floor 6

[You are now in a group with Sofia the Hunter]

While reading the article in front of me, a sudden enlightenment occurred in my mind.

"Are you really human?"

" Yes "

" B..B.. but "

I looked at the girl standing in front of me, who looked like a 3D anime character, wore a pink high school uniform with a miniskirt, and had pink blunt hair, and I felt how dangerous this thing called make-up was.

Who knows who will show up if we pour a bottle of makeup remover onto that face? A woman? A boy !

When the girl saw my face, she approached me with a curious expression like a confused anime girl would and suddenly asked me what I was thinking.

From what I can tell from her current facial expression, she looks like she'll believe whatever I say.

"I'm thinking about what awaits us on the next floor."

"The next floor is a puzzle game about two people trusting each other."

Even though I had a bad feeling, I ignored this feeling and walked to the portal to go to the next floor.

When we passed through the portal together, what greeted us were 9 torch lights that surrounded us and were visible from afar.

It was frighteningly dark where we were. Suddenly Sofia's hands wrapped my head from behind. While I was wondering if she wanted to kill me, I was also trying to escape from her strong arms using my hands.

Fortunately, Sofia's next words comforted me and I released her hands holding my mouth as much as possible and told Sofia to let me go.

"Ahhh I'm afraid of the dark"

" Can't.. Can.. you just... h...hold my arm?

"O..okay "

*breathing sound*

Eren leaned over and started taking deep breaths.

When Sofia heard Eren's breathing sounds, she realized that she was exaggerating her fear a little.

"S..so sorry"

" It's not important "

After overcoming this small danger, I groped the ground and as far as I understood, the ground we were on was a stone ground covered with moss.

I started walking towards the walls, dragging Sofia, who was holding the corner of my dress. With each step I took, I carefully checked the stability of the area in front of me.

After walking like this for about 2 minutes, one of my biggest concerns disappeared because I could now tell that I was approaching the wall.

10 minutes later, I was in amazement as I looked at the huge wall in front of me. This room covered an area of 10000 square meters if my guesses are not wrong.

"Hey, look here, there's something written here."

When I heard Sofia's voice, I turned my head and saw Sofia looking at the wall carefully and I went to her.

I saw an English text engraved on the wall with something hard. Strangely enough, the languages commonly encountered in the dungeons were Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean.

I read the writings on the wall and translated them for Sofia, who was trying to spell English words next to me.

"When you take a step, I take a step, when you talk, I also talk, but you can neither find nor see me. If you like where you are, be sure that I am with you."

"Wow, is this a riddle? I love riddles."

"Do you know the answer?"

" Yes "

" What is the answer "

"Time. Because time continues to flow when we take a step, the thing we talk about continues to flow, and if we are in a boring place, we feel like the speed of time is slowing down and we constantly look at the clock."

Immediately after Sofia answered, one of the torches hanging in the room went out and immediately the room began to shake violently.

When the shaking stopped, light filled the huge and dark room. When I looked at where the light was coming from, I saw that a corner of the room had collapsed.

After a while, when there was no other danger, I forcibly threw off Sofia, who was clinging to me like an octopus, and walked to where the collapsed floor of the room was.

When I reached the place where the light came from, I realized something. There were signs dividing the floor of the room into 9 parts, and the area where one of these 9 areas was supposed to be was collapsed.

I went to the collapsed area, bent my head and looked down. As soon as I saw that the bottom of the room was completely filled with bubbling lava, a terrible heat wave hit me in the face and I quickly retreated.

"Do you have anything?"

" I am good "

When Sofia looked at me and made sure that I was okay, she bent her head and looked down from the collapsed area.

When I saw Sofia watching downstairs, unaffected by the heat, I remembered that she had walked around the snowy mountain wearing only her high school uniform before, but I decided to ask about this later.

"Ehhhh, if we fall from here, we'll definitely end up with cooked duck stew."

As I ignored Sofia and focused on the time this area collapsed, I realized something

Probably the torches hanging on the walls were a symbol of how many chances we had to guess the riddle

And we had no knowledge of the order in which the areas would collapse, which meant that a wrong guess could have resulted in our demise.

*gulping sound*

"Hoyyy Sofia, step back, I think I understand the rules of this place."

" Why "

"Do you remember the riddle we saw on the wall?"

"Yes, I think the answer was, ummm, was it a shadow?"

After Sofia's words were finished, the area trembled again and the area where the wall with the riddle was located instantly collapsed.