
For fifty years, the waters of the lake remained calm. The fish in the lake had become abundant in the lake, so much so that city officials had no choice but to open it to the public. After sending in teams to ensure the lake was safe of any predators, the officials declared the city's first fishing season to happen the following Sunday; going further as to make it into a grandiose affair; selling tickets and all that.

Friends and families from all over had rented boats and canoes and were just floating on the water, soaking up the sun and trying to catch some of the fish. Even with the huge numbers of people taking part in the event, there was no shortage of fish to speak of someone not grabbing a single bite.

Others preferred to camp on the shore and have a day of relaxation; enjoying the never seen before fishing atmosphere. The day ended as unhindered as it started. With the fish population now under the required rate, the lake was closed off to the public once more. The rangers in charge of the lake patrolled as usual ensuring that there were no trespassers.

The next day, a Monday, a couple of High School delinquents playing hooky made their way towards the lake. While the rangers were on lunch break, they snuck past the fence and got to the shore. "Dude, won't we get caught", Donnie; the smallest of the delinquents asked.

"No way man. They are on lunch break by this time and besides, it would take a considerable amount of time for them to get her from their station", Callaghan, the second delinquent assured. "Don't be a wuss", Ricky, the tallest of the three as well as the leader of their group said as he brought out a bundle of dynamite from his knapsack.

"Dude, what is that?!" Donnie exclaimed. "It's dynamite, idiot" Ricky retorted. "I know but, what's it for? I thought we were here to fish" he said perplexed. "Do you see any fishing equipment?" Callaghan asked pointing out the obvious.

"Where did you even get that?" Donnie asked. "My dad is a demolition expert. Of course, he would have a bundles of dynamite at home. He is always too drunk, I doubt he will even realize a bundle is gone", Ricky explained.

"So cool!" Callaghan said in admiration. "Who needs a fucking fishing pole? There is nothing lamer than sitting for a countless number of hours just to catch a single stinking fish. Besides, this way is more exciting. Nothing says 'party' like a big bang", Ricky said as he pulled out a lighter and lit the fuse.

Once the fuse was lit, he chucked the bundle with all his might into the lake and took cover with his friends. A minute passed but there was no explosion. "Think that was a dud?" Callaghan asked. "Nah dude! It's the real deal, I'm sure", Ricky assured. "Then perhaps the water soaked the fuse", Callaghan surmised.

"Maybe! Donnie, go check it out", Ricky said to the reluctant boy. "Why do I have to", Donnie asked clearly scared. "Stop being a giant pussy and just go check it out", Ricky pressured. Fine, I'll do it", Donnie said as he stood up. Just as his foot touched the shore, the dynamite exploded, sending a shockwave that knocked him back several feet into the forest by the lake's shore. The explosion was so loud that it could be hard clear across a radius of half a kilometer and beyond..

"Woah! That was insane!" Callaghan shouted. "Dude you alive?" Ricky asked as Donnie moaned in pain. "I think something is broken", Donnie said as he struggled to rise to his feet. "We've got to hurry. The rangers will be here soon", Callaghan said to the two.

Ricky pulled Donnie to his feet and they run to a small canoe beached by the shores of the lake. The pushed it onto the lake and rowed it to the spot of the explosion. "Dudes! What a haul", Ricky said as they stared at the hundreds of dead fish floating on the surface of the water.

"Alright let's load them up", Ricky instructed as they brought out plastic bags and began loading up the fish. The rangers soon arrived at the shore to investigate the sudden explosion, though they had their suspicions.

They called out to the boys to return to shore and turn themselves in but to no avail. "Come and get us you big sons of bitches!!" Ricky shouted back to them, flashing both middle fingers. As they kept up the verbal exchange, huge bubbles started appearing on the surface of the water.

"What is that?" the chief ranger asked. "I have no idea sir. Our records show that only fish reside in this lake. Judging by the size of those bubbles, it is a very large creature; maybe a hippopotamus", his deputy answered. "Whatever it is, it might be dangerous. Get those teenagers out of there", the chief instructed as the deputy called for their patrol boat.

