suspicious dungeon

While I was standing in front of a large gray circle floating in the air, I looked at the boy next to me and saw him watching the portal with his eyes filled with excitement.

Kadir's current reaction was personally my favorite reaction among the novices. While it is very difficult to teach something to a scared person, whatever advice I gave to an excited person, they would instantly memorize it.

When I turned my head, I saw the hunters association employee watching us as if asking why are you still waiting there. For some reason, there was no one entering this dungeon, not even people waiting around. It was an F-level portal that appeared in a completely deserted place. The only sign of life other than us in the vicinity was a suit-clad Hunters Association employee sitting at a simple table in front of the portal, checking the IDs of anyone trying to enter.

"You can be the first one in if you want"

When Kadir heard my words, he immediately took a few steps and slowly raised his hand, as if he was about to touch something very sensitive, and extended it towards the gray circle floating in the air. Kadir's hand stopped in the air just as he was about to touch the gray circle.

"I won't be attacked as soon as I walk in, will I?"

"Lesson 1: no F-rank portal poses an immediate danger to anyone entering it."

After Kadir was sure of my words, he first reached out his hand and touched the portal, causing a movement similar to a water wave in the transparent structure of the portal. Then he took his first step into the portal.

If he were an adult, I'd probably kick his ass and throw him through the portal without hesitation.

After Kadir entered the portal, I reflexively checked my graphene knife hidden in my jacket by rubbing it with my hand. I was as excited as a child to use this new dagger.

Since I didn't want to scare Kadir inside the dungeon by waiting longer than necessary, I went through the portal and entered the dungeon.

The first view I encountered was endless green fields, trees 5-10 meters tall were everywhere, just like in our world, and even the grass on the ground reminded me that this was not a different world, but a corner of our world.

Based on my experiences about dungeons, I decided that there are two types of creatures we are likely to encounter in this vast forest. The 1st species and possible species was a large goblin tribe that lived somewhere far from here. The second type was that there were too many predators in this forest.

I approached the surrounding trees carefully and checked if there were any marks on the bark of the trees, then I looked at the ground to see if there were any footprints.

The tree bark was undamaged, but there were a few human footprints on the ground.

"What do you think, Kadir, what kind of creatures do you think we will encounter in this dungeon?"

"There is a small tribe of goblins a few hundred meters from here."

After a short silence before Kadir's prediction, which was much more accurate than I expected, I asked him how he learned this.

"I searched for information about this dungeon on the Internet before coming."

Even though for some reason I felt like my patience had been damaged, it was actually a very good thing that Kadir did such a thing without me telling him.

"As a beginner, do not enter the dungeons without doing any research in the future. And I congratulate you."

"But it wasn't like you were investigating this place just now."

"I don't need to do research, because of my special title, whenever I have free time, they call me to join the exploration team for low-level dungeons."

"So you have experience in reconnaissance?"

"He is experienced enough to be able to predict the creatures that are most likely to appear in the dungeon after looking around once, instead of doing research before entering the dungeon. Of course, there is a bit of luck involved."

After chatting with Kadir for a short time, I learned what Kadir's research was about this dungeon. Since we wouldn't encounter any creatures unless we went in a certain direction, we decided to split up and look for the herb I mentioned earlier.

If we find the herb before too long, we decided to approach the goblin tribe and keep watch around the area, but do some practice with the goblins.

After Kadir stretched his hand towards the air and made a movement as if he was taking something from the air, a bow suddenly appeared in his hand, and after making the same movement once again, this time a box full of arrows appeared in his hand.

I've seen this ability many times before because multiple titles have this and similar abilities. Although many people had different names for the skill, everyone generally called this skill inventory.

After making an agreement with Kadir that we would meet at the same point in 2 hours if we could not find the plant, we separated from each other and went in different directions. While I was walking calmly in the middle of the forest, Kadir walked away by jumping on the branches of the trees.

Kadir found my order strange at first because the side he went to was where he thought the goblins lived, but he probably deceived himself into thinking he was in a cinema made by me, so he didn't hesitate to go to the side where the goblin tribe was.

When I looked around, the only thing I could see other than the endless forest and small hills was a huge mountain in the direction Kadir was going. As I can feel right now, there was no wind flow coming from the mountain this way because the mountain was blocking the flow of wind. Based on my experience about goblins, I knew that goblins would not build their homes in a place where the wind does not blow, which meant that the information Kadir had was not correct.

Now, as I was getting further and further away from the mountain, I could feel the wind slowly starting to blow, and what told me that I was right in my guess was a goblin patrolling a few trees away from me. If we assume that Kadir did not make a mistake, people probably shared false information on the internet for their own benefit.

When I left the dungeon for a short time and turned around to check the accuracy of the information on the internet, I saw 3 people, one of whom was a girl, waiting a few meters away from me.