CHAPTER 9: A new member

Upon losing Sam, Alex felt extremely guilty for his mistakes. He thought,

"Only if I was stronger. I could have easily defeated him"

Right now, the only revenge that was burning his heart was the betrayal of Sam. He wanted to destroy the mutations.

Alex distanced himself from the remnants of the mafia. As chaos erupted around him, he honed his combat skills to survive in the harsh new reality. The ruthless tactics he once employed against rival gangs now served him well against the undead.

Adopting the name of the "Enforcer," Alex roamed the post-apocalyptic landscape, taking on the undead with the same brutal efficiency he once used against human foes. His encounters with various survivor groups made him realize that the key to redemption might lie in dismantling the remnants of Sam's operations, including hidden research facilities that held crucial information.


After one day of exploring, he reached a shop filled with zombies. Hunger devoured his mind and the sight of zombies triggered him.

His instincts kicked in, a primal urge to survive, and the upcoming confrontation became a battle not just against the undead, but against the relentless tide of emotions within him. He wanted to pour his emotions in the battle.

The door creaked open, revealing a dimly lit interior filled with the haunting silhouettes of zombies. Alex took a deep breath, his focus sharpening as he entered the shop. The air was thick with the stench of decay, and the intermittent groans of the undead set an eerie backdrop to the impending clash.

As the first zombie shuffled forward, Alex moved with calculated precision. His movements were a deadly dance, a symphony of kicks, punches, and swift maneuvers. Each strike was fueled with the anger and frustration that had accumulated within him.

A zombie lunged, its decaying hands reaching for Alex. In response, he delivered a bone-crushing kick to its chest, sending it crashing into a display rack. The metallic clang echoed through the shop, punctuating the brutality of the fight.

The hunger that initially triggered his aggression now transformed into a relentless determination. The need for sustenance was momentarily overshadowed by the raw, primal instinct to obliterate the threats before him. His fists moved with a controlled fury, each impact resonating with the pent-up emotions that fueled the onslaught.

With each incapacitated zombie, a weight lifted from Alex's shoulders. His movements were a manifestation of the inner turmoil, an expression of the pain and anger that fueled his every strike.

After the last zombie fell, Alex stood amidst the stillness, heaving breaths and drenched in a cold sweat. The emotional storm within him gradually subsided, leaving behind a sense of eerie calm. As he caught his breath, flashes of memories flooded his mind - the betrayal, the unleashing of the virus, and the ensuing apocalypse. The faces of the people who had betrayed him were replaced with the faces of the approaching zombies.

After this tiring battle of emotions, he pulled himself together and ate some snacks on the nearby shelf. He then put his bloody knife, which he used to kill some of the zombies, down and went get some new weapons for himself.

He packed all his supplies in his bag and decided to leave. He was lost in his thoughts as he moved forward.

After a few days-

The streets echoed with the eerie silence of a world lost to chaos. Alex continued his solitary journey through the city's ruins. The weight of guilt and responsibility pressed upon him like a relentless force, urging him to confront the remnants of his past.

As he navigated through the deserted streets, a piercing scream shattered the quiet, reaching his ears with an unsettling urgency. Without hesitation, Alex sprinted toward the source of the distress, his instincts kicking in. Turning a corner, he stumbled upon a harrowing sight – Arin and her family, surrounded by a horde of relentless zombies.

Reacting swiftly, Alex waded into the fray, his combat skills on full display as he fought off the approaching undead. The clash was intense, each swing of his fists and kicks a dance of survival. The narrow alley became a battleground, echoing with the sounds of impact, groans of the undead, and desperate cries for help.

A zombie lunged at Arin's mom, its decaying hands outstretched. In a swift motion, Alex intercepted the attack, delivering a powerful kick that sent the creature staggering back. Arin's dad, armed with a weapon, swung at another zombie, creating a brief opening for Alex to strike with precision.

The atmosphere was thick with tension as Arin, her brother, and her parents joined the fight, each of the family members, finding the strength to confront the horrors before them. Alex moved with calculated efficiency, his combat skills proving invaluable in the chaotic struggle.

Arin's brother, Kevin, hesitated as a zombie approached. Alex, on seeing the fear in the young boy's eyes, swiftly intervened, by delivering a spinning kick that incapacitated the approaching threat. The tide of the battle began to turn, as the family and their unexpected ally fought together against the relentless zombies.

The last moments of the clash were a symphony of desperate maneuvers and well-timed strikes. With a final, powerful kick, Alex sent a zombie crashing into a decaying wall, where it fell to the ground, motionless. The alley fell silent once more, the echoes of the brutal confrontation lingering in the air.

Breathing heavily, Arin's dad, feeling a mix of gratitude and skepticism, spoke, "Who the hell are you?"

Alex, catching his breath, replied, "I'm Alex. We need to get out of here before more of them show up."

As if on cue, distant groans signaled the arrival of more zombies. The urgency was palpable. Arin's family, on seeing the monsters coming after them, joined Alex in a desperate sprint back to the car.

As the last echoes of the clash faded, the alley fell into an uneasy quiet. Adrenaline still coursed through their veins as they retreated to the car. Inside the vehicle, tension lingered, and all eyes turned to Alex. Breaking the silence, he spoke with a reassuring smile, 'You can trust me. I am a good guy.'

Arin's dad, skepticism evident in his narrowed eyes, demanded, 'Why should we trust you?'

Understanding the weight of suspicion, Alex sighed, 'I get it. I wouldn't trust a stranger in these times either. But I'm not your enemy. In fact, I'm trying to stop the person who caused all of this – Sam.'

Arin's mom, gripping her makeshift weapon, challenged him, 'How do we know you're not working with this Sam guy? You could be just as dangerous.'

Looking at the family he had just saved, Alex knew he needed to earn their trust. With a determined expression, he continued, 'I have my reasons to go after Sam. He betrayed me too. We're all just survivors in this nightmare, and I believe we stand a better chance together. If you still don't trust me, you can leave me behind once we find a safe place. But for now, we need each other.'

After exchanging glances and moments of contemplation, Arin said seriously, 'Okay, listen here Alex, we will trust you for now. But if you betray us, I will kill you personally.'

On hearing this, Alex laughed for the first time and said happily, 'Okay.'

As the family decided to trust Alex, each member grappled with their own internal conflicts. Arin's dad, though grateful for the timely rescue, couldn't shake the wariness of the man behind them. 

Arin's mom, gripping her hammer a little tighter, felt a mix of relief and suspicion. The recent encounter with zombies was a stark reminder of the fragility of their existence. The idea of an alliance brought a glimmer of hope, but the fear of betrayal clawed at her thoughts.

Arin, normally quick to adapt, found herself torn between the instinct to survive and the caution her parents instilled. Trusting someone new was a risk, and the gravity of that decision weighed heavily on her young shoulders.

Kevin, Arin's younger brother, still visibly shaken from the recent zombie encounter, looked at Alex with a mix of awe and fear. The apocalypse had forced him into a world where adults struggled to make sense of things.

And Alex, the enforcer haunted by his past actions, carried the weight of guilt and the burning desire for redemption. The decision to trust him was a fragile bridge to redemption, but he knew that each step forward would be met with skepticism.

As they continued their journey through the desolate streets, the alliance had been formed due to survival.