The Reveal

Sitting across the conference table, Dr. Michelson and Silendiana prepared to deliver the news of a lifetime. "There is something Emmanuel and I have to tell you kids", she said as she held Dr. Michelson's hand.

"Your mother and I are dating", Dr. Michelson said looking into her eyes and waiting to hear the response from the children. Hearing nothing, he turned to them only to see unsurprised and confused expressions on their faces.

"What's with those looks on your faces?" Silendiana asked after a few seconds of silence. "I mean…this isn't really news to anyone", Sylvester announced shocking the two adults.

"W…what do you mean?" Silendiana asked in shock. "Well, we've known about you two this whole time", Sylvia replied stunning them further. "How long have you known…no…how did you even find out about us?" Dr. Michelson asked.

"Well, we've known ever since we came back from Africa…and as to how we know, you can thank Samuel and Catherina for that. With their insane senses of smell, they could easily determine that you two had the hots for each other", Sylvester informed.

"They actually noticed that your scents changed whenever you were in the same room together long before we left for Africa, and at first, they didn't know what to make of it. Upon our return, Samuel noticed that, not only your scents had grown stronger, but you two started giving off each other's scents and he immediately connected the dots and informed us. We didn't mention it because we thought you'd tell us on your own when the time was right", Sylvester explained.

Dr. Michelson slapped his forehead with his palm and laughed loudly. "I can't believe we thought we could hide anything with dragons under our roof", he said and kept laughing. Silendiana also joined in the laughter and soon the whole room was giddy with laughter. The laughter soon died down and Silendiana's happy face was replaced by a somber one.

"I feared that you'd be upset with me for trying to forget your father and getting together with another man", Silendiana mentioned with her head down. Sylvia stretched her hands across the table and gently held her mother's hands.

"We'll never be upset over such a thing, after all, we are not kids. We can't possibly imagine the grief you felt when you lost our father years ago. We also know of uncle Michelson's despair-filled past as well. Any normal person who went through what both of you went through would seek a partner to fill the hole left in their hearts the moment they get the chance. If both you and uncle Michelson find happiness with each other, who are we to deny you. We sincerely feel happy for you both and wish you the best for the future", Sylvia said with happy tears in her eyes as her brother nodded with a smile behind her.

"Thank you both so much. I feel so blessed to have kids like you", Silendiana said as she wiped a tear from her eyes. It took a few seconds for her to regain her composure.

"Anyway, since you already know about us, the next part will be quite easy to say", she said as she took his hand once again. "Since our feared battle is finally past us, Emmanuel and I have decided to take a trip around the world. We may probably not return for a few years", Silendiana announced.

"This is so sudden", Sylvester said with a stunned look on his face. "It may seem that way but we've been planning for it for a while now", Silendiana replied.

"We'll be leaving tomorrow. Lisia is currently performing an assignment so we'll like to leave the base in your care until we return", Dr. Michelson said to them.

"And make sure you keep up with your training. Also, remember to take care of each other; Max, Clarice and Delgato included. If you find yourself in any trouble, feel free to contact us or Samuel", Silendiana added and they nodded in acknowledgement.

Early the next morning, Sylvester and Sylvia escorted their mother and Dr. Michelson to the airport as they had decided to travel like regular people this time.

They stood at the departure area, looking out the glass window at the plane that sped down the runway and took off into the sky heading in the direction of the love birds first stop on their romantic trip.


Located in the northern polar region of Earth is the Arctic desert. At the center of this desert is a large secret underground research lab used for different types of biological experimentation. The base technically didn't exist as there were no official records of its existence in any document; whether classified or public.

The base had a total of ten floors; of which each floor had a field of study it focused on, going deep into the Earth. There were dozens of armed personnel guarding each floor vigilantly.

There were also multiple men and women in white lab coats galivanting around, performing the tasks of which they had been assigned to do on their stationed floor.

On the last floor of the base, a few scientists were observing an experiment through military grade bullet proof glass. Beyond the glass were two teenage brothers who were strapped tightly to upright gurneys with multiple sensors attached to their bodies and several volts of electricity being run through them.

Their muffled screams resounded loudly in the lab as they struggled to free themselves from their restraints. The scientists smirked as they observed the brothers experiencing the inhumane treatment. Soon. The torture was stopped as the scientists gazed at the readings on their screens. Another female scientist who served as the head scientist for the floor entered the lab and addressed the others, who turned and saluted her.

"What is the status with the specimens? Hae we been able to narrow down the source of their abilities?", she asked them. "Not yet boss. We've tried everything from full body scans to electro shock therapy. We even questioned them directly using truth serum and other less than humane ways but the results were still null. It's either they completely have no idea of the source of their abilities or they have insanely strong will power to resist divulging their secrets", the lead scientist in the experiment answered.

"Our investors are demanding immediate results. Powerful creatures are popping out of the wood work one by one. If nothing is done, soon humanity will be replaced as the dominant species of the planet. We need to evolve and keep our reign as the kings of the world ", she declared and was met with awe struck gazes from her staff.

The head scientists turned towards the two brothers through the glass and they glared back at her with their different pairs of blue-gray and red-yellow heterochromatic eyes.

The rage behind their glares was fear inducing and filled with murderous intent. Of course, the head scientist didn't appreciate that. She gave the order and the electrical torture was resumed.

As the electricity run through the bodies of the two test subjects, the eldest brother who had the blue and gray heterochromatic eyes managed to free his mouth from his gag.

He took in a deep breath and gave a loud shout. A sonic blast boomed in the base, knocking down all the staff and short-circuiting all the devices, successfully unlocking the restraints on the two brothers as well.

The second brother with the red and yellow heterochromatic eyes tore out of his restraints and helped his exhausted brother out of his.

"We need to escape before their systems are restored", the elder brother said to his little brother who nodded in response and placed his brother's arm around his shoulder and held on to him tightly. Then with a blur, both brothers disappeared from lab.

"F*ck!! Find them now!! We can't lose high grade specimen like them. Do whatever you must to find and return them to me!!" the head scientists shouted to the armed personnel who recovered and entered the lab after she rose from the ground to find her precious test subjects free from their harnesses.

She gritted her teeth in frustration with bloodshot eyes desiring their prompt return. "How do I explain this to the board?" she asked herself even as little streams of blood flowed out of her ears.