"Yo! Dudes, what's that?" Callaghan asked pointing as Ricky turned. The water surface suddenly got violent as their canoe swayed haphazardly with the boys trying hard to keep it from capsizing. "Somebody, please help us!!" Donnie shouted.

"Hang on kids. We're going to get you out of there!! The chief shouted as patrol boats came up a corner heading towards the boys. Just as they reached the boys, something they would have never expected in their worst nightmares happened.

A four feet wide, seventy feet long tentacle shot out of the water and wrapped itself around the canoe; scaring the bejesus out of them. "What the…?!!" Ricky shouted at the horrifying sight. The canoe was crushed to bits flinging the boys into the lake.

"Get them out of there now!!" the chief shouted to the patrol boats. The closest boat pulled up alongside the boys intending to retrieve them and escape the vicinity quickly. Another tentacle popped up, caught and crushed the first patrol boat. The rangers from the first boat grabbed the boys and swam frantically towards the second patrol boat.

Just as they reached the second boat, three more tentacles shot out and caught Ricky, Callaghan and a ranger from behind in tight squeezes, dragging them down to the depths. Ricky!! Callaghan!!" Donnie shouted as he was hoisted unto the boat. A pool of blood collected on the surface of the water followed by pieces of their ripped apart clothes and bodies.

"Oh my God!" Donnie said as he fell to his knees and puked. "Get the hell out of there!!" the chief shouted in panic as the driver punched the full throttle. A few meters into their escape, several spear-like thorns shot out of the water at the boat at bullet-like speeds. The boat was badly damaged and four rangers had died upon contact; their bodies turning into pin cushions, with the others in critical conditions.

A thorn pierced through Donnie's left shoulder socket, ripping his entire arm off in an instant. He screamed in pain as his arm fell into the water and his blood spewed out of the severed shoulder socket. Although badly hurt, the helmsman managed to drive the damaged boat and crash it unto the shore.

The surface of the lake's waters thundered as a large monster popped out. It stood thirty feet tall and sixty feet long. It had the carapace, pincers and tail of a scorpion; a head, legs and body of a spider and the tentacles of an octopus; or a squid.

It bellowed loudly, striking terror into the hearts of the already terrified rangers. "What in God's blazes is that thing?!" the chief asked terror-struck. "Who dares to wake Gyarados from his slumber?" the monster spoke out; speaking in the third person and taking everyone completely by surprise.

"That monster can talk!!" a ranger pointed out. "What kind of name is Gyarados?" another ranger asked. "Is that what really matters to you right now?" the chief asked kind of pissed. "Gyarados' father gave him that name. Humans killed Gyarados' father. Humans must die", Gyarados declared as he directed the tip of his tail at them.

"Everyone, take cover!!" the chief shouted in a panic as they took cover behind the trees and rocks. Gyarados fired consecutive volleys of his spear-like thorns at them. The barrage of thorns was powerful enough to rip chunks out of the trees and rocks protecting the men.

"Call for help", the chief ordered. "Who should I call?" the deputy asked in a panicking voice. "The police; the army, the air force; I don't care. Just call somebody" the chief said as a thorn ripped through his cover tree and pierced his side. Being a veteran soldier, he knew exactly how to handle himself. He pressed the wound to prevent further blood loss as he moaned in pain.

Sensing the large group of humans gathering outside the park, Gyarados stopped firing and turned his attention from the cowering rangers. The large group of people was being drawn by the commotion. They screamed in terror as Gyarados' head popped out over the trees and gave a loud bellow.

The crowd panicked and run away as Gyarados attacked them. The police soon arrived and immediately opened fire on the monster. Their bullets ricochetted off the monster's carapace. Gyarados in turn fired off his very own artillery causing major damage and massive casualties.

"How are they supposed to kill that thing?" the ranger asked the chief. "I don't know. It would take a miracle to save us", the chief said as he tried to keep himself conscious. Backup soon arrived for the police. They used greater caliber bullets which seemed to dent the monster's carapace, a bit shy of piercing it but it recovered seconds later. A call was placed to the military as the police tried their best to stay alive and keep the creature from further entering the city.