Kidnapping gone wrong

"Don't worry little girl. It's only gonna hurt at first but after a while you'll only feel pleasure. It's gonna happen one way or the other so you might as well enjoy it. Prepare to climb the stairs to adulthood", he said as he licked his lips and eyed her body.

Elizabeth finally registered the true essence of what was about to happen. Her fear and panic caused her heartbeat to race in her chest and the dragon blood she had worked so hard to suppress was reignited in her body.

Her eyes turned into reptilian slits as her finger nails grew into sharp claws. Her consciousness faded and she did not know what happened next. "This body belongs to my beloved. I will not allow insignificant bugs like you to soil it", an otherworldly voice came from her mouth as she swiped at the light switch, turning the lights off.

The sound proofing done to the room by the gang members to prevent drawing unwanted interferences succeeded in keeping in all the screaming that happened next.

Elizabeth opened her eyes to find herself in her bed with her mother sitting bedside. "Mom!" she said drawing her mother's attention. "My baby! How are you feeling?" her mom asked as she sat beside her on the bed and hugged her.

"Mom, what's going on?" Elizabeth asked as she sat up on the bed. "We found you unconscious on the Estate's lawn. There was blood on you but thankfully it was not yours. Your father and his men are currently tracking your phone to find out what truly happened. Is there anything you remember?" her mother asked.

"The last thing I remember is being grabbed on the road by some guys in a van and being tied up. I can't remember what happened next", Elizabeth replied. "I can't believe they tried to kidnap my daughter ", her mother thought to herself. "Get some rest honey. I'll bring you your dinner when it's ready ", she said as she left the room. Elizabeth fell asleep immediately after. For some reason, she was extremely exhausted, like she had just ran a marathon with weights on her shoulders.

An hour later, her father returned to the mansion and met his wife. "Honey, what did you find out?" she asked him. He clenched his fist as he replied, "When we arrived at the location of the phone, it was an abandoned warehouse. When we entered the room we met a pretty gruesome scene. It seems they tried to make a video of they raping Elizabeth; to threaten me no doubt, but someway somehow, a wild animal found it's way there and tore their throats out ". "A wild animal, are you certain?" she asked. "I know it may be confusing but the marks on the bodies and the manner in which their throats were ripped out all point to a clawed creature", he explained.

"We've put out a city wide APB to try and identify and possibly capture the creature responsible for the mauling", he added.

"If that's the case, how did our daughter escape?" she asked again.

"I'm not sure, but it's possible she got the chance to sneak away when the men were attacked. We may never know what truly happened; you know, with her memory loss and all. I'm just glad she is safe", he said. "Me too ", she replied and hugged her husband.

"For now, I'll place special agents around to protect her until the battle with the gang is over. I'll make sure nothing of the sort happens to our daughter ever again ", he promised her.

At the outskirt of the city, in a small apartment complex, a bald headed man sat before several of his men. This was the leader of the top gang in the city.

He sat, topless before his men showing off his bulky muscular body with tattoos all over. He had been the leader for a couple years now. When he first took the position, his gang just had a few dozen men but with his strength alone, he got all the other small gangs like his to submit to him and join his gang. Now he had close to a hundreden on his side.

Doing this, he became the greatest crime Lord in the city. His only competition used to be other large gangs that he couldn't get to submit but now, with the induction of the new regional superintendent of police, he had the entire police force breathing down his neck. All those in the police force who were once in his pocket either denounced him or were arrested. He now had no pull in the police.

In order to send a message, he had the brilliant idea of shooting a video of his men raping the superintendent's only daughter and sending it to him. The plan was perfect and sure to succeed, but before him stood his men informing him that the plan failed.

"What do you mean it failed? The last report I received was that they had her in the room and were ready to begin. So what else could have happened to ruin the plan?" he asked with a clenched fist.

"Well boss, after the last transmission, we lost contact with them. When we sent a few boys over to check up on them the police had already surrounded the place so they couldn't get in. They saw body bags being carried out. The information they got was that the boys doing the job were mauled to death by a wandering wild animal. The girl however was able to escape and make it back home ", the lackey reported.

"Where the fuck did a wild animal appear from. Fuck!! Now all my plans are messed up ", the boss said as he slammed his fist on the table before him

"What do we do now boss?" the lackey asked. "We'll do nothing for now. Knowing that man, he'll have special agents watch over his daughter twenty-four seven. If we move right now, there's a great chance that we may lose and probably lose more of our men. We'll be easy picking for the other gangs. We'll have to come up with another plan for next time. For now we must make sure to stay off their radar until this blows over ", he instructed and they all obeyed.

Present day.

Miles away in the jungles of Cape Metro city, Samuel, Sylvester and Sylvia stood before Silendiana to begin their joint training. She smiled as she observed the three kids in training gear that weighed heavier than a motherfu***.

"Since today is the first day, we'll start off easy. I'm going to attack you. Do everything you can to keep away from me without transforming. I'm giving you a thirty second head start", she said to the dumbfounded kids as she started the countdown.

"""Seriously!!""" the three kids said at the same time, dreading their futures.