"Hooy Kadir, weren't you F level, when did you move to D level?"

Kadir looked at his surprised master and showed a small smile. But he was much happier than he showed

"Master, I killed all the goblins in the dungeon we entered together. Yesterday, I did the task with Sofia where I had to hit a target from a distance of 50 meters, and I became an E level hunter. I just did the task where I had to hit a target from 100 meters while the sun was blocking my field of vision, and I passed to the 4th part of the D level." "

"Seriously? Have you ever awakened talent?"

" Of course, I now have six new skills. While one is the ability to identify guests from a long distance, the second is...  "

"Wait, wait, don't tell about your abilities"

I realized that Kadir was upset because I suddenly interrupted Kadir, who was excitedly preparing to explain his new skills, but as his master, I preferred to take my job seriously.

"Do not explain your abilities in detail to me or anyone else unless necessary. While using your abilities, do not use a powerful ability in front of others as much as possible so that that ability becomes your wild card."

When Kadir nodded and agreed with my words, I invited him to dinner. Meanwhile, Sofia also came and joined us.

When I looked at Sofia, I noticed that there was no trace of her red eyes, she probably went and applied light make-up.

Another thing I noticed during breakfast was that Sofia constantly turned her head and looked at Kadir, who was busy eating his meal.

After breakfast was over, I was going to pick up my phone and call an old acquaintance of mine who works for the bus company, but Sofia suddenly opened her mouth and stopped my finger that was about to press the call button.

"Be aware that my mother's driver will come here in ten minutes and pick us up."

Frankly, I was secretly happy when I learned that Sofia had already arranged the trip. Setting up a vehicle in such a time of chaos was a really difficult thing for me to do.

About ten minutes later I tidied up the kitchen and heard the buzzer

When I opened the door, what greeted me was an old butler who looked ready to serve the British royal family.

When I saw Sofia coming down the stairs with a big suitcase in her hand, I desperately pretended that everything was normal and moved to get into the black luxury car. But after Sofia pushed me away by telling me to get in the front seat, she and Kadir sat in the backseat.

After the vehicle started its journey, I ignored Sofia, who was excitedly starting conversations to talk to Kadir, and decided to take a nap.


When I was woken up by the butler, I noticed that the vehicle had stopped at a restaurant on the highway. After having something for lunch, we hit the road again.

This time, while Sofia and Kadir were sleeping, I was staying awake.

To spend my free time, I went to my profile and checked my newly acquired skills.

[ Profile

Name: Eren Black

Title: -living multiple lives-

Age: 25

Lvl: C 1 ( 507 / 2000 )

Remaining time: 1 month

Strength: 7

Defense: 8

Speed: 24

Mana: 1

Attraction: 9

Assignable stat points: 25

Chance : ?


Active abilities

- personal challenge - ?

- simulation - ?

- gliding - C: by consuming mana, you can create invisible wings on your back and use these wings to fly short distances (flight speed = 4×mana + speed statistic]

- magic • lightning sword - C : By covering a sharp weapon with lightning using mana, you can increase the sharpness of this weapon and obtain a paralyzing effect.

Passive abilities

- fast ant expert - F

- until death - C (attached weapon: graphene dagger)]

Since there's no point in keeping my unassigned stat points, I split my stats between mana, stamina, and speed.

[ Profile

Name: Eren Black

Title: -living multiple lives-

Age: 25

Lvl: C 1 ( 507 / 2000 )

Remaining time: 1 month

Power: 7 (+5)

Defense: 8 (+4)

Speed: 24 (+6)

Mana: 1 (+10)

Attraction: 9

Assignable stat points: 0

Chance : ?

Click to see the abilities * ]

(Note: durability = defense + strength)

After assigning my stats, I clicked on my simulation ability and checked what had changed

There were two different bright screens on the screen I entered to start the simulation. As far as I understood from this, I could still simulate in the first world.

When I looked at the second simulation world, I saw that the time conversion rate in this simulation world was very high.

World II KABUSIA (1 year in Kabusia = 1 minute on Earth)

I couldn't help but get excited when I saw the time conversion rate of this world. If the me in the simulation had lived to be 60, only an hour would have passed outside the simulation.

While I was excitedly thinking about starting a new simulation and becoming stronger without going to the A-level dungeon, a system warning I encountered at the beginning of the simulation quickly destroyed my imagination.

[Simulation in Kabusia world cannot be restarted for 48 hours]

[ Simulation started ]

Before I started reading the simulation, I asked the driver how far we had left.

"We have about a 5-hour journey left, sir."

"Isn't that too much? The news said that the portal to the dungeon was expected to appear this evening."

"Sir, the portal appeared while you were sleeping. You can check the details on your phone if you want."

When I heard the driver's words, I got worried that we were late, quickly took my phone out of my pocket and started checking the news.

I swallowed involuntarily while looking at the white ring portal on my phone screen. Seeing this white portal was definitely not good news for humanity. According to the news shared on the official hunter website, it was written that the first expedition would be tomorrow at noon and all hunters had to be here by tomorrow noon at the latest.

Seeing that we still had time, I calmed down, closed my eyes, and told the driver to wake me up in an hour before falling asleep.

In a research I just did on the internet, it was stated that a C-level hunter should sleep for a minimum of 30 minutes after assigning his stats.

The reason why I especially chose to sleep for an hour was to read the content of the simulation, which would probably be finished after I woke up.