Going on a first date

Half a semester had passed and the school was experiencing its mid-semester break. A black Mercedes arrived before the gates of a large mansion. After the driver spoke into the security panel, the large gates opened allowing the vehicle to enter the mansion's grounds.

The Mercedes stopped before the large mansion and the driver got out, walked to the other side and opened the door for the passenger. Samuel alighted from the car dressed in latest outfit on the market.

Standing there, most people would confuse him with a first-class model. He had a chiseled face, sharp eye brows, shiny black hair and obsidian-colored eyes. Everyone who saw him was astounded by his appearance.

He walked up to the mansion's doors and pressed the doorbell. After waiting a few seconds, the family butler opened the door. "Good to see you again Master Samuel", the butler said with a small bow. "Good to see you again Borris", Samuel said to the butler with a smile as he was ushered in.

"Samuel, how are you doing?" Elizabeth's father, Alex Smith said as he descended the stairs in the main hallway.

"I'm doing great sir. I came to pick Elizabeth up for our date", Samuel replied with a beaming smile. "Give her a minute, she should be done soon…ah! There she is", Alex said as Elizabeth appeared at the top of the stairs. She looked ravishing, sporting an outfit that was also one of the latest outfits in the city.

Elizabeth smiled after she saw Samuel and quickly descended down the stairs, shooting past her father. "See you later dad!" she shouted as she grabbed Samuel and pulled him along.

"See you later sir", Samuel said as he was dragged towards the doors by his eager girlfriend. "Make sure to stay safe, both of you. And say 'hi' to your parents for me", Alex said to Samuel as the two teenagers run out the open door, Borris standing aside with an excited smile on her face. "Will do!!" Samuel shouted back.

"I can't believe the young miss has been having so much fun ever since she met him. It's like her melancholic attitude before never existed. Even though she got friends, she never truly displayed this kind of happiness", Borris muttered to himself as he closed the mansion's doors.

The two teenagers got to the car and the driver greeted Elizabeth as he opened the door for them. Elizabeth replied to his greeting as she entered the car. Samuel followed her in and the driver closed the door. He quickly took his seat before the wheel and drove out of the mansion's gates heading towards the city.

"So…where are we going first?" Elizabeth asked in a giddy manner as the car drove through the crowded streets of the city. "Let's see…first things first, we're going to the museum, after that…we'll visit the skating ring, then we'll have lunch. After lunch, we'll hit the beach…then a movie…and finally dinner", Samuel said counting them out with his hands. "I look forward to it", Elizabeth said with a smile.

The car soon arrived at the museum. Its very appearance drew an unhealthy amount of attention from people in the vicinity. They stared as the driver opened the door and two, insanely good-looking, teenagers alighted from the car. Their very appearances radiated wealth and luxury but their demeanors also showed a hint of gentleness and humility.

The two teenagers smiled at the driver as they held hands and approached the stairs leading up to the city's only museum. Eyes were glued to them as they reached the gates of the museum and were allowed in by the staff manning the doors.

They spent the next hour touring the entire museum, visiting all the exhibits and listening to the recorded history on the iPods given to them when they entered the reception of the museum.

They ended their tour in the astrology exhibit; where they entered a makeshift observatory that displayed the stars in space all over the ceiling. They took their seats and watched as the image before them changed, showing the stars and planets in the solar system.

Half an hour later, they left the museum, heading for the skating ring. They soon arrived and entered the establishments. A few minutes after entering the ring, their every movement on the floor drew the attention of everyone else. No one even noticed when it happened, but, the crowd had unknowingly created a large space at the center of the ring for the two teenagers who skated to the music coming off the speakers.

An hour later, Samuel and Elizabeth sat at a table at one of the most renowned restaurants in the city. They had fun conversing and enjoying the tasty meals.

Keeping an eye on the two teenagers through the glass windows of the restaurant was a masked hooded man with a pair of binoculars, hidden on the roof of the building across the streets from the restaurant. "Boss, I have eyes on the girl. It seems she is on a date with a boy", the hooded man said through his comms. "Keep an eye on her. I'm sending you help. When you get the chance, grab her and bring her to me. Make sure not to fail this time", the voice on the other side said and hang up.

As he casually munched on his dessert, his eyes shifted to the side, looking outside the glass windows towards the roof of the opposite building. 'I didn't expect these idiots to try something so soon. Let's see how things go", Samuel thought to himself and he turned his attention back to Elizabeth, fumbling with his wrist watch.

After their lunch, the driver took them to the beach where they rented out swimsuits and went for a dip in the sea. After a few dives to the bottom of the shallow reef, they got out of the water and laid themselves out on beach towels, sunbathing.

 "Today has been really fun. I can't wait to do it again", Elizabeth said as she sat up on her beach towel. "Yeah, me too", Samuel said in response.

When dusk started to show, they left the beach heading for their next stop. As the car sped down the road, the driver noticed a black van with tinted windows speeding behind them. "Young master, young miss…it seems we have company", the driver said to them after adjusting the rearview mirror.

"I noticed…let them come", Samuel said as he held Elizabeth's hand in his. "It's time to pay them back for what they did to you. Just leave it up to me", he said to her and she nodded in response as Samuel's eyes flashed with murderous intent.