Welcome To Africa Part One

The clouds parted as Samuel's majestic form shot through the sky. Each beat of his mighty wings carried his massive body across the sky. As they flew above the ocean, Samuel occasionally swooped down and flew just above the surface of the water., admiring his form. He spooked a pod of whales that had congregated in his path causing them to scatter. He couldn't help but chuckle at the scene.

"We have a few minutes before we make it to land. We should be seeing the coast of Angola shortly. From there we have to fly a couple more miles to reach Tanzania. Once there, reaching the mountain should be relatively easy", Delgato explained after taking a look at his devices. "Acknowledged", Samuel said as he rose back into the sky; above the clouds.

They soon reached the coast, flying inland, his large body casting a faint shadow on the ground. The few who noticed the shadow couldn't place it and assumed they were just seeing things. "How about we stop for lunch and look around. We are in a different country on another continent after all. We have to look around", Sylvester suggested. "I agree. It would be good for Sammy to rest his wings as well", Catherina added.

"I think so too. Sam, will that be okay with you?" Sylvia asked their team leader. "Sure thing. I could use the rest and relaxation. We could even camp out and continue the trip tomorrow. It would be good to learn everything we can about this continent while we are out here", Samuel stated as he searched for a secluded region to land.

High in the clouds, he spotted a large expanse of green and dove straight down, his majestic form coming down like a god unto mankind. There were a few Angolan citizens tending to their farms when the very weather changed. The sky above them grew dark as a creature of tremendous size descended into their midst. They hit the ground immediately in fear and reverence. The creature before them was like nothing they had ever seen. One could not imagine a creature such as this. There was no other choice but to bow and await the whim of such a creature.

"Seems there are locals all the way out here", Sylvester noted. "I can't believe they were able to walk all the way here. The closest town is twenty-five miles from here. And there are no roads or pliable routes to conclude that they got here with a car", Delgato mentioned as he operated his device scanning the entire area. "I sense a lot of dangerous predators and other wild animals in the area. I can't believe they come here to farm even with all this danger", Catherina noted as she looked towards the forests around the large farmland.

"Anyway, you better say hello. I'm afraid they are going to bruise their foreheads bowing like that", Sylvia said to Samuel. "Alright, but first …", Samuel said as he took a deep breath, lifted his head to the sky as he gave a loud deafening roar. The roar sounded for miles scaring all the creatures in the forest and causing them to piss themselves.

Their fear was real. An apex predator just made its presence known and declared the area its territory. It was a message for them to 'watch themselves'. Any and every animal had no choice but to obey. The only other option was death and they understood that fact even though they were just regular animals.

The roar almost scared the souls out of the bodies of the locals. "Raise your heads. I'm not here to hurt you. As a reward for not running upon seeing me, I've made it so that no creature will ever approach your land", Samuel said to them in his deep draconic voice. They raised their heads and admired his majestic form with gratitude in their hearts. Heaven knows how many of their families, comrades and companions have been lost to wild animals over the years.

An older looking man, who he could only assume to be the leader of the group, slowly came before Samuel and bowed his head. "You must be the forest god our ancestors worship. We are humbled to be in your presence", he said in reverence. "Why are you so far out in the forest?" he asked the old man. "We have a village in the forest just a mile from here and this is the land that our predecessors have been farming on for generations", the old man answered.

"I suspect the village is detached from civilization. I guess that's why there was no mention of it on any of the instruments. When we get back, let's inform Dr. Michelson so that the satellites can be upgraded to recognize even primitive establishments like this", Delgato noted. "Very well then, continue with what you are doing. No one should disturb me", Samuel instructed as he walked into the large trees; his large tail swaying from side to side, and soon disappeared behind the foliage. The locals bowed once again in gratitude and excitement. They were the first members of their village, out of all the generations to have an audience with the revered forest god.

"Hey Sam, your god complex is rearing its head again", Sylvester warned. "Oh, come on, you know it wasn't like that. I had to keep up the act for all our sakes. It's best if they think I'm a spiritual apparition that is bound to disappear whenever I wish. Besides, I've secured our camping grounds for the night", Samuel said trying to justify his actions.

"Anyway, we should get everything ready. We'll set off tomorrow morning. We have time to explore a little before we have to return to our journey", Sylvia said as the capsule unhooked and floated off Samuel's broad back, landing softly onto the ground. The anchoring pins at the bottom of the capsule shot into the ground to hold the capsule down firmly.

"Well then, I guess I'll get lunch ready. Feel free to explore the forest. I'll call you when its time", Catherina said as she set up her cooking station. "Alright then, we'll explore the forest and maybe check out that village", Samuel said as he left with the twins and Delgato. "Now what should I start with? I'm feeling a medium rare steak and collard greens as well as chicken fried rice...", Catherina said excitedly as she started washing her ingredients.

Samuel and his companions moved quickly through the forest heading in the general direction of the village. Every creature that stumbled unto their path quickly fled for fear of their lives. The aura of an apex predator Samuel emitted even in his regular human form was too strong to be ignored by any animal.

A few minutes later, they made it to the village. They climbed to the top of one of the tall trees surrounding the village and observed it. "They really are living in a technology less village. It's amazing. I can't imagine what I'll do if I was in the same situation", Delgato observed. "Well, if you were in their situation, you would not have any prior experiences with technology, therefore you would not miss it", Samuel stated. "You're right. They have no difficulty because this is all they have ever known", Sylvia added.