Scared Into Unconsciousness

"Woah there, buddy. I don't know who you are but attacking us is a big mistake", Samuel said as he held back the wind-controlling boy who was still trying to attack further. "Shut up you evil poachers. I know why you are here. Do you think I'll let you off for harming these protected animals?" the boy asked as he backed up into the sky and dove in again for another wind-propelled punch.

Samuel met his fist with his causing a shockwave to erupt. Samuel then quickly caught the boys punch again causing surprise to show on his face. "Listen, I think there has been a huge misunderstanding. We are not the poachers", Samuel said trying to stop the fight. "Shut up! There is no way I'm going to listen to you evil people", the boy said as he collected and condensed a strong current of wind on his other fist and threw that at Samuel's face.

Samuel quickly tilted his head, dodging the punch by a few millimeters. Angered, Samuel grabbed the other hand as well, spun the boy in the air and chucked him back several hundred meters shocking the boy with his level of strength. "Don't kill him. We need to find a way to resolve this misunderstanding", Sylvia said from behind as Samuel walked towards the boy.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it. I just have to make him listen to reason", Samuel said as he cracked his knuckles and shot off the ground, leaping towards the boy. The boy was relatively unharmed as the wind barrier surrounding him had taken the brunt of the fall. "Are you willing to listen now", Samuel asked as he leapt from tree to tree towards the boy.

"Shut up! I'm going to make you pay for what you have done", the boy said as he sent torrents of wind towards Samuel who leapt to another tree for safety. Samuel leapt closer to the boy and upon reaching close enough, he jumped into the air, did a flip and brought down a fist of his own towards the boy. The boy leapt back just in time to avoid the punch that cracked the ground upon which he stood just moments ago.

"Argghh!! I've had enough of this. Let's see you escape from this", the boy shouted as he conjured a large tornado around Samuel. Standing in the center of the tornado, Samuel realized what the attack actually was. "Have you figured it out yet? That tornado creates a vacuum at its center. Have fun suffocating", the boy said as the tornado increased in intensity, now looking like a cataclysmic natural disaster.

'I guess any normal person will pass out instantly…or rather die instantly. Guess I have to put an end to this', Samuel thought as he deactivated his head gear.

"Hey, aren't we supposed to help him?", Delgato asked his friends who seemed to be focusing on their own stuff. "Did he ask for help?" Sylvester asked with his head down playing on his phone. "Not really but… whatever", Delgato shrugged as he turned his focus to his devices recording the strange boys display of power.

'Has he passed out yet', the boy wondered as he struggled slightly in controlling the large tornado he had conjured around his enemy. Suddenly, the base of the tornado caught on fire. "What…what is happening?!" the boy shouted as the flames increased in intensity, consuming the entire tornado, turning it from a wind tornado to a fire tornado, wrestling control of the cataclysmic entity from the boy.

"Wha…what's going on?!!" the boy shouted in fear; this was a first for him. The flaming tornado roared as it expanded in size and intensity. Suddenly, the head of a large nightmarish monster emerged from the flames, scaring the crap out of the boy. The monster's glowing red eyes shifted down and locked onto the boy who fell on his butt in fear. A pair of large wings emerged from the flames and with a single powerful flap, quenched the roaring flames instantly.

The monster's large head slowly came down, faced the terrified boy and snarled, showing all its massive sharp teeth that could rip flesh and bone just as easily as cutting paper with a sharp knife. The beast followed this up with a point-blank roar that knocked the boy unconscious instantly.

"I think I went too far", Samuel said as he transformed back into his human form and approached the unconscious boy. "Yeah! What were you thinking? Your prime form could have achieved the same goal", Sylvia scolded. "I'm not sure but…after he went full force like that, it felt like a challenge and my instincts just took over", Samuel explained.

"Well, anyway, what's up with that power of his?" Sylvester asked taking a good look at the boy. He was dark skinned with long unkempt hair and had a strange birthmark in the form of an eagle on his forehead, hidden behind his bangs. From his appearance, it was clear that he had been roughing it in the wild for a while.

"I'm not sure. All I can say is we've been able to identify the cause of the unnatural natural phenomena. The first half of our mission is complete. Let's find a good location and get the camp set up, then we can have Lisia analyze him and send the report back home", Samuel instructed. The entire group moved closer to the base of the mountain; Sylvester carrying the unconscious boy and Samuel dragging the tied-up poachers behind him.

They soon reached a cluster of trees good enough to use as a temporary camp. Samuel then proceeded to hang the poachers on branches like laid out laundry. The scene caused them all to snicker. "Looks like christmas came early", Delgato laughed. He then deactivated the capsule's standby mode and brought it down to the ground. They then proceeded to set up their camp as well as their workspace.

After setting up their portable lab, Catherina left to set up her station while Sylvester placed the boy on the scanner. Delgato activated it and the machine swept over the boy running a full body scan while simultaneously sending a report back to Cape Metro city.


"This is interesting", Dr. Michelson said as he looked at the incoming data. "Have you realized something?" Silendiana asked. "Lisia has been analyzing the blood samples we took from the all of us and we finally made a discovery. Sylvester, Sylvia and yourself have had the substance in you all this while. I'm assuming you've had it since birth".

"When we studied the levels of the substance in each of them, we discovered that when they expelled power in their training, the amount of the substance in their bodies reduced slightly only to be restored a few seconds later. It also seems to grow in quantity as time passes. I'm honestly curious about how our bodies are able to store such a substance", he wondered.

"It seems to be the case. Back on Hexanza, it was assumed that the source of our ability to cast spells were merely based on our lineages. This was made the running theory as the royal family always had the strongest individuals on the planet; other than those who enhanced their strengths with nefarious methods like Caralmus and Caralcus. Fortunately for us, Earth is new to this substance so we can start studying it from the get-go", Silendiana added.

"Exactly, and as I was saying, it seems this boy has a similar circumstance to yours; he was born with it…and quite a lot of it, if I should add, but unlike you, he isn't extraterrestrial but a human. I can't wait to hear the story behind his existence", he said as they turned their gaze to the live feed on their screen about the kids and the strange boy.


An hour later, the boy screamed in his sleep, "Aargh! No…no stay away from me! Stay away!!"

"Dude, you gave him nightmares", Sylvester quipped. "I didn't mean to", Samuel said as they walked up to the boy. The boy woke up a few seconds later with a loud gasp. He opened his eyes to see multiple shadows surrounding him. "Aargh! Please don't hurt me!" he shouted with his hands covering his face.

"Chill out dude. No one here is going to hurt you", Samuel said to the boy. "What…you're not?" he asked. "Of course, not", Samuel replied. "But what about that monster?" the boy asked again. Samuel waved off his worry, "Don't worry about it. It's good you are okay now. We can talk about that later. Let's just start with your name".