Wiping Out The Death Rain Gang

Over the course of the few months since Samuel reunited with Elizabeth, he had been investigating into the mutations his blood had caused her body.

After scanning her body and having Lisia run the analysis, he had discovered that, unlike Drogo who had a physical change, Elizabeth's change was internal. Similar to Catherina and himself, Elizabeth's biology was both human and draconic.

However, unlike them, Elizabeth could not consciously sense her draconic side not to speak of controlling it. But listening to her account of blacking out when she was kidnapped and waking up later to hear of the massacre, he could only conclude that her draconic side had generated a consciousness of its own; her very own alter ego.

Sensing the draconic presence emerging from Elizabeth's body, the still silent Samuel stretched his hand and held her clawed hand firmly. Feeling the strong hand of her beloved on her hand, Elizabeth's draconic alter ego calmed down and retreated to the recesses of her subconsciousness.

Her claws and fangs retracted as her eyes returned to normal and her sense of self returned to her. She smiled as she held onto Samuel's comforting hand firmly.

Zoltan turned his attention to the two teenagers and noticed that they were currently holding hands. "Well, what do we have here? You must be the boyfriend. I almost forgot you were there", he said and laughed with his men.

Taking a good look, he realised that the boy was extremely good looking. So much so that it was almost irritating. Upon gazing at his face, the leader felt a sense of dread and his heart skipped a beat as he stared deep into the dark cold eyes of the boy.

Trying to look calm, Zoltan burst into laughter. "What's with that scary look? Do you think anything you do now will save your girlfriend? Keep dreaming", he said with a laugh. With a sigh, Samuel stood to his feet, surprising them with his action. He looked straight at the bald leader and snorted contemptuously shocking the leader. 

He pointed a finger at the leader and spoke loudly and clearly for all to hear, "You there…baldy, I have a proposal!".

The veins in Zoltan's head bulged in anger as he hated being addressed in any way or form relating to his baldness. "You little prick, what do you want?" he asked in anger.

"I want us to have a one-on-one fight. If I win, we walk out of here and you disband your little group of merry men, but if I lose, you can do whatever you want", Samuel proposed.

The entire hall was drop dead silent as they contemplated what they had just heard. After a few seconds, they all burst into uncontrollable laughter.

"What a funny kid. He really thinks he can take on the boss", one the gang members said to his fellow gang members who laughed in response. It took a minute before all the mocking laughter died down.

"Kid, you are very funny. I can tell you have balls of steel. I'm open to welcoming you into our gang. You could do great things in this family of ours", Zoltan invited.

"I have no interest in joining punks like you so shut your pie hole…are you going to fight me or not", Samuel retorted causing the leaders face to contort in rage.

"It seems I have to show you your place in the pecking order", Zoltan said as he rose from his chair and jumped down from his platform.

"Step back Elizabeth. I'll have this done in a moment", Samuel turned to Elizabeth and instructed. She nodded in response and retreated towards a part of the hall with less gang members. Samuel then moved backwards towards the center of the hall.

"The rules are simple, we keep going till one of us is unable to continue or gives up…I hope you are ready to put your money where your mouth is", Zoltan said as he approached the center and took off his shirt, putting his muscular body on full display.

"You talk too much…are we doing this or what?" Samuel asked clearly dissing the leader who fumed in rage from the disrespect. "I can't wait to pound you into the ground", Zoltan said as he got into a fighting position and charged at Samuel, intending to end the fight quickly, after all, a crime boss like him having to fight a long-drawn-out battle with a little kid would put a stain on his reputation.

No one saw what happened next. Just as the bald leader arrived before Samuel and wound up for a punch, there was a sudden 'boom' and he was suddenly flat on the floor.

The gang members started asking themselves what exactly just happened. One minute their boss was winding up to deliver a skull shattering punch, the next minute he was lying flat on the ground with the side of his face slightly caved in.

Lying flat on the ground, Zoltan was currently trying to figure out exactly what happened in the past few seconds. He barely saw it. After he threw his signature skull shattering punch, he was assured a one-hit victory, but a few inches from connecting his punch to the brat's face, the boy swayed slightly and with an insanely fast spin, a foot connected to his face knocking him to the ground. It was simply unbelievable.

Zoltan groaned in pain as he staggered trying to get back to his feet, blood oozing out of his nose and mouth.

"Hey boss.... you good?" one of the shocked gang members broke out of his stupor and asked his boss.

It was a strange situation. Zoltan, their boss who had enough strength to lift a car by himself had been knocked to the ground by a scrawny little kid.

Zoltan struggled forming coherent sentences as he got unto his knees and wiped the blood from his mouth trying to gain back any semblance of his prior hubris. "Do you really think you we got here because you brought us here? I must have underestimated the level of stupidity amongst you and your men. We allowed ourselves to be captured for one and only one reason; to wipe out the Death rain gang!" Samuel roared, declaring to everyone currently in the building.