
Recon team, hearing these words felt both nostalgic and familiar at the same time.

In this world, both companies and the state valued people with experience in joining reconnaissance teams. Until now, the only thing that allowed me to become a hunter was my talent that limited me and my scouting team was a treasure.

Whenever I was running out of money, I would call an acquaintance of mine who worked for the state hunting ministry and ask if there was work in new explorer training, and they would always ask me to get involved as a paid instructor.

The biggest difference between a dungeon that the Recon team entered and a dungeon that the Recon team did not enter was the number of hunters who died after the first raid. According to scientific data, the death rate in raids without the use of reconnaissance teams is at least twice as high as in raids using reconnaissance teams.

Nobody wanted to do this job because the death rate in reconnaissance teams was very high.

"Hahaha right, it's not like someone would actually volunteer to join the scout team. I don't even understand why they ordered me to ask that question."

As I watched the hunters' association employee walk out of the tent, talking to himself, a voice inside me started screaming for me to stop him.

[ Ding ... Ding #+(.. error ! ... ]

Until today, I have always been an F level hunter who follows the rules. The people who were hunters with me were now either A-rank or B-rank hunters, swimming in wealth and fame. What about me, I always stayed in the shadows, just like I was told, and came out whenever I saw a crumb. Other hunters were making fun of this feature of mine, calling me a cockroach.

All hunters had a goal, other hunters devoted themselves to climbing the mountain of corpses to sit in the seat of the strongest and gain money and fame. Of course, there were exceptions, some hunters liked to step on monster corpses to avenge their dead acquaintances. What about me, I was just doing what I was told to survive. Now I had to change some things, after all, I was someone who had evolved the title I had. It's time for me to get the fame I deserve

[ Mistake !!! Mistake !!! Mistake !!! ]

All I have to do is take action and show off my glory. Yes, this is all I can do and I can't hold back any longer. I must enter with the exploration team and destroy the entire dungeon by myself, so everyone can see my glory. Yes yes, this is my destiny. I can't escape my fate

As the hunters' association employee in the suit was about to leave the tent, he was startled when he felt a hand grab his shoulder and slowly turned his head and looked at the person holding him.

"Wait, this is my destiny. I will join the expedition team. Write my name."

" Hahaha dude, you scared me. You don't need to look like that. If you want to go, I won't stop you. But are you sure you really want to go?"

What is this man's problem? Also, what kind of person looks into the other person's eyes like that? I just saw the F-rank hunter emblem he wore on his chest. I am a C rank hunter, so why does this man's gaze scare me and why does his hand make my shoulder hurt so much?

"How can someone who doubts his own judgment call himself a hunter?"

[System repairing errors]

Now I'm sure, this man is not normal. Probably a high-level hunter disguised as a low-level hunter. I have to report this to headquarters

" Hahah , right . I wrote your name on the scout list . Can you let me go now "

[ Error fixed. new ability awakened, true form (S)]

When the man felt his shoulder being released, he calmed down and took a few steps away from Eren.

When Kadir heard that his master would join the exploration team, he immediately wanted to sign his name to join, but when he got a little closer, he caught Eren's eyes. These looks were very different from the usual looks, they were cold and indifferent, as if they didn't care about what was going to happen or they already knew everything. Kadir realized that something was not right and decided to step back and see what would happen.

Sofia, who understood Kadir's thoughts and took action to stop Kadir, sighed with relief when she saw Kadir retreating and looked at Eren as if to say, what are you trying to do?

As soon as Eren let go of the man, he stood there in a daze and started to think about what he had just done. It was like he lost his mind for a moment or transformed into something else.

Why did I do such a thing? What's this nonsense about glamor, I'm only doing this to make money. Why did I behave like this? Did someone use a special technique to manipulate my thoughts? So who

After the hunters' association employee left, Kadir saw his master, who stood still for a while and then looked around with concern. Kadir instinctively felt that his master had regained his former self and stepped forward and asked what was going on.

"Master, you were acting like someone else just now. Are you okay?"

"So you noticed it too, Kadir, I don't know what just happened, but I felt like a very different person."

"Are you really going to join the expedition team?"

"I'm one of the most experienced people in this country at joining reconnaissance teams and I'm not worried about it, what I was really worried about was what had just happened to me. Can you sense someone around watching us?"

"I will check it immediately, master."

Eren saw Kadir's shadow emerging from the sunlight, leaving Kadir and turning into an eagle. When the eagle received Kadir's instructions, it took off and flew into the sky at high speed, becoming invisible to the eye.

"Did you just awaken this ability?"

"Yes, this is one of the talents I have just awakened. And as far as I can see, we are the only people in the immediate area who have left their tent."

"I understand. Maybe I have a psychological illness that I'm not aware of. I'll see a psychologist later to check it out."

"I understand. I can still see the man from before, if you want, I can tell him that you do not want to join the reconnaissance team."

"There is no need. If I don't want to participate, when they call me, I will say that I have changed my mind. Go and continue your training, you both need physical fitness."

While Sofia and Kadir continued their training, confused about what just happened, Eren went and lay down on his bed and started thinking about what just happened.

Eren didn't even believe what he had just said to Kadir. Deep down, I knew that what had just happened was not an external control or a psychological illness. It's definitely something else, something going on inside his head.

What Eren felt while thinking about what had just happened was nothing but arrogance. He had just highlighted his sense of self so much that he had completely ignored even the system windows that had appeared.

No matter how hard Eren tried to remember, he couldn't remember what was written on the system screens, so he decided to check the system himself.

When Eren opened the screen where he selected the world in which he would enter the simulation, he made sure that everything was still the same. The first world was still zombie apocalypse and the second world was NIGHTMARE

When Eren opened the simulation start screen, he saw that everything was the same here and finally he opened the profile screen.

[ Profile

Name: Eren Black

Title: -living multiple lives-

Age: 25

Lvl: C 1 ( 507 / 2000 )

Remaining time: 1 month

Strength: 12

Defense: 12

Speed: 30

Mana: 11

Attraction: 9

Assignable stat points: 0

Chance : ?


Active abilities

- personal challenge - ?

- simulation - ?

- gliding - C: by consuming mana, you can create invisible wings on your back and use these wings to fly short distances (flight speed = 4×mana + speed statistic]

- magic • lightning sword - C: By using mana, you can cover a sharp weapon with lightning, increasing the sharpness of this weapon and obtaining a paralyzing effect.

- true form / ruler of destiny - S: (sealed)

Passive abilities

- fast ant specialist - F : in an area with anthills, your speed stat will increase by 1 point

- until death - C (attached weapon: graphene dagger)

F level glare ; Your weapon glows briefly, dazzling the enemy.

E rank rapid dagger master; The person wielding the weapon experiences a 20% increase in their speed stat.

D level rebuttal; Apply a decay curse on the slaughtered person. 3 times per day

C level displacement; You can summon your weapon or teleport next to your weapon. 3 times per day ]

Eren realized with surprise that he had gained a new and cool ability, but that he could not use it. Eren's instincts were telling him that what had just happened was related to this ability.

After looking at his sealed skill for a while, Eren saw that his skill called 'until death' also leveled up and caused him to gain a new side skill.

When Eren saw the new ability he had acquired, many ways to use this ability came to his mind. Eren took a nap while thinking about the tactics and attack methods he could use with his new ability.