Chapter 18: Rich Man

Ye Fan's warrior truck remained within the compartment of the mining truck, encircled by five or six zombies persistently attempting to breach its defenses.

This time, it was the military dog Xiaotian that leaped into action.

In the confined terrain, humans risk scratches from zombies, but Xiaotian faced no such peril. The agile canine skillfully thwarted the zombies' attempts, ensuring not a single hair was caught.

Once Xiaotian sprang into action, he systematically eliminated the zombies one by one. Li Biao, seated in the passenger seat, disembarked, ejecting the remaining zombies from the vehicle.

A few zombies at the rear tried to give chase, but they couldn't match the mining truck's speed.

Zombies sporadically appeared along the roadside, yet posed no hindrance to the rumbling mining trucks. Observing the scene from the back, Ye Fan noticed some zombies halting to feast on the corpses of their fallen brethren.

Ye Fan anticipated the imminent emergence of evolved zombies in the area. Nevertheless, he couldn't dwell on that concern. The imperative was to exit Ice City swiftly.

Approximately ten minutes later, the surrounding buildings thinned out, and the structures grew shorter. They had departed the suburbs and entered the city's border region.

"Stop," Ye Fan commanded.

The mining truck halted, and the warrior reversed out of the carriage, landing smoothly.

Closing the mining truck's cabin panel, the surroundings finally cleared.

"No injuries, right?" Ye Fan inquired.

"Report, no injuries," came the response.

Satisfied, Ye Fan breathed a sigh of relief. Avoiding injuries was crucial, especially since his serum had yet to be refreshed. A scratch from a zombie would spell despair.

Observing his subordinates' upgrade progress, Ye Fan noted that, except for Wang Hu and Xu Haoran, everyone had reached about half of their progress. The two, who hadn't fired much while driving, maintained their bullet count but failed to improve their progress.

Others were left with only three to five rounds of ammunition, restricting their ability to shoot freely. Glancing at the time, it was around two o'clock in the afternoon, and the earliest they could reach home was tomorrow afternoon.

The recent intense battle had drained their energy, prompting every soldier to retrieve dry food and commence eating.

While the car housed a gas tank and gas stove, Ye Fan preferred to avoid cooking. He distributed sausages, mineral water, and other items from the supermarket to everyone, reluctantly taking a bite himself.

"To unlock the cooking squad production option, I need to reach the company commander level. I'm still far from it," Ye Fan remarked, eyeing his current funds of 127. The necklace Xu Haoran brought back, weighing over 100 grams, constituted Ye Fan's most significant income thus far.

The road to accumulating the required five thousand gold for a radar remained long, necessitating Ye Fan to adopt a frugal approach.

After everyone finished eating and returned to the bus, Ye Fan issued the order, "Now, move at full speed. Don't stop midway, and aim to reach the small fishing village before dark for tonight's rest."

With limited space in the car, a comfortable rest was elusive, compelling them to expedite their stay at the previously visited small fishing village.

The mining truck's speed surged to ninety yards, displacing occasional vehicles on the road. Fully departing the suburbs, the surroundings finally embraced tranquility.

Now in early September, the northern region experienced a slight cooling. Crops adorned the landscape, and the Warrior car cruised along the road. Ye Fan opened the car window, relishing the cool breeze—a momentary respite.

Despite the tense atmosphere of the earlier battle and physical exhaustion, soldiers began taking turns to rest. With the refreshing breeze, even Ye Fan succumbed to a deep sleep.

In his dream, he found himself commanding thousands of troops, exuding charisma and authority.

Though named a small fishing village, it didn't adhere to the traditional village concept.

Proximity to the highway led to its establishment, initially as a stop between Ye Fan's hometown, Coal City, and Bingcheng City. A restaurant was the first to settle, soon joined by others, forming a cluster known for fish cuisine.

Over time, a police station, gas station, and health clinic emerged. Yet, the construction of the expressway led to diminished popularity. Despite this, the restaurants persisted, serving the occasional vehicle traversing the road.

Ye Fan recalled his visit to the Sisters Fish House, reminiscing about ordering extra rice and the fierce look from the little girl upon departure.

As Ye Fan woke up, the small fishing village came into view.

"Sir, we've arrived," announced Xu Haoran.

Ye Fan opened his eyes to a darkening sky. The presence of obstacles slowed their journey, and it wasn't a swift run.

