sofia's simulation II

- Sofia is 17.1 years old. During her journey to her yacht in another city, Sofia preferred to run because of the clogged highways. While Sofia was killing the zombies she came across with a meat chopping knife, she saw that every 200 zombies she killed gave her 1 xp. Even though Sofia hasn't hunted for years, when she sees the hunter countdown, which has only 2 hours left, she decides that she can get stronger here, albeit slowly, and starts hunting all kinds of zombies she encounters.

- Sofia is 17.2 years old. After a month and a half of hunting and running routine, Sofia arrives at the port, a hundred kilometers away from the city where she lives. When Sofia arrives at the port, she sees that almost all the yachts and boats in the harbor have been stolen. There is only one medium-sized ship left and Sofia has no knowledge of sailing. Sofia decides to hunt here for a while and think of a new plan.

- Sofia is 17.3 years old. By hunting for about a month, Sofia manages to completely clear the port area of zombies. During the whole process, Sofia managed to accumulate enough XP to level up, but this is not a significant development. After assigning a few stat points to her stamina, Sofia heads to the nearest port city to implement her plan.

- Sofia is 18 years old. After a long time, Sofia managed to gather thousands of people from five different port cities to its port area. During this process, Sofia meets a blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy who admires her as a mangaka. By chance, this child is the son of a famous sailor. One night, Sofia, along with this child and a few strong-bodied men, quietly boarded the ship and started the 12-day journey.

(Author's note: Can anyone guess which country Sofia went to?)

- Sofia is 18 years old. When Sofia returned to the country of her birth, what greeted her was a zombie influx of tens of thousands of zombies. Sofia saw the zombie raid as an xp pool and dived into the zombie raid, leaving the others on board

- Sofia is 19 years old. For the last year, Sofia continued to hunt non-stop as she moved towards the city where her family last lived. After Sofia managed to reach the city, she searched for her family for a long time, but could not find any trace of them.

- Sofia is 20 years old. Sofia established a large survivors' camp in the city where her family lived. Sofia tries to locate her family through the people she saved. Sofia recently had a relationship with the blonde haired boy

- Sofia is 21 years old. One morning, Sofia woke up and was about to continue hunting when she saw a red cloud filled with mana floating in the air. The red cloud disappeared after raining down mana on the entire city. After that day, Sofia noticed that some zombies began to evolve. When Sofia checked her hunter system, she noticed that the amount of mana she had had increased by 100 points.

- Sofia is 22 years old. There is still no news from Sofia's family. Sofia completely cleared the city where her family lived from zombies and during this process, she leveled up 7 more times, becoming a B-rank hunter and awakening a new ability. Sofia can now store 3 randomly selected character templates

- Sofia is 24 years old. Sofia became closer to the sailor boy as time went by and they decided to get married. People who found hope to live again thanks to Sofia declared Sofia an angel

- Sofia is 25 years old. Sofia made an unexpected decision to travel to the surrounding cities and gather the survivors together. Although the people responsible for important affairs in the survivor camp opposed Sofia's decision for different reasons, the survivors strengthened their belief that Sofia was an angel and gave her full support.

- Sofia is 25 years old. Sofia left the survivor camp and went to another city, this city had a large survivor camp set up by soldiers. As she approached the survivor camp, the soldiers suddenly opened fire on Sofia. Sofia tried to hide behind the obstacles and tell the soldiers that she was a human, but the soldiers did not listen to her. Sofia ran away and, under cover of night, turned into a cat and sneaked into the survivor camp. While Sofia was acting like an ordinary person in the survivor camp, she beat a few people who wanted to rape her and obtained information from them. Last year, Sofia learned, a zombie that could turn into a human slaughtered half the people in the shelter, and since then they've been shooting everyone who came to the door.

- Sofia is 25.4 years old. Sofia infiltrated the survivor camps of several more cities and searched for her family, but found nothing. Eventually, Sofia gave up searching for her family and returned to her own survivor camp.

- Sofia is 25.5 years old. When Sofia returned to her own survivor camp, she sensed that there was something abnormal about all the people and went to the center with curiosity. When Sofia arrived at the center, she saw a woman who looked like an angel, lying on a sofa while slowly eating the people lined up in front of her. Immediately after seeing that woman, Sofia felt her consciousness begin to close, and she reflexively turned into the template she had kept for a long time. The zombie woman, who looked like an angel, blinked her colorful eyes with interest when she saw that the strange woman she encountered suddenly turned into a dragon.

"What an irony, all the survivors died at the hands of an angel."

- Sofia is 25.5 years old. After transforming into the dragon she kept for emergencies, Sofia resisted the mental attacks of the angel in front of her, thanks to her ability called dragon heart. The war between Sofia and the angel zombie soon escalated and destroyed the survivor camp. The reason why Sofia was willing to fight without paying attention to her surroundings was because when she first entered the room, she saw her husband's head that the angel had thrown on the edge of the couch.

- Sofia is 25.5 years old. When Sofia saw that the angel was faster than her, she flew into the air in dragon form and used all the mana she had to produce a ball of fire to attack the earth. Although Sofia failed to kill the angel-shaped zombie with her attack, she managed to escape with these severe wounds.

- Sofia is 27 years old. Sofia tried to become an A-level hunter by hunting like crazy. The zombies she hunted gave very few experience points for this. While Sofia continued hunting, a huge angel silhouette covered the area where Sofia was in the sky. When Sofia raised her head, she saw an angel-shaped figure eating its partner. This time, that figure had 6 wings behind it, not 2. Without hesitation, Sofia transformed into the half-mantis, half-human form that she had saved for when she would meet the angel again. While in this form, Sofia had a passive ability that greatly increased her speed. Sofia broke the sound barrier and flew towards the floating angel as she kicked the ground with her insect-like feet, destroying a large area.

- Sofia is 27 years old. As Sofia flew towards the angel, she heard the angel smile and say a few words. Sofia had never heard that a monster could talk, neither in her previous life nor in this life, so while she was briefly surprised, she felt a change in her body. When Sofia realized that she could not control her body, she realized that the angel's ability was to control the person in front of her with words. Sofia saw the angel's body falling to the ground and watching her with contemptuous eyes, and she made an important decision.

- Sofia is 27 years old. Melek showed a disgusting smile as she closed her eyes and looked at Sofia, who seemed to surrender. "I am the holy one, the emperor of the evolved 12. Know your place mortal," the angel-shaped zombie said before picking up Sofia's corpse and throwing it into its abnormally enlarged mouth. Sofia transformed into a self-destructing monster before falling right into the angel's mouth.

- Sofia died. While the angel-shaped zombie was floating in the air with 5 wings, it looked at the destroyed area for hundreds of meters and screamed with anger and dispersed the rain clouds that appeared after the energy created by the explosion.

[ Simulation finished ]

[In the simulation, Sofia killed 92 F-rank humans, 102718 E-rank zombies...