CHAPTER 7: A Strange Sighting

The family finally reached the basement without any further problems. The was right opposite the staircase so they managed to get into the car without alerting the zombies. The car was a long black color car, it was a normal car for a four-membered family. The kids sat in the back while the parents sat in the front.

Arin's dad was an exceptional driver. He knew the mechanics of the car perfectly.

Suddenly there was a small sound in the car. The fuel was low. 

Arin's dad said in frustration, "Great! the fuel is low. We go to the nearest petrol bank"

Everyone was tired from the recent battle. They were not ready to encounter the zombies. But there was no option, Arin sighed,

"Okay, Dad. We need to get this done to survive. Let's figure out the plan when we reach there."

Arin finally managed to get some courage, and she adapted to the new world fast. Well, she was known to be one of the fastest learners.

Everyone in the family agreed to this plan, and Arin's dad started the car.

Upon hearing the sounds of the engine rumbling. Zombies headed towards the car at an alarming rate. Her dad pulled the car behind, hitting a few zombies.

Blood was oozing out of each zombie. But despite this, they suddenly got up and started banging at the windows. It was a scary sight to look at.

Kevin bent his head down; he was shivering. Arin, on seeing him shivering, went close to him and put her hands around him, she did this to protect him.

With no time to lose, her dad pressed the accelerator fast and drove past zombies. It was a narrow escape. They managed to escape from the building.

As the car rumbled to life, the family found themselves navigating through the desolate streets. The once bustling city now lay in ruins, with remnants of chaos scattered across the landscape. Broken windows, abandoned vehicles, and eerie silence surrounded them.

Arin peered out of the window, her eyes scanning the shadows for any signs of movement. The city now felt like a ghost town. The occasional groans of distant zombies served as a chilling reminder of the dangers that lurked outside.

The petrol bank was a few blocks away, and the family proceeded cautiously. Arin's dad skillfully maneuvered through the debris-laden roads, avoiding abandoned cars and wreckage. The atmosphere inside the car was tense, each of the family members was lost in their thoughts about the world that had crumbled around them.

As they approached the petrol bank, the signs of a once bustling fuel station came into view. The overhead canopy creaked in the wind, and the fuel pumps stood still, a stark contrast to the chaotic scenes they had witnessed earlier.

Arin's dad pulled up to the fuel station, parking the car near the pumps. The family exchanged wary glances, knowing that this brief stop could bring them face-to-face with the unpredictable dangers of the apocalypse.

"Stay close," Arin's dad cautioned as they exited the car. The smell of gasoline lingered in the air, and the distant moans of zombies reminded them that safety was a fleeting concept in this new reality.

Arin and her mom decided to go to the nearby shop to take some food supplies. It was right next to the petrol bank. The place looked abandoned, it was weird because in every place they had encountered- there was always at least one zombie. The shop was deserted.

Not thinking too much, Arin and her mother went and grabbed as many snacks and food as possible.

As Arin towards the darker part of the shop, she smelt a horrible stench in the air. She wanted to go away but like every protagonist, she went towards smell. It was the smell of blood. When she reached closer she saw a lot of zombie corpses on top of each other. It was a gruesome sight to look at, their hands were torn from their body. There was blood flowing out. Looking at this horrific scene, she was about to scream but her mom put her hand on Arin's mouth and pulled her away.

"Shh, Arin, we can't draw attention to ourselves," Arin's mom whispered urgently. The gruesome figures of zombie corpses sent shivers down their spines, a stark reminder of the relentless brutality that had befallen the world.

They retreated cautiously, their steps muffled on the desolate floor. Arin's mom guided her towards the exit, keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings. The eeriness of the abandoned shop heightened, the silence broken only by the occasional creaking of loose boards and the distant moans of the undead.

Once outside, Arin's mom released her grip on Arin's mouth. "I'm sorry you had to see that," she said, her eyes reflecting the weight of the new reality.

Arin, though shaken, managed a nod. The encounter served as a grim reminder of the dangers that lurked even in seemingly empty places. The world had become a graveyard, and each corner held the potential for a horrifying discovery.

They quickly rejoined Arin's dad and Kevin at the car, where the atmosphere was tense with anticipation. The family, now continued their journey through the desolate streets.

As the car moved forward, Arin couldn't shake the image of the piled zombie corpses from her mind. She then suddenly remembered seeing a huge kitchen knife near the zombies. It was a sign of someone's doing.

She wondered, "Who killed those zombies?"