New Threats And News Sweats

"And then i said, I don't like vanilla", a man in his 40's said as he and another man who looked to be in his early 50's laughed at his joke. "Man, how did you come up with such jokes?", The man in his 50's asked. "Simple, throw stuff till it sticks and try it again", The man in his 40's responded as he went and got two cans of coke for the both of them. "Oh, he's got the ball!", The man in his 50's said as the man in his 40's took a seat on the couch. "Come on, come on, TOUCHDOWN!!", The two men shouted so loudly you could hear it from across the town and beyond. "Another one for the jets!", The two men said as they took a sip from there cokes. "What's going on here? I can hear you boys from across the house", A women who looked to be in her 40's said as she entered the room. "The jets just scored a touchdown", The man in his 40's said. "Well that's good but i can hear you from the other room Pat", The women in her 40's said. "Sorry honey", Pat said. "You two Peter", The women said as she left the room. "Heat of the moment", Peter said. "Yeah, that happens a lot here", Pat said. "Oh it's the same at my place. Jessie hates it when i yell a touchdown as well", Peter said. "Speaking of, what are the lady's doing? I wasn't paying attention", Pat asked. "I believe there talking about who knows what but i never know", Peter said. "I figured as much", Pat said. Just then, the two of them heard someone coming up the stairs to find Wyatt and Teagan with big smiles on there faces. "There comes the soon to be high school graduates", Peter said. "Yeah yeah", Wyatt said. "We have big news", Teagan said with a loud but exited voice as she wrapped her arms around Wyatt. "Do you wanna say it Wyatt?", Teagan asked. "No, you do it", Wyatt said with a slightly high pitched voice. "Together", Teagan said as Wyatt agreed. "We just got into Boulder University!", Wyatt and Teagan said with huge smiles on there faces. "Congratulations", Pat and Peter said as Pat hugged Wyatt while Peter hugged Teagan. "I knew you could do it", Pat said. "Yeah yeah, i knew that essay would be an outstanding one", Wyatt said. "Were so proud of you two", Peter said. "Thanks dad", Teagan said. "I can't wait till then", Wyatt said just as his phone started to ring. "I better take this", Wyatt said as he went into another room and answered the call. "Hello? Wyatt Marson speaking", Wyatt said. "Hello Wyatt, we have been informed that we here at Boulder University have made a mistake with you're application", The other end said. "What do you mean by mistake?", Wyatt asked in a panicked voice. "It turned out we sent you the wrong letter. You were suppose to get a rejection letter", The other end said. "WHAT?", Wyatt exclaimed in a super panicked voice. "That can't be true." "Well it is true", The other end said. "Well is there any possible way i can redo my application before the semester starts? I have a girlfriend and we were suppose to go to this school together. I can't tell her that I'm not going", Wyatt exclaimed. "Hm, if you can write out a new application form in two weeks tops or before you graduate high school, we will give it a look and see if we accept you then. If not, then be prepared for a long distance relationship", The other end said. "I'll do it. I'll have it in before that date.", Wyatt said in a clear voice. "Good luck", The other end said as it hung up. Wyatt at this point was feeling crushed. He couldn't imagine that he and Teagan would have to spend all there time online and never in person. He knew he could never handle a long distance relationship and collage at the same time. Plus even if he could, Teagan would have tons of work to do and they would never be able to see each other. He could see it unfolding in his mind, her leaving, hours on calls, not having enough time and finally, he heard these words loud and clear: "I'm breaking up with you." He just couldn't handle it but he had gotten a second chance. If he could work like he never worked before, there was a chance, a small chance for sure but a chance of there dream coming true. He just needed to work his butt off. Wyatt then headed back into the family room to see that Teagan, Pat and Peter were staring out of the window, clearing looking at something but Wyatt wasn't sure what it was. "What are you all staring at?", Wyatt asked. "Look at this", Teagan said as she pulled Wyatt to the window and he saw it too. There it was, in full glory, a new restaurant had just opened up near the end of the street that looked much, much better then ether the backway station or late day off combined. It was hard to tell from the window but it looked like a crowd was gathering outside and it looked like the inside was full as well. "Are you freaking kidding me?", Pat exclaimed in a very, very angry voice. "Wow, three sandwich shops next to each other.", Teagan said. "That's very good for business", Wyatt said in a sarcastic voice. "Wow, now i know how you guys felt when we opened up", Peter said. "Well, what are we going to do about this?", Wyatt asked while having a feeling he wouldn't get an answer. "I think i know just what to do", Pat said. "Wyatt, Teagan-" "Oh no, I'm not entering the rivals store again just so you can learn about them and take back the customers", Wyatt said in an annoyed voice. "Dang", Pat said. "But isn't that how we first met?", Teagan asked as Wyatt started to fluster. "Well, I, Um", Wyatt said as it was hard for him to get a word out. "Fine, where is the clipboard?", Wyatt asked. "There is no clipboard", Pat said. "Come again?", Teagan asked. "This time, i have a better idea.", Pat said. "And what is this idea?", Peter asked. "We might need the girls for this one but here's the plan", Pat said as he explained his plan to the three of them.