Meeting Part One

Dr. Michelson and Samuel, after a couple of hours driving, finally arrived at Cape Metro City. As they drove through the city, Samuel took in the various sites. "This city is not so different than Sienna Metropolis", Samuel commented after he spotted several familiar buildings. "Yes, but unlike Sienna that has the mountains, Cape Metro has a jungle", Dr. Michelson added.

"Hmm. Well anyway, I'm starving. When can we have lunch?" Samuel asked. "Soon", Dr. Michelson responded. "Alright", Samuel said as he resumed his sightseeing. Reaching the center of the city, they stopped to have lunch at one of the renowned family restaurants.

They stood in front of the two-story building that served as one of the four-star restaurants in the city. "This here is my favorite restaurant in the city. They serve an assortment of dishes I'm sure you will love", Dr. Michelson said as he led Samuel inside. They were welcomed by a waiter and escorted to an empty table. "Please let me know when you are ready to order", the waiter said and walked away.

"They have good customer service", Samuel commended. "Indeed. Let's eat first and talk after", Dr. Michelson said as he picked up a menu. Although they had no issues with money, Samuel was still shocked by the prices attached to each item on the menu. After making their choices, the called on the waiter and placed their order.

Samuel ordered a large meat-lovers pizza with a large steak on the side while Dr. Michelson ordered a steak with a cob salad. The food came and they started eating. "How are you able to eat that?" Samuel asked as he stared at the plate full of vegetables before Dr. Michelson. Over the course of his life, Samuel discovered that, though he could eat vegetables, he very much preferred meat. In fact, he hated the 'bland' taste vegetables had in his mouth, in fact, he could barely taste them.

"Of course, you hate vegetables, you are a carnivore. Your preferred choice of food would of course be meat", Dr. Michelson explained. "That explains it. Mom and Dad always had to force me to eat my veggies", Samuel said embarrassed. Actually, his hatred for vegetables had masked the fact that in his human form, he could taste vegetables just fine.

As they ate, Samuel decided to ask the question that was eating at his brain. "Hey, Doc, this person who is supposedly powerful enough to train me, who is he?". "He is a She!" Dr. Michelson corrected surprising Samuel.

"A lady? There actually is a lady that strong in this city?" Samuel asked astonished. "Yes. You are going to meet her pretty soon. She is supposed to meet us after lunch so hurry up with your steak", Dr. Michelson said as he finished up with his lunch.

"That was delicious. Not really filling but still okay", Samuel said with a light burp. "Don't worry. You'll be able to eat your fill soon", Dr. Michelson said as he asked the waiter for the bill. Just as Dr. Michelson paid the bill, they heard a loud, distant explosion outside.

The panicked diners run towards the glass windows to see what caused the explosion. Samuel and Dr. Michelson, as well as several other brave customers ran outside and saw people looking into the sky. They followed suit and saw an airplane with a blown engine gradually hurdling towards the city.

"Oh my God, we're going to die!!" a lady screamed as the crowd went into a full-on panic and scattered. "I must save them", Samuel said as he placed his bag on the ground; near Dr. Michelson. Before, he could take any action, his senses picked up something that made his hairs stand on end and his ears perk up. He turned back to face the sky.

"What's wrong? Did you sense anything strange?" Dr. Michelson asked noticing the tense way Samuel stood there. "I am sensing … electrical waves, something or someone is coming", Samuel responded and looked into the darkening sky. Out of the darkness, bolts of lightning suddenly struck in the sky. Two lightning coated kids emerged and hovered in the sky. "The hell...", Samuel stammered seeing the two.

From the ground, any regular person could see the two as tiny specs in the sky but with his enhanced eye sight, Samuel could see them clear as day.

Without any hesitation, the two kids flew to the plummeting airplane and got under it trying to stabilize it and slow its descent

"It seems those two have it covered", Samuel said as he bent down to pick his bag. Dr. Michelson pressed a small button on the side of his glasses and a screen appeared. He faced the falling plane and zoomed in getting a better look. "I think they still need your help", Dr. Michelson pointed out as he stared into the sky. "Why is that?" Samuel asked.

"That plane is an AirbusA380, probably the world's largest passenger airline. It's too heavy for them to handle. You need to get to them quickly or things could get messy", he instructed. Samuel, using his telescopic vision, took a look at the condition of the two superpowered kids. "They really are struggling with that", Samuel said absent mindedly.

"Yeah! You better hurry and help them", Dr. Michelson urged. Samuel nodded in agreement and took a look around. He quickly walked down an alley way and slipped into the darkness. A minute later, the whole area began to suddenly shake. "What's going on?!!" the panicked pedestrians exclaimed as the ground under their feet rumbled. Just then, a large reptilian creature the size of a three-story building emerged from the top of the buildings and gave a loud roar.

"It's a monster!!" they screamed in panic as they ran away. Samuel could do nothing but be amused by their plight. He gave another loud roar as he spread his wings and leapt off the ground with force. The gust of wind that succeeded his take-off was so strong it knocked-down several people in a two-hundred-meter radius.

Samuel shot into the sky with great speed; towards the falling passenger plane. When he got closer, he could tell that the super powered kids were scared by his approach but they were focusing on keeping the plane from plummeting into the city. "They better not drop it", he said to himself as he neared them.