CHAPTER 8: Where it all started

Days before the outbreak happened, there were a lot of people in the shadows who wanted to control the world.

One such person was Alex Mercer, he was a feared enforcer for a powerful mafia named 'Blood Hounds'. Even though, he was part of the mafia, he cared for the people around him.

He was a young man of 21. As he was from a rich family of mafias, he always wore designer coats, sometimes in red, blue, or green. He had dark black hair and beautiful green eyes. His build was fit. He looked like an anime character.

Just two days before the outbreak. He sat in his office; he was going through some important papers. Suddenly his phone rang, he picked it up, the person on the the end of the line spoke,

"Alex! Dr.March found something very interesting."

"Oh. I told you not to spy on him. I control this base not the researchers.", said Alex angrily.

Sam was always an unpredictable guy. He only thought about himself and was always trying to do something terrible.

Sam chuckled, "Alex, my friend, you worry too much. Dr. March may work for you, but he's always been drawn to discovery. Now, this virus he's found, it's no ordinary pathogen. It's a game-changer. Imagine the power it could give us."

Alex leaned back, skeptical. "I've seen enough power plays, Sam. What makes you think this is worth the risk?"

Sam's tone turned conspiratorial, "Because it's not just about power. It's about control. Control over life and death. Think about it, Alex. Immortality. We could be kings in this new world."

Alex sighed, rubbing his temples. "You always find a way to complicate things. I'll meet Dr. March. But if this goes south, Sam, you're on your own."

Little did Alex know, this ominous decision would set off a chain of events that would plunge the world into chaos.

On the day of the outbreak, the underground base was in danger of an unknown virus had consumed the researchers.

Alex rushed to meet Dr.March. When he banged open the door, he saw Sam holding a gun, which was pointed at Dr.March. Alex shouted,


Sam looked at Alex; he looked creepy. His eyes were obsessed with this virus. He said grimly, "Since Dr.March didn't give the virus. I took it."

He laughed evilly and said, "And I accidentally released it.". He laughed again. It was echoing through the room.

Dr. March, visibly shaken, pleaded, "Alex, you have to stop him. The virus, it's not just a weapon. It's a curse. A curse that could wipe out humanity."

Sam, enjoying the chaos he had unleashed, smirked, "Oh, Alex, always the hero. But there's no stopping this. The virus is out, and soon, the world will bow to a new order."

Alex, furious and desperate, shouted, "You're insane, Sam! You've condemned us all."

Sam, still pointing the gun at Dr. March, chuckled, "Condemned? No, my friend, I've liberated us. In chaos, there's opportunity. Survival of the fittest, and we will emerge as the rulers."

He then fired at Dr.March and ran towards the exit. Despite the pain, Dr. March mustered a weak smile. "Go, Alex. Save the world from the monster I helped create."

Alex, fueled by a mix of rage and responsibility, dashed towards the exit. The underground facility, once a hub of scientific discovery, now echoed with the haunting sounds of impending doom.

Alex pursued Sam through the chaos-ridden streets, each step fueled by determination and the weight of responsibility. The once bustling city had transformed into a battleground, with the groans of the infected echoing between the buildings.

He thought, "How did the virus spread so fast?"

Finally catching up to Sam in a narrow alley, Alex confronted him with fierce determination. "Sam, you've unleashed hell upon us. It ends here!"

Sam, wearing a sinister grin, retorted, "Oh, Alex, you always had a flair for the dramatic. But you can't stop what's already in motion."

The alley felt suffocating, surrounded by decaying buildings and the stench of death. The dim light struggled to pierce through the shadows, creating a sinister backdrop for the impending clash.

Without wasting another moment, Alex lunged at Sam, fists flying. The narrow confines of the alley intensified the confrontation, the sounds of their struggle blending with the cacophony of the apocalypse outside.

Alex's combat skills were formidable, each move calculated and precise. However, Sam moved with an uncanny agility, as if he had anticipated every strike. He dodged and weaved through Alex's attacks, it was as if they were dancing.

Their movements became a blur – punches thrown, kicks dodged, and grunts of exertion filling the air. The desperation of the fight mirrored the desperate situation humanity found itself in.

In a sudden twist, Sam disarmed Alex, sending his weapon clattering to the ground. The odds seemed grim as Sam pressed his advantage, reveling in the impending triumph. The weight of the situation hung heavy in the air.

With a sly smile, Sam incapacitated Alex, leaving him on the cold, unforgiving ground.

"You were always too predictable, Alex. This world is mine now," Sam gloated, his voice echoing through the desolation.

As Sam gloated over his apparent victory, the distant thudding of helicopter blades filled the air. A spotlight pierced through the darkness, revealing a sleek, black helicopter hovering above the city's ruins. Sam's eyes gleamed with triumph as he made his way towards the waiting chopper.

Alex, still recovering from the intense fight, watched helplessly as Sam climbed aboard the helicopter. The spotlight illuminated Sam's face, twisted in a triumphant sneer. With a mocking salute, Sam vanished into the night sky, leaving Alex seething with a mix of frustration and determination.

The helicopter ascended, disappearing into the abyss of the post-apocalyptic skyline. Alex knew that Sam, armed with the virus and an agenda shrouded in malevolence, was now an even graver threat. The city below, ravaged by the outbreak, seemed to mourn its inevitable fate.

As the distant thumping of the helicopter faded away, Alex clenched his fists, vowing to track down Sam and, put an end to the chaos he had unleashed. The war for survival had taken a new turn, and Alex was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in this dystopian world.