
Adla screamed in excitement as he experienced for the first time, the thrill of riding atop a dragon. They all sat in the capsule hooked to Samuel's back as he flew the few miles back to the city. The poachers were finally awake but terrified about what was going on.

The were tied up on top of a massive flying reptile the size of a commercial plane, probably even bigger. Their fears were only compounded by the fact that, the creature was in league with the same kids that beat them basically into a coma. They could do nothing but just sit and await their fates.

"Adla, there is something we need to give you", Delgato said as he brought out a small black briefcase and handed it to Adla who opened it quickly. Arranged inside was a watch, a mobile phone, a mini drone and its accompanying tablet as well a distress beacon.

"With these, you'll be able to reach out to us whenever and wherever and vice versa. You can also use them for reconnaissance and other activities that require stealth", Delgato informed.

"Thanks a lot. I'll be sure to take good care of them", Adla said as he gazed at the extraordinary gadgets before him. "You're welcome, but, first things first, place your thumb on the panel at the top of the case", Delgato instructed.

"This?" Adla asked as he found the panel and placed his thumb on it. A small light scanned his thumb and at the end of it, Adla felt a small prick.

"The devices need to be activated with the DNA of their wielder. This is to prevent any other person who happens to get a hold of them from using them", Delgato explained. Adla nodded as he sucked on his thumb watching the devices that were slowly activating.

"We should be arriving at the city soon. The police we called should be waiting for us outside the city. Sam, we can stop here and continue by car", Sylvia suggested. "Alright!" Samuel said as he turned his wings and stopped instantly, causing the poachers eyes to almost pop out hearing the creature speak perfect English. Samuel then slowly glided to the ground and landed on the highway.

The capsule was unhooked from his massive back and placed on the ground. He then transformed back into his regular human form. The shock of what was happening were too much for the poachers and they ended up passing out again.

Delgato tapped his watch and tires that were hidden in special compartments in the capsule were released and the capsule now looked like an ordinary minivan. He then took the wheel and drove them the rest of the way to the city.

A few minutes later, they reached the city, seeing multiple police cars awaiting them. The next few processes were made quite simple by Samuel. After handing over the poachers and their weapons to the police, the police started asking too many questions. With a flash of his hypnotic eyes, he implanted in their minds, a completely fabricated tale of how the poachers were captured.

With that out of the way, they were handed the full amount on the poacher's bounty. As it turns out, they were quite notorious repeat offenders who were yet to be captured.

The group immediately passed the funds to Adla who received it without any resistance. After the police thanked them, the group said their final goodbyes to Adla and were escorted out of the city by the police.

"I'm going to miss this place", Sylvia said as Delgato drove away from the city. "Same, but we'll get to visit again soon, isn't that right", Sylvester asked. """"Yeah!!"""" the others responded.

Once they were a few miles away from the city, Delgato turned into the forest by the highway and after driving for a few minutes, stopped the vehicle and returned it to its capsule form. Samuel stepped out and stretched out his body.

"Wait a minute Sam", Delgato said suddenly. "What's up?" Samuel asked. "The drones I sent out are now returning. Let's give them a minute", Delgato requested.

"Sure! I'll transform and wait", Samuel said as he morphed into his complete emergence form. After transforming, he lay down and closed his eyes to rest. After a few minutes, the last of the drones arrived and returned to their place on the capsule. The capsule then floated and hooked itself unto Samuel's large back. "Next stop…home!" Samuel said and with several beats of his wings, he was already in the sky flying at supersonic speeds.

A few hours later, Samuel's majestic form tore through the skies of Cape Metro city with sonic booms resonating with every beat of his wings, heading directly for the jungle on the outskirts of the city. They arrived to meet Silendiana and Dr. Michelson waiting for them. The capsule was quickly unhooked and Samuel transformed back into his regular human form.

"Welcome back! Although, I'll be the first to admit that we may have overestimated the difficulty level of the test", Dr. Michelson said to them. "I quite disagree. I'm of the view that we estimated the difficulty accurately but the kids were beyond that level of difficulty", Silendiana corrected. "I guess you are right", Dr. Michelson accepted. ""Congratulations to all of you for passing the test"", they both said to the kids.

The kids celebrated their victory with hugs and high-fives while the adults couldn't help but smile. They entered the base to see huge spreads on the dining table. Lisia's android body was standing behind the table. "CONGRATULATIONS ON PASSING YOUR TEST", she said and gave a light bow. """"Thanks Lisia"""", they all responded.

"This is your training graduation party. We need to end it with a bang", Silendiana said as she ushered them to their seats. Dr. Michelson took a glass and stood at the head of the table. After saying a few words, he led them in a toast and a cheer. After the toast, they dug into the food before them. All in all, it was an amazing graduation night.