Gurney's And The Journey Ends

"BEEP, BEEP, BEEP." The computer went over and over again as it showed heartbeats going at a regular rate. "How is he doc?" "He seems to be doing better, it appears he didn't get too many burns somehow but other then that, i think he'll make it out." The nurse said as she check Wyatt's pulse. "That's good to hear. I'll inform his visitors." The doctor said as he walked out of the hospital room and into the waiting area where everyone was there. Sure there was his parents, Teagan and her folks as well as Zac but to be hold, all of the Farrell's were there. For some time however, no one really said a word to each other. They were off in there own little worlds, doing there own thing and waiting on word relating to Wyatt. Everyone besides the Farrell's were impatient to learn about Wyatt and his conditions while the Farrell's were mostly there because they had to be, no thanks to there children. After what felt like forever of waiting, the doctor came out, carrying what appeared to be a mix of a resting and a concerned face. "How's my son? Is he going to be ok?" Willow asked almost instantly without giving the doctor a chance to respond. "Well, the good news is that he didn't receive any extreme burns from that fire thankfully, though mentally, he's a total mess." The doctor said as everyone in that waiting room was shocked. "So is he going to be ok?" Teagan blurted out almost immediately after the doctor was done talking. She was too worried to wait and wanted answers asap. "Please, hold you're questions madam. Now he seems to be ok though if he doesn't get better today, I'm afraid he's gonna have to stay here for a little while longer." The doctor said. "Well can we see him already?", Zac asked. "I suppose so though the room is a bit small so i would recommend you all take turns." The doctor said as he lead the way to Wyatt's room. After a bit of walking, the nine of them reached the room. "Head on in." The doctor said as he opened the door as Pat and Willow entered the room. Wyatt was just starting to wake up at this point with his vision only able to go as far as the room's length. He was able to see two people in front of him but couldn't quite tell who they were just yet. "Hey son." One of them said as Wyatt recognized that it was Pat. "Hey, dad." Wyatt said as he mustered up enough energy to speak. "How's it going Watt?", The other person said who Wyatt identified as his mom. "Uh, I'm in a hospital room so i wouldn't say thing are going amazing right now." Wyatt said in a weak-ish voice. "Well it's good to see you still breathing." Pat said. "Yeah. Where is Teagan?" Wyatt asked out of the blue. "She's outside currently. She'll probably want to speak to you after we leave." Willow said. "Oh thank the tuna rolls she doing ok." Wyatt said. After a few minutes of going back and forth, Pat and Willow left the room and then to his surprise, he saw Leo and Alex enter his room. "Hey man." Leo said in a soft voice. "YOU GUYS-" Wyatt said as he was about to continue to talk but his throat wasn't liking that idea as Wyatt had to cough for a little while. "I should start with I'm sorry." Leo said as he looked down on the ground as Wyatt wasn't buying this. "Sorry? How about sorry for ruining you're relationship with the one person you cared about." Wyatt said as he took a few coughs in between his sentence. "Yeah, I was just so desperate on finding someone i cared about that i didn't even notice you and Teagan had something i just couldn't get between in. Then i tried to fix it and i did a pretty poor job at that so, I'm sorry." Leo said with a clear, yet sincere voice. "I'm still not buying this man. You broke into my house, took my love and almost set me on fire. It's gonna take more then an apology to fix that." Wyatt said in a strict voice. "I understand. I won't try to make you into a meal until you and that girlfriend of you 'res goes off to collage." Leo said. "What are you talking about?" Wyatt asked as Leo pulled out a letter from his back pocket. "While you were getting treatment, the mailman handed me this letter for you." Leo said as he handed Wyatt the letter. "Dear Wyatt Marson." Wyatt said out loud. "After the mix up from the other day and reading you're essay about how the past and differences divide us and how what we have in common is more important, we fully accept you to join Boulder University!" Wyatt said as he got so exited in that moment that he forgot he was weaker then he usually was and jumped up and down on his hospital bed. "Congrats man." Leo and Alex said. "Thanks guys." Wyatt said. "Now i think there's someone here i think wants to have a word with you." Leo said as he along with Alex left the room and Teagan entered. "Oh, uh, Teagan. I...I wasn't expecting you to, uh", Wyatt struggled to say what he wanted to say as Teagan just stood there next to the doorframe. Just then, without warning, Teagan rushed over to Wyatt's side and kissed him on the lips. For a second, Wyatt was unsure and startled but very quickly began to kiss her back too. The two of them stayed that way for what felt like a few minutes before breaking away. "That....That felt nice." Wyatt said. "Yeah, it did." Teagan said in a slightly awkward voice. "Now i should apologize about everything. I just wanted to keep you happy, even though i messed it all up." Wyatt said. "No, i two should take some of the blame for not understanding it all. I should have seen that you were just trying to make me happy, regardless of you're methods." Teagan said. "Yeah, but look who's going to Boulder!", Wyatt said to break the tension as he showed Teagan the letter. "OMG-WE'RE-GOING-TO-BOULDER-TOGETHER!!", Teagan screamed as she threw her arms around Wyatt in one fell motion. "", Wyatt said as Teagan let go and Wyatt returned to his conscious. "Now as soon as i get out of this room, we are booking our flight." Wyatt said as he and Teagan continued to hug each other, not ever wanted to let go. Until they had to but that was later, much later.