Returning Home

Early the next morning, Samuel and Catherina were ready to leave. "When you return, Lisia can open the lab for you whenever you need to use it. But since Samuel will be starting High School and Catherina will be transferring school, you'll need the next few months to focus on that. I'll stay here for a while to complete a project with Silendiana", Dr. Michelson said and the two siblings nodded; Samuel giving him a knowing smirk.

Silendiana hugged both of them and wished them good luck with the new chapter of their lives. "Dude, we'll be dropping by a lot. Remember that you and I are tied three hundred to three hundred on the games. We need to find the ultimate winner", Sylvester declared. "Ha!! Don't make me laugh. I'm pretty sure it was three hundred and one in my favor", Samuel countered.

"Don't mess with me. You are yet to beat me completely. The deal is to win three games in a roll before a winner can be determined", Sylvester fired back. "I guess we can only decide on a winner when you show up", Samuel said as he held up his hand for a fist bump. Samuel, Sylvester and Delgato had a three-way fist bump and Sylvia hugged Catherina.

"Time to go. Your parents will be expecting you", Dr. Michelson said as the kids had a final group hug. Samuel and Catherina then walked into the clearing and transformed into their complete emergence forms. It was a sight, seeing a crimson dragon with large horns and scales that could puncture a tank with a muscular body structure, and a sky-blue dragon with smaller horns, smooth scales and an effeminate body structure.

"We'll be seeing you all", Samuel said as he and his sister both leapt of the ground and rose into the sky. They soon disappeared behind the clouds, flying at a relatively slower speed than when Samuel brought them back from Africa.

"Before we enter the base, there is something your mother and I need to tell you", Dr. Michelson said to the twins and turned to look at Silendiana. "In a few years, Earth is going to be visited by two Hexanzan escaped convicts. Their main goal is to destroy us", Silendiana informed them. The twins had nothing but shock on their faces.

Silendiana then proceeded to narrate the history between the Hexanzan royal family and the two brothers Caralmus and Caralcus. "You are currently strong enough to take them on but with their cunning nature, you'll need more time to prepare for them. As the last heirs of the Hexanzan royal line, it's up to you two to face them and wipe them out", Silendiana informed them.

"We'll be here to back you up all the way, and even if anything was too out of our control, Samuel and Catherina are just a call away", Dr. Michelson said. "I'll be helping out as well. We are going to regret ever dreaming of coming to Earth", Delgato added and they laughed in readiness for what was to come.


"We're home", Samuel said to his sister as they flew over the skies of Sienna Metropolis. "Yeah! I can't wait to see Mom and Dad, and also Betty and Helen. I miss them all very much" Catherina mentioned with a smile. "Yeah! You'll be transferring schools soon so you'll get to meet her", Samuel added.

They soon reached the mountains and started descending. Once they were below the clouds, they spotted their house situated near the small lake. Getting closer, they started to notice their parents and their maid awaiting their arrival. "They're here!!" Bernard announced when he noticed his two children descending from the sky. They all waved at the two children as their large monstrous forms flew over the house.

Samuel and Catherina circled around the lake before slowing to a complete stop and slowly lowering themselves to the ground in front the house to prevent any damage to the building or its surroundings. ""We're back!!"" they both shouted once they were on the ground.

Samuel and Catherina then proceeded to transform back into their regular human forms and were caught in a massive bear hug from Bernard. "My kids are all grown up", he said with a laugh. "I've missed my babies so much", Vivian said as she joined in the hug. A few seconds later, Samuel and Catherina ended the hug only for them to be caught up in another. It was their maid, Betty. She cried in joy for the return of her young master and mistress.

"We missed you too Betty", Catherina said. "Especially your cooking", Samuel added with a laugh. "Don't worry, I'm going to spoil you rotten. Just say whatever you desire to eat and I'll prepare it", Betty declared proudly with her hand on her chest. "Really; then first things first, I want to eat all my favorites", Samuel said without holding back. "Me too", Catherina joined in. "No problem at all. Just leave everything to me", Betty said as she quickly entered the house, heading straight for the pantry. "I can't wait", Catherina said with a smile.

Bernard and Vivian hugged their children once again as they escorted them inside the house. "I really missed this place", Samuel said as he looked around the nostalgic room. They had been away from home only a few years but it felt like it had been decades. Their rooms had been kept clean and nothing looked different from when they left.

"I'm going to need new clothes. I've outgrown these ones!!" Catherina shouted from her room after going through her things. "Same here!!" Samuel shouted as well. "Don't worry about it. We'll be moving back to the city in a week as the academic year starts in three weeks. We'll be going on occasional shopping trips. You can get everything you need then", Bernard answered. ""Thanks Dad!!"" both kids shouted in appreciation. "You're welcome!!" Bernard shouted back.

A few hours later, dinner was ready. Betty had gone all out in the preparation; so much so that there was barely any room to sit and eat. Samuel and Catherina weren't complaining though; they actually preferred it this way. They tore into the food with the grace of a swan and the voracity of a Tasmanian devil. A few minutes later, the table was empty, safe for the plates before Bernard, Vivian and Betty.

"That was incredible. I really missed this", Samuel said as he patted his tummy. Catherina burped lightly and hid her face in embarrassment. "I see their appetites have increased once again. It seems I underestimated Dr. Michelson's claim. He once mentioned that as they grew older, their appetites would also increase. I think we should think about purchasing a farm soon. It would be good to have direct access to the animal and plant products", Bernard mentioned to Vivian who nodded in agreement. "We can take care of it after they start school", Vivian suggested and Bernard nodded in agreement.

After Dinner, the small family had a discussion about the upcoming start of the new academic year. Bernard handed over several documents with the syllabi and the reading materials to his kids to use in preparation. After the discussion, they went to bed earlier than necessary.

"Elizabeth…we'll be seeing each other pretty soon. I can't wait", Samuel said as he closed his eyes and fell asleep; dreaming of juicy pieces of beef, well marinated in spices and sauces, grilled to a perfect medium rare, just the way he likes it; absolutely delicious.