Sofia has changed

[simulation completed]

[ Simulation completion level S + ]

[Do you want the person participating in the simulation to keep the experience points they have gained throughout the simulation (if you accept, the rewards you will receive will be reduced by half)]

[ Yes ] [ No ]

I didn't know that simulation could do such a thing, but my answer was definitely no. Sofia was supposed to think this was all a dream, and Sofia leveling up wouldn't help that goal at all.

[In the simulation, Sofia killed 92 F-rank humans, 102718 E-rank zombies, 217959 D-rank zombies, 178 C-rank zombies, 27 B-rank zombies, 9 A-rank zombies. She also managed to greatly damage an S-rank zombie]

[ Simulation (** ) --> simulation (***) ]

While looking at the absurd number of zombies that Sofia had hunted in the simulation, a warning notification appeared instead of the reward selection tab. My simulation skills had leveled up again.

When the notification saying that my simulation skill had leveled up disappeared, a brand new reward receiving screen appeared. This screen had a shopping list that gave me more freedom to spend the points I earned in the simulation.

[ You achieved exactly 74,170 points in the simulation . When you finish your shopping, the remaining points will be transferred to you as experience points (10 simulation points --> 1 experience point) ]

[ For you ]

[ Random F rank skill - 1,000 points ]

[Random E rank skill - 2,000 points]

[Random D rank skill - 5,000 points]

[Random C rank skill - 20,000 points]

[Random B rank skill - 250,000 points]

[Random A rank skill - 5,000,000 points]

[ Level up a skill you have - the cost of the level you want to raise ]

[For your avatar to use in the next simulation]

[ Memories of this simulation - 5000 ]

[ Memories of all simulations - 50,000 ]

[Transferring a random ability of your character from this simulation to the next simulation - cannot be used]

[Random F rank skill - 100 points]

[Random E rank skill - 200 points]

[Random D rank skill - 500 points]

[Random C rank skill - 2,000 points]

[Random B rank skill - 25,000 points]

[Random A rank skill - 500,000 points]

(* Skills only apply to the next simulation)

I massaged my temples with both hands while looking at the huge pile of options in front of me. Before, it was tiring enough to choose when I only had a few choices, now I had to calculate every detail.

In this simulation, I was very close to learning the mysteries of the zombie world, so I could use my points to strengthen my next simulation character, but I did not know what awaited us in the A-level dungeon.

While I was lost in thought about what choice I should make, my phone alarm rang and I realized that it was already 10 in the morning.

Guessing that Sofia was probably already awake, I chose a few options.

[Congratulations, you have obtained a C rank skill (soaring)]

[Congratulations, you have obtained a C rank skill (spell • lightning sword)]

[ Congratulations, you have obtained 3,417 experience points ]

[ 2. Simulation world unlocked ]

[ Your simulation level has improved and reached 3 stars . Don't forget to check your simulation skill for new features ]

[ Congratulations, you are now a C rank hunter ]

[ Congratulations, you have awakened a new talent ]

While I was happy to get my first magic type skill, I also learned that I am a C level hunter. As I was about to click on my profile to learn the details of my new skills, I decided to check my skills later and prepare breakfast now.

According to the oracles, the dungeon would be revealed tomorrow or tonight.

I left the room and went to the sink, covered my face with my hands, then went into the kitchen and started preparing a quick breakfast.

When I heard a loud noise, I turned my head and saw Kadir leaving his room looking flustered.

"I'm aware of the time, you don't need to act so rushed. Go wash your hands and face and come and help me prepare breakfast."

"For my promotion duty, I must try shooting from a hundred meters within ten minutes at the latest. After that, I will come and help you, master."

"Promotion duty?"

"Yes, I have to shoot a hundred meters from a place where the sun blocks my view. We already prepared the place where I will shoot yesterday with Sofia."

I wanted to ask him when he reached the level cap, but I was too distracted by the word promotion mission.

