Send The Real End

A few days after Wyatt was freed from the hospital...

It was one of the most peaceful, summer days in New York itself. Just like any other day in this city, the people were out strolling the streets. Some were taking there dogs out and some had children companying them. It was so busy that everywhere you looked, someone was there. Even if you looked up, there wasn't even a single cloud in the sky on this fine day. Now on this fine day, Wyatt and Teagan were walking along the streets at a very fast pace. They were dogging people, dogs, you name it. "Oh man, OH MAN! I can't believe we overslept!" Wyatt said in a panicked voice. "Out of all days to enjoy some extra shut eye, why did it have to be this day?!" Teagan said in an equally panicked voice. "At least our speech isn't until the very end." Wyatt said as he tried to lighten up the situation. "I mean, i guess so but that still isn't good!" Teagan said as Wyatt stayed quiet. The two rushed along the streets until they reached Mando High School. They tried to open the door to get inside but found out that the door was locked. "Rats." Teagan said. "How are we suppose to get our cap and gown's now?" Wyatt asked as he noticed a few parents walking past the main entrance to the school. Wyatt and Teagan naturally assumed they were here for the graduation event and so, the two followed the parents until they reached the football field when they were shocked. The school usually never goes all out unless it's for a football event but this time, the school went all out for graduation. They got tons of huge balloons, tons of big-ish chairs and not the folding ones they usually bring and a portable stage the size of there library. "Woah, did the school decide it wanted to stop being cheap?" Teagan asked as she along with Wyatt started to chuckle a little. "Like that will ever happen." Wyatt said as the two looked around for a while but they couldn't see anyone they knew, or better yet, where they were suppose to go for that matter. The two then walked around until Zac noticed them and walked over. "Where have you two been? You missed my final goodbye to high school speech." Zac asked in an annoying voice. "We overslept and what are you talking about? You never signed up for a speech." Teagan said. Just then, there was a loud crashing sound from nearby. The three of them looked around to see that the bleachers had fallen down completely. "Hm, that's odd. I expected gravity to do the rest later." Zac said. "Now that's a new one." Wyatt said. "I need to have a talk with this gravity." Zac said as the crowd looked away as if nothing happened. "Any who, you know where the caps and gown's are by any chance?" Teagan asked. "Oh the school spend all there money on this stuff that there never going to use so we don't have caps this year." Zac said. "What?" Wyatt asked as he knew Zac was joking but he wanted to ask anyway. "Nah, there right over there." Zac said as the three of them went over to the racket's where the cap and gown's were. After one of them took an extremely long time to put there's on, they were ready for this. "I can't believe we are about to walk up on that stage." Wyatt said in a happy tone. "The reality of this day is sure to make this an amazing day." Teagan said. "No time for a song guys, we have to go!" Zac said as the three of them took there places just as the ceremony began. After a boring speech by there principle, it was time for Wyatt and Teagan to present there speech. "Hello there fellow classmates. As we began to take the next step in our life's, the next step into our futures and the next step into the person we want to be, we often forget to take a look around us, at the view outside our bedroom window, outside the view from our homes and a view from afar. We get so caught up in life that we forget to appreciate the view as well as the people around us. The people that we held close to us, deep in our hearts that we should cherish every day, because one day they might not be here anymore. We forget to cherish them and sometimes when we do remember, it's too late. So whenever you choose to go, never forget to look back on the people who care about you and never forget the people you care about." Wyatt and Teagan said as the crowd cheered for them. Shortly after, the graduates were called upon to receive there diplomas to witch when receiving his, Zac gave a signal and without warning, a cooler that was filled to the brim with ice cold water dropped down and soaked the principle. "Yeah, goodbye high school!" Zac said. "What the heck was that all about?" Wyatt angrily whispered to Zac. "The greatest pranksters always leave there mark. This one is sure to make me class clown." Zac whispered back as the show continued onward. Afterwards, it was time for everyone to place there caps to the left and once that was done with, the principle concluded the ceremony as everyone then threw there caps up in the air with Wyatt and Teagan's cap touching switching in mid air as Teagan's cap landed on Wyatt and his hat landed on Teagan as the two then started to hug. 

"Hey Zac, care to sign my yearbook?" Wyatt asked. "You know i was going to anyway." Zac said as he signed Wyatt's yearbook and in return, Wyatt signed Zac's yearbook as well. "Oh that reminds me, i wanted to give this to you." Zac said as he handed Wyatt a USB flash drive. "Why thank you. What's on this?" Wyatt asked. "I may or may not have made a slideshow for the three of us. Just in case we miss each other, we have this to remind us of each other." Zac said. "How thoughtful of you." Wyatt said as the two hugged for a little bit. "But you do know you're coming with us to the ski-ball game in three hours right?" Wyatt asked. "But by then I'll miss you guys too much." Zac said as he was called elsewhere right when Teagan came up. "Guess who just scored two tickets to collage?" Teagan said. "Already? Moving day isn't until the end of August." Wyatt said. "I know but these things fill up." Teagan said. "They sure do." Wyatt said. "So i know this is early but i made a list of all the fun things we could do in Colorado." Teagan said. "Talk about planning ahead." Wyatt said in a joking voice. "Oh you." Teagan said as the two then started to walk towards the entrance towards the school. "You know Teagan, we faced our parents, two makers of discord, i wonder what's next for us." Wyatt questioned. "You know, I'm not sure ether." Teagan said as she stopped to think for a little bit. "But all i know is that whatever is next for us, we are going to face it together." Teagan said. "Just you and me. I like that." Wyatt said as the two locked glances at each other and leaned in for one final kiss as the sun above started to set beyond the horizon. 

The End.