Poachers Part Two

The kids moved through the storm, quickly approaching the poachers who neared the rhinos with each step they took. They each had on a pair of thermal vision goggles on, allowing them to see through the windstorm surrounding them.

"Boss! This gear is awesome. I can see so clearly in this storm", one of the poachers shouted to the leader. "Of course they are. I paid top dollar for them. Now no matter the weather, we can always get the job done. Of course, the client will be paying extra to cover the cost", the boss replied with a laugh. His team also laughed in response. "We're close enough. Set up your shots. Beers are on me tonight. First one to down a rhino gets to order whatever they want", the leader said, motivating his men.

"I'm going to burn a hole through your pocket tonight boss", one of the poachers said as he lined up his shot precisely. "Say goodnight my little money maker", he said as he squeezed the trigger. Just as the bullet was released from its chambers, the ground beneath the gunman shook causing him to miss his shot. The bullet hit the leg of one of the rhinos and it bellowed in pain causing the herd to panic and scatter. "Shit!! How did I miss that shot? It was so clear", the soldier cursed in disbelief.

"I'm glad we made it in time. The situation almost got messy", a voice reached them from somewhere in the storm. "Who the fuck is out there?!!" the commander shouted as his men surrounded him and aimed their guns outwards. "Who am I? The better question is, who are you? If memory serves me right, this forest is a protected natural reserve. Meaning...hunting in this area is clearly forbidden", the voice said again, feeling closer than before.

"This storm is so annoying. It's even making my voice sound like that of a villainous monster", Samuel said as he held his waist with an upset look on his face. "If that's the case, why don't you just get rid of it", Sylvester asked. "Dude, you are a genius", Samuel said in acknowledgement. "Alright, all of you, anchor yourselves down. Don't want you flying off on your own", Samuel instructed as he took several steps forward.

"Activate anchors two to five", Delgato said into his comm in the headgear and multiple spikes popped out of their shoes stabbed the ground, locking them in place. Samuel transformed into his hybrid form and rose a few feet into the air.

After identifying the direction and speed of the storm, he started to spin in the opposite direction at full speed. The opposing force of the wind generated by his spin clashed with the storm and caused it to collapse, and with a forceful beat of his powerful wings, he caused the winds to scatter.

He landed and de-transformed immediately as the dust clouds cleared revealing a group of gear-wearing kids facing off against close to a dozen guys armed to the teeth. "Release anchors!" Delgato said as the anchoring spikes released themselves and returned to their boots. 

"Someone just cleared my winds. Who can even do such a thigh", the guy hiding in the cave wondered after he felt the storm disperse. "I need to go there and put a stop to these poachers once and for all", he said as he rose to his feet and jumped out of the cave, flying in the sky encased in a small tornado. 

"Who the fuck are you kids? And what's with those helmets?!" the leader shouted once he noticed them. "Who wants to know?" Samuel asked with a grin. "Boss, what do we do with them?" one of the men asked the leader. "No witnesses, remember? We need to get rid of them", the leader instructed and his men prepared to fire. "Do whatever you want, just don't kill them", Samuel instructed as he started walking towards them.

"I guess we'll try. We've never had a chance to test out our weapons before. I think now's the best time", Delgato said as he tapped his foot on the ground and hidden compartments in his legs' armor popped out with concealed custom-made pistols holstered within. He pulled out both pistols and twirled them around his fingers.

"You're right. I've been dying to try these", Sylvia said as she pulled out a long metallic whip with currents of electricity running throw it and, when she swung it and struck the ground, there were little sparks. This sent a chill down the poachers' spines.

Sylvester pulled out a pair of metal gauntlets and slipped them on his arms. "Hell yeah!!" he shouted as he slammed his fist together causing sparks of electricity to flail around. Catherina pulled out a pair of nunchucks with spiked tips and swung them around skillfully. "This is most likely going to hurt…I'm sorry", she apologized.

"Don't apologize to them. They deserve everything that's coming to them", Samuel said as a he pulled out a small baton which stretched into a long staff. He spun it a couple of times and placed it behind him. "Let's get it on", he said with a grin. Though he could not see their faces, the leader's instinct told him that the children before him were quite dangerous.

"They aren't normal kids. Kill them … kill them all!" he shouted as his men aimed their assault rifles at the kids and opened fire, the kids taking immediate action. They split up quickly, each aiming for a couple of the poachers. The level of skill they displayed in weaving all the bullets showed just what they had to deal with whilst training with Silendiana.

With minimal movements, swaying from side to side, the kids avoided all the bullets as they got closer and closer to the men. With fluid movements, they brought their weapons down on the poachers. Their battle was short lived as seconds later, the poachers were laid out on the floor unconscious, battered and bruised.

"Now let's see here", Delgato said as he picked up one of the weapons and looked at it. " Anything of note?" Samuel asked. "Just the usual junk on the black market. Absolute trash", he said as he broke the gun into two with his brute strength.

"I'm going to check on the injured rhino", Catherina said as she jogged to the huge beast writhing in pain on the floor. "Shshshshh! It's okay. I'm going to help you feel all better", she said in a calming tone. The rhino sensing her desire to help stopped tossing and laid down quietly. "Good boy", she said as she pulled out a medical kit and began cleaning out the wound.

Samuel and the others gathered the unconscious poachers and tied them around a large tree with metal chains. "That should hold them till we take them back to the city", Sylvester said as he wiped his hands clean of dirt. Suddenly, they sensed something approaching them with full speed from the sky and turned towards it.

"You evil Monsters!!" the figure shouted as it shot down heading for Catherina. The figure was being propelled by a small vortex of wind. It threw a punch when it got close to Catherina causing a massive dust storm. The dust cleared to reveal Samuel standing between his siter and the strange person and his sister, holding the fist that was meant for her. "Well now, what do we have here", Samuel with a grin that wasn't a friendly grin. "I can't wait to here how you explain yourself?"