
"Here they come…make sure to follow the plan", Samuel said to the driver who nodded in response. The driver kept driving normally on the road, pretending to not have noticed the typical criminal van following their car…almost tailgating them.

After a few minutes on the road, they realised that they had entered the part of the city that had lower levels of traffic. There were fewer cars plying on this portion of the road majority of the day.

In the van following the Mercedes, there were three men in ski masks arming themselves with glocks. "It's time. Stop the car", the team leader sitting on the front passenger seat instructed into his comm. The van's driver nodded in response as he pressed on the gas and increased the speed of the van.

Samuel noticed that the van had suddenly increased in speed. "Brace yourselves!", he said to Elizabeth and the driver as the van rammed into the back of the Mercedes causing them to jerk in their seats. Suddenly, another van appeared out of nowhere and rammed into the side of the Mercedes, pushing it close to the curb and forcing it to stop.

After the Mercedes was forcefully stopped, the two vans boxed it in to prevent it from driving away. Multiple masked men came out of the two vans and swarmed around the smaller car, pointing their guns at it. "If you move, you'll get a bullet in the head", the leader shouted to the driver who raised his hand in submission.

The rest of his comrades quickly grabbed Samuel and Elizabeth from the backseat of the Mercedes and shoved them into the back of one of the vans after placing dark masks over their heads.

After this was done, the leader fired a few shots into the wheels of the Mercedes and run back to his van speeding off instantly. After the coast was clear, the driver lifted his head and took out his communications device. "They are on route, continue to keep an eye out on them. When you come across the gang's main base, you are to stay back. The young master has instructed as not to interfere but only to keep ordinary civilians and outsiders away", he instructed. "Yes sir!!" came the reply from the other side.

The driver then pressed a button on his dashboard and the punctured tires were instantly restored and reinflated. The driver quickly started the car and followed the two vans from a distance, tracking their location through a GPS tracker sewed unto Samuel's clothes.

Samuel and Elizabeth sat quietly; their faces covered, as the vans sped down the road heading towards the more unsavory parts of the city. It looked like an abandoned industrial area with a lot of unused warehouses. This had been their new base after the police had raided their apartment complex base a few years ago after the first failed kidnapping event.

The vans stopped before a large warehouse and Samuel and Elizabeth were dragged out and guided into the warehouse. Even with his face covered, Samuel could sense his entire surroundings. Even though they turned several corners on their journey through the warehouse, he was sure he could find his way out if he wanted to. There were guards posted at vantage points to prevent any intruder from gaining access.

They soon came upon the main hall used for gang meetings and other activities. Samuel and Elizabeth were forced to kneel before a bald and buff man with tattoos all over his body. He had new scars on his face from the battle with the police department.

He sat on a large chair on a raised platform looking down on them. The bald man gave the signal and the masks were removed from the heads of the two teenagers. Samuel and Elizabeth both blinked several times to adjust to the light.

"Well…well…well, Miss Elizabeth Smith, as I live and breathe. You've managed to escape my grasp so many times but now…you've finally fallen into my hands", the bald man said after he met Elizabeth's gaze.

"Who are you? And why are you after me?" Elizabeth asked. "Calm down little lady. Everything in due time. My name is Zoltan. I'm the leader of the Death rain Gang", the leader introduced himself and he proceeded to explain to Elizabeth the ongoing battle between his gang and the police department. He explained to her that, because of her father's actions, he had lost all the corrupt police men who were on his payroll consequently reducing his influence in the city.

Also, the police had started cracking down hard on his and all the other remaining small gangs still remaining in the city. Their businesses have taken a sudden nose dive causing them to lose a lot of their incomes.

"So…basically, you keep trying to capture me just because my dad is doing the job he is supposed to be doing?" Elizabeth asked in an angry tone. Zoltan laughed, seeing her angry face. "It's nothing personal little girl, we just need to send a message to your dad. You are going to be our guest for the foreseeable future…or at least until your father gets his act together", he informed.

"Although, you are definitely not going to return to him as you came. While you are here, my men and I are going to take out our frustration with your body. I normally don't go for young kids like you but this is all to send a message to your father…so I'm over it", Zoltan said with a smile and creepily licked his lips.

The men surrounding them laughed as they couldn't stop themselves from imagining their immediate enjoyable future. Most of them were even bricked up thinking about it. "We need to celebrate…bring all the booze we have", he said to some of his men who excitedly run out of the room.

Listening to all this with her head turned towards the ground, Elizabeth started shaking from pure rage. She started muttering inaudible words as her pupils changed into slits and her fingers hidden beneath her dress started morphing into claws.

Sharp fangs peeked out of her lips as she gave a light growl. Her levels of anger had broken into the realms of wrathful, allowing her alter ego to take over.