men opened fire.