More than twenty restaurants still lined both sides of the highway, but their charm had faded since Ye Fan's first visit. Cars scattered across the parking lot, some overturned on the street, blocking the path. The biochemical crisis erupted during lunch, evident from the number of vehicles, suggesting a bustling town then.

"I estimate there are at least a few hundred zombies here, but why can't we see them on the streets?" Ye Fan pondered, contemplating an overnight stay.

"Sir, our vehicles consume fuel quickly, and the fuel in the tank cannot support your hometown," Xu Haoran reported.

The fuel-intensive nature of mining vehicles, particularly during obstacle clearance, meant that the 500-liter fuel tank had diminished to less than half.

"I remember there is a gas station in this town. Let's find a place to stay first and then look for fuel," Ye Fan suggested.

Finding no zombies on the street, Ye Fan instructed the soldiers to disembark.

The mining truck and the Warrior were equipped with automatic locks, with the vehicle keys held by Xu Haoran and Wang Hu. Without the keys, opening the cars proved challenging for anyone except Ye Fan.

Produced by Red Alert, the automatic locks guaranteed theft prevention.

Led by Xu Haoran, the soldiers ventured forth. Wang Hu and Xu Haoran remained armed with fully loaded guns.

As they walked further, Ye Fan sensed a growing peculiarity in the atmosphere.

"We've reached the center of the town, but there are still no zombies in sight. It's strange. Judging by the vehicles, there are at least three hundred zombies here. Where have all the zombies gone?" Ye Fan mused.

Lacking a radar heightened Ye Fan's awareness of its importance, as it could provide an overview of the surroundings and offer a more accurate grasp of the situation.

In the absence of visible zombies, Ye Fan opted to find a place to stay. The Sisters Fish House caught his attention.

Approaching the entrance, they encountered the first zombie—a female driver trapped in an overturned car, extending her claws through the broken window. Wang Hu swiftly dispatched the zombie with a bayonet, acquiring a zombie's ring as part of the loot.

Entering the restaurant, Ye Fan spotted a box carried by the little girl. Upon opening it, a treasure trove of jewelry and a polished jadeite rough stone revealed themselves.

Enamored by the wealth, Ye Fan couldn't help but show a sincere and kind smile to the little girl, though his thoughts were otherwise.

The little girl, noticing Ye Fan's intense interest in the box, spoke with a mix of fear and hope, "I saw you upstairs... you were robbing the zombie's ring. Here are all the jewelry of me and my sister. If you agree to keep us safe, I'll give it all to you."

Tears still glistening in her eyes, she opened the box, revealing a dazzling array of gold rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and watches. Precious stones adorned the collection—diamond rings, pearl necklaces, ruby pendants—culminating in a semi-polished jadeite rough stone.

Ye Fan's eyes widened at the sight. "Riches!" he exclaimed.

With genuine enthusiasm, the little girl continued, "These are all the jewelry we have. If you accept, you can have them all."

Accepting the situation with a shrewd smile, Ye Fan replied, "Well, why make it awkward..."

The soldiers, observing the interaction, couldn't help but admire their leader's ability to navigate such moments. The little girl, sensing a favorable outcome, waited anxiously for Ye Fan's decision.

Ye Fan continued, "In times like these, we all need to help each other. I won't take everything, just a small portion. Your kindness won't go unnoticed."

Grateful for Ye Fan's understanding, the little girl expressed her relief, "Thank you, Comrade! Please, help yourself to whatever you need."

Ye Fan, still maintaining his courteous demeanor, instructed, "Alright, thank you for your cooperation. Now, we'll find a place to rest for the night. Keep safe."

The soldiers followed Ye Fan as he left the restaurant, leaving the little girl to her newfound sense of security and the diminished treasure trove.

As they explored the town, Ye Fan couldn't shake the odd absence of zombies. The eeriness lingered, prompting him to be cautious despite the apparent quietness.

"Sir, we've found a suitable place to stay for the night," reported Xu Haoran.

Nodding, Ye Fan acknowledged, "Good work. Let's secure the place and ensure it's safe for everyone."

The soldiers, accustomed to Ye Fan's meticulous leadership, promptly initiated the necessary security measures. As the night descended, a sense of unease lingered, raising questions about the peculiar absence of the undead in a town that should have been teeming with them.