new toy

I got bored of talking with Kadir and started looking out the window. The markets lined up on the side of the road were passing before my eyes like the wagons of a fast moving train.

One of the markets covered a much larger area than the others. When I saw the familiar sign of this market, it occurred to me that there was something I forgot to do.

"Mr. Driver, can we please stop for a short while at the big hunters shop we just passed?"

"Are you going shopping?"

"Yes, I can't go to the dungeon without a gun, can I?"

"Of course we can stop, but you will have to pay extra."

" It's not important "

The taxi driver turned on the signal lights and made a U-turn at the traffic lights ahead and arrived in front of the big market.

I got out of the vehicle alone and quickly entered the hunter market. A middle-aged employee in a suit standing at the door greeted me and asked what I wanted.

Since I had enough money in my pocket, I said without hesitation that I wanted to buy knives and light armor.

A smile appeared on the salesman's face and he told me to follow him. After wandering around the store for a while, the salesman brought me to a section where shelves were lined with fantastic daggers and jet-black katanas.

When I saw the $10,000,000 written on the small price tag hanging under a red dagger called the Dragon Tooth, I started looking at the daggers on the lower shelves.

While the seller was now watching the daggers, he looked at the man who was slowly looking at the price tags of the products on the bottom shelf and thought to himself, another poor person.

This man pretending to be a salesman is not actually a salesman. The manager of this place was checking the store out of boredom and when he saw a customer coming, he decided to mess around with him to relieve his boredom.

When he saw that his customer was just another poor man, he walked away and was about to send one of the regular employees here, but his respectful personality, which caused him to become the manager, prevented him from doing so.

Although the manager seemingly acted as if nothing had changed, he was already thinking about the tax payment statement that was due to be mailed after dinner.

As I looked at the daggers in front of me, I saw that almost all of them had a label called antiheal. Daggers with this label usually had nano-small serrations, but what I wanted was pure sharpness because I was buying a dagger to fill the gap in my power stats.

I got up from my knees and directed my request to the seller.

"I want to buy a dagger without nano serrations. I have almost no points in my power stats, and my main purpose in buying a dagger is to close the gap in my power."

When the manager saw that the man in front of him might have some knowledge about daggers, his attention turned here again.

"Ser, I don't know if you've ever used one of these before, but if you're not strong enough to cut through bones, they can certainly help you."

"Of course, I used a serrated knife, I have enough experience to cut creatures of my level while avoiding their bones."

The manager's attention focused more on the man in front of him.

"Well, would you like a dagger developed for piercing?"

"No, daggers developed for piercing will have poor balance."

The manager raised his eyebrows and told the customer in front of him to follow him and went to the warehouse with him.

As I looked at the thousands of different shaped daggers lined up on the shelves in the warehouse, I wondered why they didn't put them on the shelves.

"Why are you displaying these daggers here instead of stacking them on shelves?"

"Hunters generally want the most expensive, sharpest or strongest enchanted daggers. The daggers exhibited here are generally made of reinforced steel and are only wanted by those who are proficient in using daggers."

After cursing popular culture, I turned my head and looked more carefully at the daggers we passed. One of the daggers looked like a scaled-down version of a two-pronged spear.

"Isn't that dagger over there to pierce the brains of F-D level goblins through their eyes?"

" Definitely "

"And if I'm not mistaken, there is a hard part under the stabbing knife there. If you hit the bones of creatures with exoskeletons with the handle of this knife, their bones will break into pieces."

The manager frowned and, after a brief remembrance ceremony, confirmed that his client was indeed someone who knew daggers.

"If you need anything, just drop by me."

With the sudden job offer, I drew my attention from the dagger in my hand, which resembles a shark's tooth and is effective against plant-type creatures.

"This is a good offer, if I had received this offer last month I would have accepted it"

The manager smiled politely and introduced himself neatly to the customer.

"It's all about time, isn't it?"

The conditions under which my system evolved came to my mind and I confirmed the director's words.

"It's all about time"

I showed the manager the dagger I was holding in my hand that looked like a shark's tooth.

" How much does it cost "

" 5000 dollars is normal, but since I know I don't always have customers like you, 4000 dollars is enough "

"Thank you, and as I said in the beginning, I also want a pure cutting dagger."

The warden took a dagger from the box behind him and showed it to me.

"Let it be one of the better quality ones. My power stats are only 4 points."

The warden smiled and went to another chest behind him and pulled out a dagger, the brighter one.

"Uhmm, maybe have a darker tone"

The manager frowned at me and made an offer.

"I understand what you want. Well, why don't we do it like this, I give you a reinforced graphene alloy cutting dagger and you don't stop whining and buy it for half the price?"

"My budget is only $10,000"

"Agreed then"

While I was looking at the manager as if to ask "Are you serious?", the manager took out a translucent dagger from a small chest at the back of the warehouse and gave it to me.

When I received the dagger, the first thing I did was bend the blade part of the dagger with my hand, as if it were jelly. I realized that this thing was a real graphene dagger

"This is really graphene, but how? It was banned to produce daggers with graphene"

"This is defective manufacturing and is almost two years old"

I waved the dagger in my hand in the air, listened to the sound and felt the feeling in my hand.

" This is perfect "

"But as you can see, it is translucent. The purpose of the master who made this was to make a completely invisible dagger. Anyway, take it and go, and do not tell anyone about the person who sold it to you."

"Thank you. And before I go, I will also buy an inner armor."

After a brief exchange with the manager, we exchanged phone numbers so we could meet again in the future.

When I got back into the taxi, I had been gone for about half an hour.

I handed the dagger in my hand that looked like a shark's tooth to the boy next to me.

"Use this while hunting"

Kadir carefully examined the dagger in his hand, then handed it back to me and took out a military dagger from his pocket.

"I already have a dagger."

"This dagger is much more functional against plants"

The way the boy looked at the dagger, it was as if he didn't like its shape.

" I am serious "

"I am an archer, I do not know how to use a dagger"

"Good, take this dagger, I will teach you how to use a dagger while I'm in the dungeon."

After convincing the boy to take the dagger, the journey continued silently. After about a 2-hour journey, we finally arrived in front of the gray circle known as the portal.

I told Kadir to wait for me and turned to the taxi driver.

"How much"

"127 dollars sir"

"What, isn't it cheap? The other day, I paid 350 dollars for the taxi I took for a half-hour ride."

The taxi driver took off his sunglasses and looked at me like an idiot, then said that all taxis in the city have the same pricing system.

Apparently I was scammed.

After making the payment with my phone, I imagined myself from a 3rd person perspective while looking at the taxi leaving behind a cloud of dust.

While standing under the street lamp as if he had just been abandoned, the young man questioned the universal necessity of his existence. After a while, he adapted to the situation and went to his little friend.

Apparently this young man had a lot of experience in such matters.