Gyarados Part Two

The creature bellowed as it attacked the rest of the men. "We need back up here, immediately! It's code red", a soldier shouted into his walkie-talkie. Gyarados fired off several; small, one-foot thorns under his stinger; which regenerated instantly, killing off majority of the men and finishing off the rest with its pincers and tentacles. Gyarados killed everyone and enjoyed a hearty meal; everyone except the doctor of course.

Like a child to its parent, Gyarados lowered itself to the ground and snuggled up to the doctor. Gyarados had imprinted on Dr. Tenma; the human DNA in its system causing it to recognize Dr. Tenma as its father. This seemed to please the doctor greatly as he smiled and petted the creature; his gamble had paid off. "To think you were able to recognize me as your father. I am extremely proud of you", the doctor said and the creature licked his face with his long barbed tongue.

"We have to get ready. More of them would be coming soon", he said as he hooked Gyarados to a machine he had prepared in advance. The machine's purpose was to assist Gyarados' mind to open and be able to learn and adapt to different situations and environments, after all, even with his size Gyarados was still just a baby

After the machine had done its job, Dr. Tenma mounted his creation in preparation for the oncoming assault and their escape. He desired to escape the institute with his child to prevent the government from getting their grubby mints on him.

Reinforcement soon arrived at the institute. Several teams of Special Forces swarmed the institute and surrounded the doctor and the creature. Dr. Tenma, riding atop Gyarados, was considered an enemy and declared an elimination target alongside the creature. They immediately opened fire on the father and child pair.

Gyarados immediately shielded its father with its hardened carapace that was doing well in tanking the bullets. Unable to break through the creature's carapace, they switched to RPG's and higher caliber weapons that had a harder hit than regular bullets.

Using these weapons, Gyarados' carapace started to crack all over. In the confusion of the battle, a single RPG snuck past its defense. The grenade went unobstructed, reaching Dr. Tenma, and blowing up in his face, ripping the doctor apart in the explosion.

"Fa… ther, father!!", the creature shouted in a stuttering manner, taking the entire raid force by surprise. "The creature can speak!!" the men shouted in horror. "Y... you will for this!!" Gyarados shouted as it charged and slaughtered the entire platoon in a blood rage.

Gyarados broke out of the institute unto the street causing mass panic and hysteria. Several attack helicopters arrived and started bombarding the creature. Even with his natural armour, Gyarados still sustained several mortal wounds all over his body as it tried to escape. It managed to dive into a nearby lake as several missiles struck the water causing consecutive explosions.

The surface of the lake calmed as Gyarados' tentacles, ripped off by the explosions, floated unto the surface of the water. They concluded it was dead when Gyarados never resurfaced for days on end.

To be safe, the lake was closed off, declared dangerous and restricted with twenty-four-hour surveillance, seven days in the week. Military divers, using sonar radars, were unable to track Gyarados' life signs and concluded finally that the creature was dead. For months, progressing into years, Gyarados never resurfaced out of the lake. The entire project was scrubbed and all information regarding the events of the day was erased.

Life for the Millers in the present day had been going on swimmingly. For the six months since they were reunited with their mom, the twins and their mother had really bonded. Silendiana had trained the twins extensively on how their powers worked and how to control and use them in several utilitarian ways.

She had taught them how to fly by manipulating electrons in the atmosphere as well as how to move from one location to another instantaneously by converting their entire bodies into lightning and travelling at the speed of light through the electrons in the atmosphere.

Max and Clarice made it a point to visit their children regularly and spend time with them as well as get to know Silendiana even better. The twins, due to all their training, unlocked the ability to change their hair colors from their attention-drawing silver colored hair to a well-recognized blonde color. This new ability had the reverse to it.

They were able to transform further; their entire being changing as well. Their bodies had lightning wrapped around them like cloaks, with their golden eyes that discharged several sparks of electricity constantly; their new taller forms giving them a heavenly but monstrous look.

"You have done it. Your training has paid off. I can't believe it", Silendiana said admiring her children's new forms. "What is happening to them?" Maxwell asked quite concerned. "They are manifesting the power of the ancient Hexanzan twin gods; the divine robes of Alares. It is basically their combat modes", Silendiana explained simply.

The twins dubbed it their 'Lightning God forms'. That night, whilst the twins were in bed, Silendiana and the Millers sat to talk. They proposed the idea of enrolling the twins in school. An idea of which Silendiana quickly accepted; without reservation. "It will be good for them to live their normal lives among people their age", Silendiana added, to the joy of her co parents.

Bright and early the next morning, they informed the twins of their decision; of which they were very accepting. It didn't take much for Maxwell to get the twins enrolled as transfer students in the Cape Metro Middle School. With their superior intellects and extensive home schooling, the twins breezed through the transfer exams; notwithstanding the fact that they made it their mission to remain slightly above average and not draw too much unwanted attention to themselves.

Even with this resolve, they couldn't help standing out in their academics and co-curricular activities. It didn't help that they were Sylvester and Sylvia Miller, children of the renowned Maxwell and Clarice Miller as well as the heirs of the Miller Conglomerate, one of the world's most successful businesses.

The twins drew attention wherever they went; which seemed to drive them crazy but a few weeks into their enrollment, the situation seemed to die down as more and more children stopped fawning over them.