Life Debt

"Who the f*ck do you think you are you little punk!!" Zoltan shouted, angered by the teenager's brazen disrespect. He coughed as he placed his hands below him and tried forcing his body to its feet.

Before he could get to his feet, a sharp axe kick came down on his shoulder, sending him back down to the floor hard. "Stay down or I'll stop holding back. I might break something next time", Samuel warned the bulky bald man lying flat on his face.

After a few seconds, Zoltan raised his head with a huff and spat bloody spit on the ground near Samuel's feet. Samuel sighed in resignation as he watched the infamous crime boss rise to his feet, flexing all his superhuman muscles and roared loudly. His muscles bulked up even more, giving him the appearance of a steroid abusing body-builder preparing for a contest.

He turned to Samuel, multiple veins fully displayed all over his muscled figure, as he held up his fists 'boxer style' intending to keep the fight going. "I said I was going to wipe you out but it'd be great if you all surrendered now", Samuel said trying to end the battle.

"Shut the f*ck up and run the ones!!" Zoltan shouted, breaking out his urban language, as he charged at Samuel, intent to kill, clearly displayed on his face.

"Don't say I didn't warn you", Samuel said as he charged towards the bald leader. Zoltan reacted quickly and threw a screw shot, aiming for the boy's head. Samuel dodged the attack by ducking down and in a single fluid motion, swept Zoltan of his feet.

Following this action, without letting the leader's bulky body hit the ground, he sped up the motion of his sweep, performed a single full rotation and kicked Zoltan square in the chest shooting him off several meters and smashing him hard into the walls of the warehouse.

The shock was evident on the face of every gang member currently standing in the hall. They just saw their boss, who was considered the worst of the worst, fly across the room and wedge into the walls of the warehouse, his chest having a caved in foot imprint.

Zoltan puked out a pint of blood and his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he fell out of his man shaped hole unto the ground. "Boss…hey boss! Get the f*ck up. He's just a kid. What are you doing? Stop bullsh*ting!" one of the gang members shouted seeing his boss on the ground.

"You're wasting your time…he's already out cold", Samuel said as he turned to the rest of the gang members. "The fight is over. Are you going to respect the deal and surrender or do I need to put you all down", Samuel asked in a calm but threatening tone.

"F*ck you and f*ck the deal! Let's get rid of this kid", the gang member who led the kidnapping shouted to the rest of the men who pulled out their weapons and charged at the teenager roaring loudly.

A few minutes later, Samuel exited the warehouse with Elizabeth, nary a single scratch on his face or body. His clothes were barely disheveled; only a few bullet holes could be seen. They met the driver standing before the car with the door open, holding a new outfit for Samuel.

Samuel nodded as he collected the clothes and guided Elizabeth in and followed after her. The driver closed the door and picked up his communication device. "Round them all up", he said as suddenly, hundreds of men made up of police SWAT and mercenaries dressed in full combat gear, surrounded the entire warehouse and stormed it.

Upon entering the warehouse, the men were shocked to see the brutal scene before them. The gang members were beaten, battered and broken. They brought in medics and after providing them with emergency first aid, transported all of them away to the police hospital; after all, they were prisoners.

Due to his bulky size and powerful muscles, Zoltan was placed in a strong carbon fiber stray jacket and covered in iron shackles before being transported under maximum security; though, the cave-in on his chest was a clear indicator that he was currently unable to take any action.

"Good job today Young master", the driver said as he drove the car down the road. "You too, Alfred. You did your job to perfection. Now no one will come after Elizabeth again", Samuel praised as he smoothed Elizabeth's hair.

She had been overwhelmed by the stress of the situation and was currently napping on Samuel's shoulder.

"Thank you, young master. It was all thanks to your genius plan. Also, if I'm being honest, I assumed you didn't remember my name", Alfred said with a chuckle.

"Of course, I know your name. I know the name of every staff member of the Griffon household. I trust all of you with my life. Over the few months since we came home, even after learning Catherina's and my insane secret, you guys have displayed a level of loyalty that is truly rare. The least I can do in return is to know you by name. and besides, you are my personal driver, how could I not know your name?", Samuel asked with a chuckle causing Alfred to laugh as well.

"You honour me with your words young master. Honestly, my colleagues and would probably be already dead. We owe the Griffon family a life debt", Alfred said. "Tell me more about it", Samuel requested.

"Honestly, there isn't much to tell. We were just young and inexperienced mercenaries who made a foolish mistake and entered the territory that we should not have. In order to save all our lives, your grandfather had to make a deal; a deal that cost him his life. A life debt is owed and it must be paid. Through all good and bad times, our lives and loyalty will forever lie with the Griffon family", Alfred declared.

"I look forward to our future together", Samuel said as the car approached the gates of Elizabeth's house. They were quickly allowed in and the car stopped before the mansion.

Sensing that they had stopped, Elizabeth woke up and took a look around. "We're back already", she commented with a slight yawn. "Yeah, we are. I think it would be good to go in and rest up. School resumes soon after all; you need all the rest you can get", Samuel said to her and she nodded in agreement.

Alfred opened the door and Samuel helped her out. The mansion doors opened and Elizabeth's mother, Charleen Smith bolted down the stairs and caught her daughter in a bear hug surprising her. "I'm so glad you are safe and sound", she cried in her daughter's arms. "You too Samuel. Thank you for keeping my daughter safe", she said as she turned to him and pulled him into the hug. "Anytime", Samuel said with a smile.

After a few minutes, Charleen left the two alone to say their goodbyes and returned to the mansion. Samuel held Elizabeth's hands and helped her up the stairs. "Thank you for a great time today. I really had fun", Elizabeth said suddenly. "It was my pleasure. I also had fun", Samuel replied. "It's really great that we've been reunited again. I really enjoy spending time with you", she added. "Me too. I really loved our time together", he replied.

When they got to the top of the stairs, Elizabeth turned and faced him. "I guess I'll be seeing you in school in a few days", Elizabeth said. "Yeah", Samuel said but didn't let go of her hand. Time ticked on as they both kept staring into each other's eyes before they slowly leaned into each other and shared a passionate kiss.

This was a beautiful sight for everyone, especially Alfred, who wiped a tear from his face and smiled. Inside the mansion, looking out the open mansion doors, Charleen, Borris and all the other servants present, especially the females, swooned over the sight. They couldn't help but cheer silently for their young miss.

The kiss ended a minute later and the two parted. "See you!" Elizabeth said loudly before she run into the house, her face completely red out of embarrassment. Samuel smiled as he turned and basically glided down the stairs in a state of euphoria.

"Let's go home Alfred", he said as he got to the car. "Very good sir", Alfred said as he opened the door for Samuel to sit.

He gently closed the door and returned to the wheel. He drove away from the mansion, Samuel sitting in the back, beaming with an infectious smile.

"I can't wait for what the future holds for us", he said to himself as he gazed out the tinted window.