Final Test

Silendiana finally arrived at the conference room. "Sorry for being late. I had to handle something", she said as she took her seat at the table. "So … I'm scared to ask but … what was the surprise you mentioned before?" Samuel asked. "Right! I guess it's time", Dr. Michelson said as he rose from his seat and walked steadily to the end of the conference table with a flat computer screen imbedded in it.

"You've graduated from middle school and soon you'll be going to high school, but you should know that that is just one objective completed. You've graduated from your academics but you are yet to graduate from your training here. Therefore, in order to complete your training, you must have your final test", Dr. Michelson declared.

"Samuel, remember when you discovered the ability to levitate, you mentioned that you could sense something in the atmosphere that was being absorbed by your body. Was that right?" he asked suddenly. "Yeah! I remember. It seems everyone of us has been slowly absorbing that substance at differing intensities. Cathy and I have a greater absorption rate when we transform into our complete emergence forms but other than that, Sly, Sylvie and Auntie Silendiana have a slightly better absorption rate. I think Delgato has the weakest but I realized that you both are currently the only humans I have come into contact with who are capable of absorbing whatever substance it is", Samuel informed.

"That's right. After our discussion, I spent the next few months with Lisia programming all our climate satellites to detect any unrecognized and unknown substances in the atmosphere around the world. This is it", Dr. Michelson said as he tapped the screen before him and a large three-dimensional holographic display of the planet materialized in the middle of the room above the conference table.

The three-dimensional globe had several blinking translucent patches of differing colors surrounding it at different angles, but there was a faint; almost invisible, white sheen covering the entire globe. "The multiple colors flashing on the globe all represent known substances in the atmosphere; all except one", he said. "I'm guessing the faint white glow is most likely what I'm sensing", Samuel noted.

"You may be right. We've been unable to identify what it is or even its composition. One thing I can tell you is that it is currently deeper than when we first discovered it. I suspect it will keep getting denser in the atmosphere. There is also the fact that we cannot tangibly handle it or store it. The closest thing to a lead we have are the occasional blood samples we take from you kids for analysis which we believe will have traces of the substance since your bodies have been absorbing it. Lisia is still doing what she can to analyze and try to isolate the substance, whatever it may be for further studies. We'll be informed promptly when she has anything of substance", he explained.

"Now, with that out of the way, the next thing to show you is this", he said as he tapped the screen and the colors on the globe disappeared. The were replaced by fewer spots that that resembled disturbed water. "These are all the spots around the world that have been recording multiple cases of natural phenomenon that do not seem too natural. The satellites have been recording these occurrences and we have isolated the phenomenon that lacks the qualities of natural the most", he informed them.

"We understand all what you are saying but, what does it have to do with the final test you mentioned. I'm yet to get the point of it", Catherina rose her hand and stated. "Patience dear. I'm getting there", he said.

"Now, let's take this for example", he said as the globe spun and zoomed in until it showed the full terrain of Cape Metro city. "This city alone has multiple spots over it. I believe you can guess why", he said.

"I'm guessing that all the phenomena caused by the dragons and users of lightning here may have resulted in such a reading", Samuel replied. "You're correct. Whenever you all do what you do, the very atmosphere has to accommodate you. That is one of the phenomena that the satellites have been recording", he explained.

"So, this is what our activities have been doing to the atmosphere. I just hope it's not affecting it negatively", Sylvester said as he stared at the globe. "Don't worry, you are not. Other than the land that occasionally gets reshaped, your activities just change the atmosphere, it doesn't destroy it", Silendiana assured.

"Getting straight to the point, this is where you all come in", Dr. Michelson finally announced as the map zoomed out to its full display. "The satellites also picked up another signal that has similar atmospheric characteristics to that of Cape Metro's; though not as profound. The place I'm talking about is this", he said as the globe spun until it stopped on the African continent. It then zoomed in until it stopped on a strange terrain. "Wait, is that a mountain?" Sylvia asked as she carefully studied the image before her.

"You're correct. This is the tallest mountain on the continent of Africa; Kilimanjaro", he informed. "Is that the venue of our final test?" Samuel asked. "It is. The satellites have been picking up signs of abnormal natural activity. Your final test is majorly an investigative trip. You will all travel there without us and investigate the place on your own. Your task is to identify the cause and if possible, resolve it. If the cause is sentient, first attempt to befriend it, but if it only knows destruction, you have permission to neutralize it. If it's beyond your abilities, make sure you reach out to us", he said with a serious look on his face causing the kids to swallow hard.

"We understand!" Samuel said. "What is our timeline?" Sylvia asked. "You have a week to prepare and a month to complete the task. We leave everything in your hands; your strategy, your mode of movement, your arsenal, everything is up to you to decide. We will only be observing you with this", he said as he pulled out a bug looking drone. "What's that?" Delgato asked.

"This is a new surveillance drone we developed for long distance surveillances. Unlike other types of drones that require manual controls, these new versions are completely automatic. They are controlled by fragments of Lisia so they are able to make split-second decisions while in the field", Dr. Michelson described. "Alright but, why did you design it as a bug? I didn't even know that design was viable", Samuel asked. "I did it because I could", Dr. Michelson stated as a matter-of-factly.

"Anyway, the design is meant to help it camouflage with its environment. It also has a reflective coating to help it camouflage with its environment anytime and anywhere. They run on solar power and still run on the saved up solar power throughout the night. They will be observing all your actions and giving us a live feed throughout the entire duration", he explained.

"Alright Doc, we understand the assignment, we'll prepare to the best of our ability and complete it" Sylvia said. "Alright! We'll leave it up to you all then", he said as he walked out of the conference room with Silendiana.