Preparing For A Trip

"Okay, first things first", Sylvia said drawing their attention to her. "Before we begin anything, I think it would be best to decide on our roles and duties", she pointed out. "Yeah, you're right", Samuel agreed. "We need a designated team leader, a logistics expert, the navigator, the chef, the Technician and the organizer", she listed.

"Well, only Cathy can cook amongst all of us so I guess we can leave it up to her", Sylvester suggested. "I'll do my best", Catherina said. "I'll be the organizer", Sylvia announced. "Okay then. I'll handle the logistics and Delgato can be the technician. That will leave the role of team leader and navigator to Samuel", Sylvester pointed out. "I agree. We'll most likely travel there on you so you'll have to figure out the direction of our journey", Sylvia added. "I'm all over it", Samuel said with a nod. "Okay then, let's start getting things ready", Samuel said as they rose from their seats.

In another room, Dr. Michelson and Silendiana watched the discussion between the kids and smiled proudly. "They are really growing up", Silendiana said as she wiped a tear from her eyes. "They sure are. With their strengths, I'm sure they can successfully keep each other safe and complete the mission", Dr. Michelson assured.

"Anyway, what is the current status of those escaped Hexanzian convicts?", he asked her. "They've managed to piggy back on the faint carrier wave our pods released on our trip to Earth. Although, since it was originally a prison vessel, they would be travelling at a speed one tenth that of our pods. Also, they would need to find a way to refuel since there was no extra fuel loaded unto the ship", she replied.

"How did you get the information", he asked again. "Lisia has managed to regain control of their ship through a backdoor system she installed whilst we were still on Hexanza, but I've instructed her not to take any action; only to monitor their movement", she replied. "Can you enlighten me on the reason? If she can retake control, shouldn't she do so?", he asked again.

"That thought did cross my mind. I even intended to have her drive the ship into a meteor shower or a blackhole", she informed. "So, why didn't you?" he asked. "Being imprisoned in the prison ship in a wormhole is the highest form of punishment given to the most dangerous criminals on the face of the planet. Anyone trapped on that ship is basically serving a life sentence. The only Hexanzians who were deserving of such a punishment were two brothers called Caralcus and Caralmus".

"They were once soldiers of the kingdom but they rebelled and tried to usurp the throne from my father-in law after they managed to increase their strengths with a certain experimental drug. The massacre they created in their wake were too terrible to quantify. Execution was too easy for people like them so they were cast into the wormhole to serve a life sentence. They are extremely durable as well as cunning. If they should discover that Lisia has regained control of the ship, they would find a way to flush her out permanently before she manages to bring them to their demise. By allowing them to come to Earth, we'll be able to take them on and wipe them out instead of constantly watching our backs for them", she explained.

"I understand your thinking. Meaning we have enough time for the kids to get stronger and for us to get ready to intercept them", he enquired. "Exactly. Anyway, they are a few years off from reaching Earth. We have a little more time", She added and he nodded in agreement.

Out in the far reaches of the universe; in the dark void of the Aswan galaxy, there was a lone vessel moving steadily across the vast expanse of space. The ship stretched out for a length of fifty meters, a width of twenty-five meters and a height of twenty meters.

Two almost identical brothers sat in the cockpit of the ship staring quietly out into space. Ever since their prison was freed from the hold of the wormhole, they had spent considerable time trying to get the ship to follow their directions. After a while, they finally managed to neutralize the artificial intelligence currently in control of the ship.

Once that was done, they went to the records kept by the AI and discovered that an insurrection was started by the young prince they once mentored up to the point when their home world was destroyed. At the end of the report, they managed to obtain information of two vessels belonging to the royal family escaping the planet before its annihilation. From then on, their course of action was rather simple; find the escaped royal family members and pay them back.

"Brother, we will need to refuel before we leave the galaxy. There is a planet a couple light years from here that we can stock up on both fuel and other essentials", Caralmus informed his elder brother. "I know that. We barely have enough fuel to get there. Curse those royal bastards; and the council too!!" Caralcus shouted as he slammed his fist onto the armrest.

"Don't worry brother. It's only a matter of time before we are able to get our revenge. By following their signal, we'll eventually reach them. And besides, depending on who is there, we might just get to have some fun and maybe conquer the planet they are on as a bonus", Caralmus added edging his brother on. "You're right. I just can't wait", Caralcus said as both brothers burst out in laughter.

A week has finally passed and the group of kids were ready for their trip to Africa. They had it all planned out; from the very moment they left to the moment they arrive there, the steps to take in analyzing their environment and measures to take when they come into contact with people, whether friendlies or hostiles.

Throughout the week, the Griffin kids and Delgato had made sure to inform their parents of their trip, although for the Griffins, they understood the truth of the matter as it was revealed, but with the Smiths, they took it as 'a sponsored trip to Africa with wealthy friends' and gave their approval and support without second thought.

"I hope everything is set for you. As I said before, we'll not be interfering in this mission, only observing", Dr. Michelson said as he walked out of the base with Silendiana. They arrived to meet the group in full gear and Samuel already transformed into a large dragon with a strange contraption attached to his back.

"What's that?" Dr. Michelson asked intrigued by its appearance. It resembled the top half of a bus but designed to fit perfectly on Samuels spiky back. "Think of it as a bus with no wheels. We will be transporting all our gear in there as well as taking the trip in there", Sylvia explained.

"The time has come. We wish you luck on your mission", Silendiana said as she hugged her children. "And remember to be careful. You'll never know what you might encounter in this vast world", she added. "Always!!" the kids shouted in response. After all the goodbyes were said, they all boarded the strange, bus-like capsule on Samuel's back. "Well, we're off. We'll see you when we get back", Samuel said as with a few beats of his powerful wings, they shot towards the sky.

"As discussed, we'll keep above the clouds to prevent us from being spotted. I'll block any radar from detecting as and warn you if any plane gets close to us", Delgato said as he set up his station at the front of the capsule. "Noted! We should arrive on the African continent in a couple of hours", Samuel said as he roared and shot off into the distance.