Welcome To Africa Part Two

The group of kids walked around the village, surveying the entire area while making sure to stay hidden from the locals. They observed the residents as they lived their lives, displaying a sense of community and comradery. Most families had come together, having their houses built with a single compound for them to share. The mothers were joined together in preparing meals for their families while the men who were not part of the farming group, hunted game in the forest around the village.

The children, too young to take part in any of these duties, enjoyed their childhoods with games Samuel and his friends had never seen before. "I really love the atmosphere here. I guess it makes up for the lack of technology", Sylvester commented. "Cathy should be finishing by now, let's get back to her", Sylvia suggested. "You're right. I hope she wasn't too lonely by herself. I can't wait to find out what she has prepared", Samuel stated as they turned away from the village and returned the way they came.

They returned to meet quite the shocking surprise. There were multitudes of wild beast prostrating on the floor next to Catherina. There a few wild dogs, leopards, hyenas, just to name a few, lying on the ground next to the capsule. They were alive and unhurt but the fear in their eyes was clear for all to see. Catherina stood with her back to them as she flipped the steaks on their portable grill, humming a tune to herself.

"What happened?" Sylvester asked as they approached the camp site. "I think the smell of the food drew their attention and they came to investigate. They just got like this when I stared at them", Catherina explained. "Hmm!! They still acted brazenly even after my warning. They sure have some balls on them", Samuel said with a grin as his pupils shrank, releasing a murderous glint and acausing the beasts to panic and hyperventilate; even going as far as pissing themselves.

"Shoo!!" Samuel said as he waved his hand in a shooing motion. Almost instantly, the paralyzed beasts fled the scene like there was a forest fire. In a few short seconds, the forest became dead silent. "Well with that out of the way, … what do you have for us Cathy?", Samuel asked as he approached his sister, looking over her shoulder and gulping in anticipation.

"It's just about ready. Go ahead and set the table", she instructed as Sylvester and Delgato entered the capsule. Sylvester returned with a folding table that could seat six people comfortably. He set it up and Delgato added the chairs. Sylvia then laid the plates and other cutlery sets against each plate. After years of having table manners drummed into them, they could not go a single meal without showing some semblance of grace and sophistication.

They took their seats as Catherina came in and served the dishes. Done with that, she removed her apron and joined the group at the table. After saying grace they dug in, enjoying every morsel of food they took with each bite. The animals in the surrounding environment salivated when the smell reached their noses but none were dumb enough to try anything. They could only suffer in silence.

After their meal, they started setting up their camp for a night under the stars. Delgato spread small motion sensors around their camp in case anything tried to approach them. "Let's imitate the village today. Let's only use primitive stuff. I want to learn what it feels like", Samuel suggested and they all agreed. Except for the sensors that would detect any approaching presence, they placed all other devices in the capsule.

They split up to gather dry wood to start a fire as well as shrubbery to make beds. The sky grew darker as the sun set over the horizon. The full moon shone brightly in the cloudless night sky. Their camp fire crackled as it burned, lighting up and warming their surroundings. They each laid on their beds and took in the serene atmosphere.

"Something is a little strange", Catherina said suddenly. "What is it?" Sylvia asked. "I don't know but, being in this forest this night, I feel like I need to be in my complete dragon form. It's hard to explain the feeling", she informed. "I understand you. I'm currently also feeling the urge", Samuel added. "Well, if you are both having the urge I guess it is something instinctual. Maybe the full moon has something to do with it. I think you should go ahead and transform", Sylvester advised. "I agree", Sylvia added and Delgato nodded his agreement.

"Okay then", Samuel said as he stood up and helped his sister to her feet. After taking a few steps away from the camp, they both transformed into their complete dragon forms. "GRAUUOOO!!!!" They both roared into the night sky as they leapt of the ground, flying into the sky. They circled each other as they flew in the sky, swimming in the beautiful light of the full moon. After a few rotations in the sky, they returned to the ground and laid down.; their large heads lying on their improvised bedding.

"How do you both feel now", Sylvia asked. "Better now. The urge seems to have calmed down", Catherina said as she leaned her massive body against that of her big brother. "What's this all of a sudden?" Samuel asked in surprise. "I don't know. I just felt like doing it", she responded. "Very well then. Goodnight all of you", Samuel said as he placed his head over his sister's neck, creating a beautiful picture. "Don't let the bed bugs bite", Sylvester replied as they all turned in for the night.

Back at the base in Cape Metro City, Dr. Michelson and Silendiana were sharing a night cap as they watched the children fall asleep on the monitors. They had been sharing intimate secrets about their lives before and after their marriages to their late partners. With the both of them slightly intoxicated, they did not know who made the first move but before they realized, they had leaned into each other and shared a passionate kiss.

Taking time to recover himself after the kiss, the haze on Dr. Michelson's eyes suddenly cleared as he realized what he had done. "I'm … sorry. I didn't mean to over step", he apologized. "No that's alright", she replied with a blush on her face as she took his hand in hers. "I'm okay with it if you are", she said as she leaned back in and kissed him once more, their kiss lasting longer than before. They paused to catch their breaths as they gazed into each other's eyes.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked her. "I am. I've been waiting so long for this", she replied as she pulled him towards the bed that had appeared out of nowhere. She fell back on the bed as he fell on top of her, still gazing into her eyes. "If that's the case then, I will make you mine", he said as he kissed her again. Being the best AI wingman in existence, Lisia set the perfect mood by dimming the lights and playing smooth jazz low and slow through her speakers. The clock ticked on as the passion in the room intensified.