Prepared For Battle

It's been two years since the Miller Twins entered the Cape Metro High school. Unlike Samuel, they transitioned to High school with an almost complete and unchanged class roster. This caused their transition into high school life to be no different from that of their middle school days.

They had aged over the two years and had grown a lot stronger than before and looked even more incredible than before. Most of their classmates who feared approaching them had gotten bolder and attempted to ask them out.

Unlike the twins who had slender but powerful figures, Delgato, even as a high schooler, had an extremely imposing muscular body. He was still extremely handsome, almost on par with Sylvester even though he was just a regular human being.

Ever since Silendiana broke the news to Sylvester and Sylvia, they had been training nonstop trying to bridge the hypothetical gap in strength between them and the convict brothers.

Their training had shown results as the twins' various combat forms had increased in level, granting them more power and versatility.

As for Delgato, his body was now capable of withstanding certain levels of damage. The working theory was that, due to the mana serving as a catalyst, his continuous exposure to the elements and physical force of his training; especially the twins' lightening and Silendiana's intense obstacle course trainings, had made him semi-impervious to external attacks.

He could tank lower caliber bullets fired at close range with his skin alone but higher caliber bullets could still injure him if he took then head on. Delgato was basically now a beast in human skin, standing on par with lightning powered aliens and mythical dragons.

As the deadline of their upcoming anticipated conflict got closer and closer, they started to experience several bouts of anxiety. Silendiana had done her best to prepare them for the upcoming battle, trying to get their minds into the right headspace.

After a while of trying, she managed to succeed. She stoked their hidden prides as royalty of the planet of Hexanza and the twins' sense of anxiety disappeared, completely replaced with a strong sense of serenity and desire to win.

Afterall, what was there to fear when insanely powerful creatures like Samuel and Catherina were just a phone call away. They were no slouches either as according to their mother, their current strengths far superseded the last recorded strengths of the convict brothers; even with their mutations.

Another point to note was that they had human ingenuity on their side and no matter how things turn up, they are sure to go through it successfully. With the help of Dr. Michelson and Delgato, they had prepared countless fail-safes in case the unexpected happens.





CONNECTION CANNOT BE RE-ESTABLISHED. DIVERTING ALL RESOURCES INTO TRACKING MODE!" Lisia reported to the entire base waking everyone early that dawn.

"So, they are almost here, huh! I guess it had to happen sometime", Delgato, who had been sleeping over, said after hearing the report.

"We are ready for them. Let them do their worst…we'll let them experience the full consequences of their actions", Sylvester declared receiving a nod from his friend.

"Alright, let's get Sylvia and get a few hours of training in before breakfast", Sylvester said as he rose from his bed.

The two friends put on their training gear and exited the room to meet Sylvia, dressed in her training gear, waiting for them. 

Time passed by quickly as days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Cape Metro High and Sienna Metro High were scheduled to have their biennial inter-school football match the evening of that Friday in Cape Metro city.

As the hosts, Cape Metro High prepared the stadium and awaited the arrival of the students and faculty of Sienna Metro High.

A little while later, multiple long buses containing students and staff from Sienna Metro High, pulled into the Cape Metro High school's parking lot. The students and faculty were ushered out of the vehicles and led to the resting areas. The students of Cape Metro High were soon allowed to interact with their guests in order to occupy their time before the game started late that afternoon.

The Twins and Delgato met up with Samuel and the celebrated their reunion. Samuel also met his former classmates who couldn't help but comment jokingly on the fact that former allies would turn into enemies once on the field of play.

Contrary to their expectation, Samuel would not be taking part in the game as he was not a player. He had just tagged along with the other students who came with the goal of cheering on their school's team.

A couple of hours later, the match started. The two teams showed comparable talents, with no team really taking any significant lead. The students cheered loudly in the stands as their fellow students tackled each other to the ground in order to obtain the ball and get past their opponents' backline in order to score.

The twins, Delgato and Samuel snuck out of the stadium and flew towards the spot calculated by Lisia to be the highest possible landing spot of the prison ship. They met Silendiana waiting alone as Dr. Michelson had to observe and contain the entire situation back at the base.

They all then changed into their combat forms. Samuel activated his battle suit that covered his Prime emergence body giving him an extremely cool as well as dangerous appearance. On his face was a demonic looking mask that covered the lower half of his face leaving his draconic eyes free from obstruction.

The twins activated the first variation of their battle forms. This form gave them a general boost to all their attributes.

Silendiana had dawned her old Hexanzan battle suit even though she never imagined putting it on again. The battle suit had been revamped with newly developed Earth technology and renovated Hexanzan technology.

Delgato had a similar battle suit designed for males and due to the fact that he was the only one among them who could not fly, his suits had anti-gravity and movement control devices installed in order to allow him move freely through the air.


In their ship hurtling straight for Earth, Caralcus and Caralmus were salivating. Their long wait had finally come to an end and soon they will be indulging themselves with their quarry. Their ship shot past the planet's only moon barreling straight for the big blue planet.

Ever since they exited the wormhole, they had completely lost control of their ship. As they moved through the wormhole, they moved through oceans of radiations that left them foaming at the mouth. The radiation had affected the ships functionality, shutting down most of its functions and leaving it on autopilot following the previous entered coordinates.

"Strap in brother, this is going to be a bumpy entry", Caralmus said with a freaky grin as they approached the planet's upper atmosphere.

"Brother, watch out!!" Caralcus shouted as a random satellite crashed into the ship, splitting it into two and sending them burning through the Earth's stratosphere and crushing towards the surface of the planet.