Why have I never received a promotion mission even though I am a C-rank hunter? When I thought about it, I realized that whenever I accumulated enough experience points, I instantly leveled up. Maybe it was because my title had evolved.

I told myself that creating theories about this issue would not enable me to learn the truth and continued preparing for breakfast.

A few minutes later, Sofia started coming down the stairs. I casually said good morning to her and continued frying the eggs in the pan as if I didn't care about her presence, but the truth was that I was watching Sofia's every move out of the corner of my eye.

Sofia came and sat at the dining table with a tired facial expression and watched me prepare breakfast silently, without speaking. Even though I didn't show it, I started to get scared inside because of Sofia's abnormal behavior.

" Eren "

When I heard Sofia suddenly open her mouth and say my name, I thought she noticed something and got worried.

"Do you have a problem"

"Is it that obvious?"

"Your face is in terrible shape"

Sofia took a deep breath and tried to compose herself before speaking again.

"I had a dream today, but it was extremely realistic"

I kept my facial expressions as good as I could, while secretly checking to see if I was constantly sweating with the words Kadir said last night, I continued the conversation.

" What kind of dream "

"It's like a completely different life. Even though it's hard to remember exactly, my family separated because of me in that life too."

"What did you mean by that?"

"When I was only 5 years old, my father had planned a future for me, but I refused to act according to this plan and cried all the time. Who wants to study continuously from morning to night? My mother consoled me at first and told me that I would receive the rewards of my current efforts in the future, but I was just like a baby." I started crying and screaming and attacking my private teachers. Finally, my mother couldn't stand this situation and argued with my father and made me go to school like ordinary children. Of course, was this enough for me, no. I didn't want to go to school and I kept causing problems. My mother picked me up from school. "He decided, and when my father objected, my mother said that he was already rich and could take care of her own daughter. From that day on, my father and my mother started arguing every day and eventually they divorced as a result of a lawsuit."

While I was waiting for Sofia to discover what I was doing and start teasing me, it was unexpected for me that Sofia suddenly started telling me her troubles. I continued to listen to Sofia's conversation while laying out the breakfast dishes on the table.

"Did you see the past in your dreams?"

"In my dream, I was reborn after dying. This time, I wanted to live a better life, but just like a spoiled girl, I couldn't resist and declared myself a special person, using the memories of my old life. My family also got their share of my spoiledness, and my parents, a poor but happy couple, separated. "Maybe the reason why my mother is still single right now is because I'm a spoiled girl. You saw too, my mother is still very beautiful, but she doesn't live a happy life because of me."

When I looked at Sofia, who was banging her head on the table and talking in a tearful voice, I felt kind of guilty, and I sat next to Sofia and tried to calm her down by putting my hand on Sofia's shoulder, just like my father did to me when I was little.

" I admit you're a little spoiled, but.. "


" I admit you're a spoiled girl, but I don't think your mother is single for that reason. If it would put your mind at ease, I can give you this advice: Be more mature in front of your mother and tell her that you are grown up now and that you want to live alone.If she does not accept, ask her directly if the reason she is single is because of you. She'll probably tell you the real reason she's single, and even if That's not the case, she won't look at you as a child anymore, win win "

I tried to give the best advice I could, and as far as I can see, I was successful. As Sofia's expression changed to its previous state, she pushed the hand I placed on her shoulder down.

" You don't have to act perverted every time you get the slightest opportunity. Hmhh "

As Sofia walked towards the bathroom, hiding her red eyes, I looked behind her with a slight smile. Sofia has changed, and for the better

In the past, she would look into my eyes condescendingly and get on my nerves while saying these words, but now when I heard these words from her, I realized that a little girl was trying to hide her shyness.

When I saw Kadir happily entering the house shouting that he was a D-level hunter, I shook my head, dispersed my thoughts and stood up to place the drinks on the breakfast table.

I had taken a few steps towards the kitchen when I slowly turned my head and shouted at Kadir in surprise.

"Did you just say D level?"