
I took advantage of the fact that Miss Zoe was not there and started poking around. The books around were completely real, but when I reached out to the door of the room, what I touched was definitely a wall rather than a door.

While I was trying to better understand the man's interesting talent, I must have run out of time when Miss Zoe appeared in the middle of the room.

"Is there anything you want to ask, Eren? I would like to point out that I really like you. You are a good and respectful boy, and from what I heard from Sofia, you have had a second awakening, which is extraordinary. If you want, we can change the hunting part of the agreement a little."

"Miss Zoe, may I speak with your permission?"

"Your permission"

"First of all, I would like to point out that there is a big misunderstanding here, Miss Zoe. There is not the kind of relationship between your daughter and me that you think."

Miss Zoe smiled in a way that reflected her beauty

"You're more naive than I thought. That's a good thing."

"Of course I noticed Sofia's attitude, Miss Zoe. What I mean is that Sofia likes Kadir, not me."

Miss Zoe squinted her eyes for a while, considering my words, and then opened them back. Now the person in front of me was definitely the lady Zoe I knew.

"Ara, I'm sorry. I guess I decided a little early. It's really stupid to think that my daughter got excited because of you when there was a half-naked, sweaty man in the room. I wonder where my head was at that time. Let's go out."

When Miss Zoe was about to open the door normally and leave, which I was sure was a wall, I stepped in front of Miss Zoe with a quick step. Meanwhile, I accidentally pressed my chest to Miss Zoe's chest through the narrow area.

"Look at this, don't say that you like me or anything like that. I'm a little old for such excitement."

While Eren was trying hard to keep his red face straight, he ignored Miss Zoe's words as best he could and changed the subject.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but I can't let you go out without a promise from you."

Miss Zoe took a step back in surprise, flashing a different, more worried smile than before.

"Do you know that if it weren't for the fact that you were the one imprisoned by me, I could have fallen in love with you like any old woman in such a situation. But I'm sorry, I can't promise you, Eren."

"Please listen for a minute, what I want from you is not to disturb Kadir with this contract issue."


"I don't care about bothering others when I'm thinking about my daughter's well-being, Eren. Please don't get involved in things that are not your place."

"I'm sorry, Miss Zoe, but it's every master's duty to think about his student. Also, as far as I observed, Sofia likes Kadir one-sidedly."

"I suggest you stop talking before you make me angry."

"I'm sorry, but I stand by my words. Kadir is a very stupid boy in terms of emotional intelligence, I'm sure he doesn't realize that Sofia likes him."


"Please do your research thoroughly, Miss Zoe, before you do something wrong and hurt Sofia's heart."

" 2 "

"Sofia just asked me the other day how she could be more mature and not be a drag on you. Please stop seeing her as a child."

" one "

" Besides, Kadir is a pure and good boy. I bet he won't break Sofia's heart."


"Okay then, let's make a bet. Neither of us will interfere with what is going on between them. If Kadir breaks my daughter's heart, I will send my men to kill her and you will join the silver daisy holding company for the rest of your life and be responsible for cleaning my room."

I calmed my heart, which was about to break apart due to high tension, as much as I could and embraced Miss Zoe's offer as a hope for life.

"So let's wait and see the result"

"Wait a minute, did you just say silver daisy holding?"

As Eren raised his head and looked at lady Zoe, who was watching him in elegant clothes, the image of the woman he had seen on the news a few times appeared in his mind, and the two images slowly merged into a single image.

"Ahahaha, haven't I really noticed this until now? Maybe I'm exaggerating myself. I thought every young man in the country was in love with me, but apparently there are people even among the hunters who don't know me."

Eren started to sweat when he realized that the mother of the girl whose personality he had secretly inserted into the simulation and almost caused to change her personality was the third person who had the biggest say in directing the country's hunting industry.

"It's a very sweet reaction, but I don't want Sofia and Kadir to suspect anything wrong, let's go back."

" Yes, madam "

"Call me as usual"

Eren was silently cursing his own stupidity as he followed Lady Zoe out of the room, shaking her beautiful figure. She was probably the only person in the country who did not recognize the woman who designed the first generations of hunting clothing at first sight.


Kadir, who was lying on the tent floor covered in sweat, and Sofia, who was watching Kadir while pretending to read the manga in her hand, looked at Eren, who looked like he was fighting for survival, as he entered the door.

"Master, are you okay?"

"Hahaha, you look like you've been kicked by donkeys. Tell the truth, my mother finally found out your true face and made her men beat you, didn't she?"

Kadir gave Sofia an angry look while putting Eren to bed. Seeing Kadir's gaze, the smile on Sofia's face disappeared and she shyly approached Eren and asked "Are you okay?"

Eren, whose mind was completely filled with the question of what Miss Zoe would do to me if she found out about Sofia entering the simulation, came to her senses when she saw the little movements between Kadir and Sofia.

When Eren remembered the bet he made, he decided that the best way to spend the remaining time was a training program where Kadir and Sofia would have more physical contact.

Half an hour had passed since Kadir and Sofia started fighting each other with their bare hands. A man's voice came from outside the tent, asking for permission to enter.

After Sofia and Kadir tidied themselves up, I told the man he could come in.

A hunters' association employee in a suit entered with a list in his hand and checked our names through the list in his hand.

"This may be a redundant question, but is there anyone out there who would want to join the exploration team?"