Gyarados Part One

A year after their intensive training began, Samuel and the twins had experienced first-hand the true terror of a super powered sadist. Their daily training, most of the time, left them battered and bruised.

Most of their training happened in a specially designed training room that had a warped gravity field that increased as the training proceeded. Using the bracelets given to the children before they enter the training room, Lisia was able to isolate the space around each of them and focus differing weights of gravity on each individual person based on their base strengths.

Delgato, being the only true human amongst them had the lowest base strength, followed by the twins who had almost equal base strengths with Sylvester having a slight edge over his sister and finally Samuel who was of course a living breathing catastrophe.

They constantly bore absurd weights throughout their training and it never got any easier as, the stronger they grew, the heavier the gravity became.

Summer soon arrived and they had finally been given a break from their training; a week's worth of rest to revitalize themselves. And what was the best use of their time? Why, ... going to the beach of course.

In the form of a large sea dragon, Samuel floated on the surface of the ocean, miles from the coast of the city, with the twins and Delgato sunbathing on his back; his dragon form scaring the crap out of some fishermen and sea creatures nearby. The twins were awake but Delgato, was fast asleep.

"This past year has been hell", Samuel sighed as he dunked his dragon head into the sea to cool himself from the summer heat. "Tell me about it, mom's really going hard on us", Sylvester sighed. "You do know that she's just starting with us, right?" Sylvia asked. "Huh!!", they all sighed in response.

"Anyway, I heard you guys took down a monster a few years ago, is that right?" Samuel asked. "That's true. I think its name was Gyarados. It was really scary", Sylvester replied. "Tell me more about it", Samuel requested. "It's a long story. Are you sure you want to hear it?" Sylvia asked. "We have all day. Tell me", Samuel convinced. "Alright then, let me tell you from the beginning", Sylvester said as he stared up to the sky.

'In the mid-twentieth century, the government sanctioned a geneticist called Dr. William Tenma to develop a high value biological weapon. By providing him with millions of dollars in research funds, Dr. Tenma's research proceeded swimmingly.

The doctor attempted to create an ultimate bio weapon by fusing together the DNA of three creatures versatile in their own rights. He attempted fusing DNA from the Arachnida class, Phylum Arthropoda as well as Octopodidae family; basically, the spider, scorpion and the octopus. After several years of trying, the experiment was finally a success.

By inserting a bit of his DNA, the doctor had the mischievous idea of making the creature subservient to him if need be. You could call it his fail safe if the unexpected should happen.

The egg of the amalgamated creature lay gently in its incubator. As part of the experiment, Dr. Tenma regularly injected the egg with tiny doses of a potent growth serum he had developed, forcing it to develop faster, since the deadline given to him by his investors was soon approaching.

The deadline for his project soon arrived. The general in charge of the project arrived at the research institute demanding results for the millions of dollars invested. The doctor's consistent growth serum injections had paid off.

The creature had finally hatched, having a spider's head, body and legs, the body armor, tail and pincers of a scorpion and the tentacles of an octopus along both sides of its body. "So, this is what you have been doing with the millions of dollars the government gave you? What is this crap? We asked for a weapon of mass destruction not a child's play toy", the general said displeased and disgusted as the creature swam in a tub of water.

"Sir, this is Gyarados. He is a newly created creature with the defensive and offensive abilities of the scorpion, the motility and ferocity of the spider and the evasion and maneuvering ability of the octopus. It's still a baby now but it will grow bigger soon enough and be of use to the government. At the moment, there is no way to determine how big it will grow and how long it will take, but with time, constant surveillance and constant growth serum dosage, I should be able to get it battle ready in a few months", the doctor explained quite proud of his work and completely ignoring the general's disgust.

"Show me something worthwhile or we are scrubbing the entire project", the general threatened, surprising Dr. Tenma with his level of ignorance. "Sir, no matter how you look at it, I'll need more time. This discovery is unprecedented, there has never been one like this", the doctor pleaded trying to reason with the general. "I guess if you want something done right you have to do it yourself. Now move!!" the general said as he shoved the doctor to the ground and grabbed the flask containing the growth serum.

"Now let's see how big this monster of yours can get", the general grinned as he dumped the contents of the flask into the tub. "Wait! Stop!! The serum is potent. The dosage is just a drop at a time. Giving Gyarados that much will have horrible and unpredictable consequences", the doctor warned.

"Shut it", the general said as the last drop fell from the flask into the tub. "It's too late now", the doctor observed as Gyarados sucked and absorbed the serum from the water at a rapid rate. He backed away not knowing what will happen next.

The creature started to shake violently as, right before their eyes, Gyarados' body began growing and expanding. The tub broke into pieces as it could no longer hold the creature. It kept growing until it finally stopped, standing five meters high and nine meters long in the middle of the lab; its head almost touching the ceiling.

The general suddenly burst out laughing and shouted, "Excellent!! This is amazing. With this our country's military will stand at the top of the world. How long will it take to produce several more of them?" He asked turning to see the pale faces of the doctor and his men as they stumbled onto the ground; terrified. They shook and pointed.

"What's going on?" the general asked as he turned to the creature. Gyarados slowly approached the group, quickly catching the general in his pincers and tore him in two, swallowing the pieces in turn; leaving his men petrified with shock.

"""We fucked up""", the soldiers mumbled as the creature turned towards them.