fairy forest

When I saw that I was up to date in the simulation, I resisted the devil's temptations and thought for a short while about what I should do before going to sleep.

While I was lost in my thoughts, I decided to assign a few points to my statistics in case I encounter an extraordinary situation in the dungeon I will enter tomorrow.

After looking at my stats for a while, I thought that a sharp weapon could make up for the gap in strength stat and that I could go and buy myself a good dagger before I go hunting tomorrow.

By using 5 points of the 15 points I had, I increased my speed stat by 3 points and my defense stat by 2 points.

[ Profile

Name: Eren Black

Title: -living multiple lives-

Age: 25

Lvl: E 8 ( 0 / 200 )

Remaining time: 23 hours

Power: 4

Defense: 3 (+2)

Speed: 5 (+3)

Assignable stat points: 10

Mana: 0

Chance : ?

Attraction : 8 ]

Now all I had to do was dream a beautiful dream and become stronger

"Oh God, I love being a hunter."

*Alarm sound*

When I woke up hearing the alarm sound, I got up and did my daily cleaning routine.

As usual, after having my breakfast prepared with ten different breakfast items, I went down to the training room in the basement of the dormitory.

There were no ordinary equipment in the training room that you are used to seeing everywhere. Even a simple exercise machine, dumbbells, was attached to a telephone booth-like machine fixed to the ground.

After doing some warm-up exercises, I entered the machine, sat on the seat inside, and entered the number 15 kg on the screen in front of me.

When I held the dumbbell in my hand and lifted it, the mechanical arms attached to both ends of the dumbbell showed a resistance of 5 kg because the original weight of the dumbbell was already 10 kilograms.

After lifting and lowering the 15-pound dumbbell about 100 times, it was time for the most important training.

When I arrived in front of the treadmill, which covered a large area, I was deep in thought. My previous running speed record was to reach a speed of 25 kilometers per hour, now my speed statistic increased by 3 points, let's see how fast I will be.

After getting on the treadmill, I manipulated the treadmill's screen and put it into record mode. What the treadmill did in this mode was to keep up with your step rate and notify you of the highest speed you reached at the end of the time.

First of all, I started walking calmly, and as soon as I started walking, the screen in front of me started counting down from 100. As I continued to accelerate with every step I took, after about 40 seconds my body was completely used to running and I started to push my limits.

One of the features of the treadmill in record mode is that it gets faster as you speed up, but if you slow down, it continues to go at the same speed.

At the 70-75th second of starting to run, I came very close to what I thought was my peak speed and ran at this speed for another 15 seconds. When I saw that there were only 10 seconds left, I decided it was time to take a risk and I accelerated even more by focusing all my energy on my legs and gritting my teeth.


While I was looking at the 44 km/h expression on the screen on the treadmill, I wondered if I could have done better if the drop of sweat had not escaped my eye when I decided to push myself too hard. And while I was thinking this way, I continued to wipe my right eye, which was red, with the side of my shirt that was not wet with sweat.

"Would you please take a look?"

I heard someone calling out to me and turned around to see a young boy standing in front of the weightlifting machine watching me.

" What's the problem "

"How can I use this machine"

As a former trainer, my emotions got the better of me and I forgot what I was supposed to do and started teaching the kid all the tools on the training ground and how to use them correctly.

As the hours passed quickly, I became more acquainted with the child. This child was a hunter who had just accessed the system. He was a child who grew up in the village and did not receive important information about hunting after training with a coach.

Luckily he met me and luckily I needed to go to an F rank dungeon. When I remembered that I had a dungeon to go to, I immediately took my phone out of my pocket and checked the time.

"Hey kid, have you been to the dungeon before?"

"No sir"

" Do you wanna go with me "

The boy fell silent with my sudden offer, probably worried that I would become an F-rank hunter like him.

I understood the boy's hesitation and told him that I used to be a hunter trainer and had some experience with dungeons. Finally, when I told him that the dungeon we would go to would be a forest type dungeon, the boy was finally convinced.

After going to our rooms and getting a towel, we washed off our dirt in the bathroom with shower cabins. When we came together again in front of the dormitory, the air was already turning red.

When I remembered the balance on my bank card, I called a taxi without hesitation and in the meantime, I pulled the blond-haired, blue-eyed, slightly tanned boy to the park in front of the dormitory.

" How old are you "

"I am 14 years old sir"

" What is your name "

"My name is Kadir sir"

"You don't need to call me sir"

"But you advised me to call other hunters older or stronger than me, using the word 'sir.'"

"I know, you don't need to use respectful addresses towards me, now you can talk to me more sincerely as people who know each other."

"I understand, Eren."

I was speechless for a moment as it was not something I expected for the child to address me directly by my name.

"Actually, you can call me Erin for short or just brother."

" Hoh , that's a relief . It was weird calling you by your name "

I was about to ask the kid, "If you thought it was strange, why did you address me directly by my name?" I stopped myself because I wanted to have a better profile in the eyes of the newcomer, and I had to at least be a kind brother in his eyes to make him work for free in the dungeon.

" Haha, it's important that you feel comfortable, of course. Anyway, can you tell me how much you know about dungeons?"

"Of course, as far as I know, portals are magical doors that open to different areas, and the area that welcomes us after passing through these doors is called a dungeon."

" Continue "

"There are some demons inside the dungeons that protect the existence of that dungeon, and if these demons manage to maintain the existence of the dungeon for long enough, the space around the portal connecting the dungeon and the world will not be able to withstand the pressure and will break apart, leaving the world defenseless."

"Ow that was a little weird"

" And about 4 years ago, the supercluster that includes our galaxy collided with another supercluster in its path, the Coma supercluster. A bond was formed between the creatures living in these superclusters and containing life energy in their bodies. This bond was called .. "

"Okay, don't talk any more nonsense, please. Where did you learn this?"

"From the Internet"

"Okay, this is all nonsense, no one knows why dungeons appeared. I'll teach you later."

While we were talking, the taxi I called came and stopped in front of the dormitory.

After getting into the taxi with Kadir, I started to give him some tips about the mission.

Kadir looked at the pencil drawing of the lion's mane plant that I hand-drawn in his small notebook for a while, then handed my notebook back to me.

"Your painting skills are very good, but a black and white picture of a plant is not very distinctive for me. Can you show me a photo of this plant on your phone?"

* Glass breaking sound *

"You have a phone, don't you?"

"Yes, but I don't have money to pay for internet"

After hiding the cracks in my heart behind my unchanging facial expression, I opened a photo of the lion's mane plant from my phone's browser and showed it to Kadir.

"Our main mission is to find this plant. The reward is $200. If you find the plant, you can keep the reward."

Unfortunately, the pure smile I expected to appear on Kadir's face when he heard that he could earn $ 200 did not appear.