floor 5

"You bastard, we have been waiting for you in this cold for an hour, where the fuck are you ?"

" I... "

The man was squeezing my throat so much that I had difficulty speaking.

"What are you trying to do, leave him "

The pink-haired girl who brought me here tried to stop the muscular man who grabbed my collar and lifted me into the air, but she wasn't very successful.

Now that I think about it, I realize I don't even know the girl's name.

In the noise I heard from behind, a few more people told the man to calm down, but the man paid no attention until a cold voice was heard.

" Sufficient "

When the man who hugged me heard the sound coming from behind him, he immediately let go of my collar and retreated.

After coughing a few times, I looked up and looked in the direction of the voice to see who the owner of the voice was.

The person I saw felt both familiar and foreign to me. For a long time I could only see this man on TV

This man was with us when we entered the first portal that appeared in Turkey. If I remember correctly, he was wielding a spear back then, but they talked about him on TV as a great swordsman, and now he had a sword hanging from his waist.

" Thank you "

The man asked me with the same indifferent and cold voice

"Where have you been until now?"

"I entered the dungeon directly without talking to other people before entering it, so I had no idea what would happen inside. I thought this snowy mountain was a kind of endurance test, like the previous desert, and after wandering around for a while, when I could not find any footprints, I decided to dig a hole and wait in it, protected from the wind."

All the Hunters around looked at each other for a while when they heard my last words, and then they all started laughing.

Even the swordsman who had never changed his facial expression and acted cool until now showed a slight trace of a smile on his face.

While I was quite confused as to why people were suddenly laughing, the pink haired girl who brought me here satisfied my curiosity.

" Haha, the footprints you followed were your footprints "

" How ?"

"It's a closed space, I mean it's a square area and whenever you reach one end of that space, you teleport to the other end."

I muttered under my breath that this was impossible, because the person I was following had shorter steps than mine.

When I saw that people were still laughing, I decided not to share this information with them.

At that moment I heard a girl scream and I looked in the direction where the scream came from.

Right in front of the girl there was a huge and white wolf split in two, I guess the wolf must be a monster around D rank.

Next to the wolf that was split in two was a man holding a sword.

"You are amazing, Mr. Samurai."

"That was really cool, Mr. Samurai, when you cut the giant snow wolf in half with one move."

The man called Mr. Samurai ignored the praise given to him with a cold facial expression and passed through the portal door opened in the middle of the area.

Even though almost no one saw what just happened, everyone was praising him

Many people followed him and disappeared through the portal. Some people disappeared without going through the portal, they probably must have left the challenge

When I saw that the girl who looked like the anime character that brought me here was also moving to enter the portal, I quickly stepped forward and stopped her by grabbing her arm before she entered the door.

" What happened "

As I looked at the girl who was staring at me confused, I got a little annoyed as to why she was so forgetful.

"Aren't you going to tell me what's going on upstairs?"

"Oh right, you don't know the upper floors "

" Yes thanks "

"Ehehe, I only know the first 5 floors "

"Why, didn't you ask too?"

"Actually, the person I asked said he only had information up to the 5th Floor."

"Well, didn't you ask anyone else?"

" No "

" From where "

When the girl looked at me blankly, it wasn't hard to understand why.

"So can you tell me what's on the other floor?"

"Of course, the other floor was a puzzle dungeon for two."

"Is it for two people? How is the other person determined?"

"I know, but if you want me to tell you, let go of my arm."

When the girl said this, I realized that I was still holding her arm and my face turned red because of my virgin instincts.

When the girl looked at Eren, who was habitually scratching the back of his head and blushing, she started laughing involuntarily.

When I guessed what I looked like right now and what kind of situation I was in based on the girl's laughter, I coughed a few times and pulled myself together.

"By the way, I still don't know your name."

"Oh my name is Sofia and you don't need to say your name because I already know it"

"Do you know my name?"

"Yes, I watched an interview where you explained the system, the reporter there called you Eren. Isn't Eren your real name?"

"Yes, Eren is my real name, anyway, are you going to tell me everything you know about the other floor?"

"Oh I forgot, the other floor is a puzzle for two people, if you haven't matched with someone before, a random person will come across you."

I've heard the word matchmaking before, it's something that allows you to match with one or more people and go through multi-level challenge dungeons together. Of course, the difficulty increased with the number of people.

Meanwhile, a system screen appeared in front of me.

[ Hunter Sofia wants to match with you, do you accept ]

[ Yes ]

[ No ]

I accepted without hesitation because I was already a hunter of the lowest level with no useful skills.