The courtyard was abuzz with multiple conversations going on at the same time. The students sipped their drinks and ate their snacks as they excitedly conversed with their new classmates, trying to get to know them well.

The courtyard grew silent suddenly as close to a dozen, improperly dressed, students strolled unto the courtyard. They were made up of a mixture of seniors and sophomores. Judging by their appearances, it could be clearly surmised that they were the delinquents of the school.

School was closed for the day and the teachers had already left or were in their common room on the other side of the complex. The only staff around were those manning the cafeteria but they knew better than to get involved with student affairs; they were not paid enough to care.

The group of delinquents spread out across the entire courtyard, blocking every available exit. The first years started to panic after realizing that they had been trapped. The leader of the group jumped onto the table near him and drew everyone's attention to him.

"Listen here boys and girls, my name is Edmund Pascall, but everyone who knows better calls me big Ed. My friends and I are here today to welcome you all to this school", Edmund declared, confusing the students before him. Following this, Edmund proceeded to give a long speech about the school's hidden rules and the relationship the first years would be having with them. He added that they as first years are required to pay mandatory tolls whenever and wherever it is requested of them.

The students gasped in shock after hearing the ridiculous instructions being delivered to them by this 'probably doesn't know what an iron is' senior of theirs. They began to mumble loudly their dissatisfaction of the current situation. Hearing this, Edmund gave his followers the signal and they all pulled out iron rods hidden in their clothes and waved them around for all to see. The scared crowd turned silent immediately, fearing serious bodily injury.

As Edmund basked in the fear of the first years before him, he noticed a table in the corner of his eye that appeared to be in a world of their own. Whereas every other first year was crowded together in the middle of the courtyard, this table had two first years who only gazed upon what was going on occasionally and continued on with their own conversation.

The veins in his forehead bulged in irritation as rage bubbled up within him. The feeling of being ignored by his lesser was a first for him and he was not happy. "Hey, you two!!" he shouted towards the table but was totally ignored.

The entire crowd looked on in silence as the two first years ignored the frightening senior and kept on with their conversation. The leader cursed under his breath as he jumped down from the table and angrily strutted towards the happy couple.

Samuel and Elizabeth, sitting by themselves on a table at the corner of the courtyard, had lost interest in what was going on around them and resumed their far more interesting conversation. As the talked, a hand suddenly struck the table, stopping their conversation and drawing their attention.

"Do you mind? We are having a conversation over here", Samuel said to the senior, quite perturbed by his rudeness. He didn't even bother to turn his head, only giving his rude senior a side-eye.

"It looks like we've got a couple of bigshots among the first years this time", Edmund said as he gave the two a once-over. He noticed the stylish-looking watch on Samuel's wrist and his greed levels immediately spiked. "That's a pretty nice watch on your wrist. I reckon it would look even better on mine. Hand it over and I'll consider forgiving you for ignoring me before", Edmund demanded.

"No thanks", Samuel answered quickly shocking Edmund greatly. "I don't think I heard that right", Edmund informed them. Samuel sighed as he stood from his seat and looked Edmund in the face. "Then let me say it in a language you might understand; Nah man! I ain't handing over shit!" Samuel shouted in Edmund's face as the thug started hyperventilating in rage.

After conveying his answer, Samuel clicked his teeth as he turned around and took back his seat with an exasperated sigh.

The entire crowd gasped in shock, especially the rest of Edmund's thugs, since this was the first time a first year had boldly stood up to the two-time third year repeater.

Edmund could only stand there, stunned by Samuel's courage and tenacity. A minute later, he came out of his shock and turned to one of his men, stretching out his hand and gesturing with it.

The thug understood his leader's request and run towards him, pulling out a bigger and stronger iron bar and handing it to Edmund. The leader of the thugs twirled the iron bar in his hands, finding the best swinging position, and turned to Samuel. "The next time you feel courageous enough to stand up to us, remember this pain", he said as he swung the bar, aiming for Samue's body; after all, he was conscious enough not to commit murder on school property.

Samel moved back slightly, dodging the bar by a few centimeters. The bar hit the wooden table and it splintered. Shocked and enraged by Samuel's ability to dodge his first strike, Edmund started swinging the iron bar haphazardly, trying to make contact with his quarry. With as little movements as possible, Samuel easily avoided all his swings, displaying his absolute superiority.

 After Edmund got a few swings in, he started realizing that his current situation was not in his favour. He then changed his target and aimed a swing at Elizabeth, surprising them both. Seeing the swing heading towards Elizabeth, time seemed to have slowed down as Samuel's eyes turned into slits and he gritted his teeth. When the bar was a few inches away from Elizabeth's face, it was suddenly stopped.

Edmund was shocked as his attack was stopped mid-swing. He turned to see Samuel holding on to the bar with a menacingly, unfriendly look on his infuriatingly handsome face. Edmund tried to force the bar out of Samuel's grasp but he realised it was like trying to pull a vehicle with one hand. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't retrieve his weapon. He started to freak out due to the strength this first year had in just one hand,

Completely enraged, Samuel stood up and yanked the weapon out of the senior's hand. He grabbed Edmund by the scruff of his collar and lifted him a foot off the ground, surprising the entire crowd by his level of strength. Samuel then walked towards the center of the courtyard, Edmund dangling in his grip.

"Pay attention, all of you!" Samuel shouted drawing all focus to him but specifically speaking to the thugs. "This is what happens when you think yourself capable of standing above everyone else", he said as he flipped Edmund hard onto a table. He then proceeded to flip him over and used the iron bar to wrap around Edmunds arms like a rope, shocking everyone especially the thugs.

Seeing their leader defeated in a way that seemed almost superhuman, the thugs dropped their weapons and scrambled through the exits, trying to flee from the courtyard. After the thugs escaped, the crowd of first years turned their attention back to Samuel who stood before them as their hero.

"Show's over, everyone should go home", he instructed as he turned to the cafeteria staff. He apologized for the commotion and left the rest in their care. He then held on to Elizabeth's hand and walked out of the courtyard cafeteria.

The stunned students obeyed immediately as they all rushed out of the courtyard heading to their various homes with stories to tell, leaving the tied-up thug leader, face down on the table unconscious.

"You've learned to control your anger; I'm so proud", Elizabeth said as she pulled Samuel closer and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Samuel giggled and replied, "Well, if I had done more than what I did, all my years of training would have been in vain. Although, if he should try anything again, I may not hold back again".

When they reached the front of the school, two cars were waiting for them at the gate. Catherina, sitting on the backseat waved after noticing her brother. When she saw his hand intertwined with an unfamiliar girl, she gave him a knowing look. Their driver got out of the car and opened the door for him.

"Well, this has been one hell of a first day of school but all's well that ends well. I guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow", Samuel said as he gave Elizabeth a quick hug. She smiled as she hugged him back. "I'll see you", she said as she ended the hug and run towards her car.

Elizabeth's driver greeted her as he opened the door for her. She turned and gave a last goodbye wave before she entered her car.

Samuel waved back before he joined his sister in the backseat of their car. "Okay, start talking…", Catherina demanded as both vehicles drove off in different directions.




"Damn it! Of all the things that could happen, why a wormhole? We need to speed up our preparations. Double the speed of all preparations! We must not be caught unawares", Silendiana instructed. "UNDERSTOOD! IT SHALL BE DONE", Lisia replied as Silendiana walked towards the elevator to leave the base.