Chapter 35

After circling the uninhabited island while looking at various scenery, we got off the watercraft and headed towards the place where there was a parasol where Ryuen would be.

It was a very meaningful time to go around the island. I was a little irritated when her classmates called me scumbag along the way, but thanks to Hiyori who was hugging me from behind and was completely spoiled, my irritation disappeared instantly.

I'm thirsty, so I'd like to get something to drink.

"I'll go get changed."

After saying that, I saw Hiyori go to the tent and headed towards Ryuen, where I saw Horikita and Ayanokoji, who were in the same class as me.

Horikita noticed me too, and gave me a cold look.

"I wonder why you're here?"

"I'm just playing around with Hiyori. It's fine, right? The topic for this exam is freedom. Besides, I got a good result yesterday, so there's no reason for you to complain. So Ryuen, if you have MAX coffee. Give it to me."

"There's no way that's true! Are you crazy to want to drink that damn sweet fake coffee?"

"Please don't insult Max coffee. You are just a brat who can't appreciate the bitter sweetness".

Ryuen glared at me, "Then give me a coke instead. It should be freezing cold."

"Ishizaki, bring me an ice-cold Coke and water."


The man called Ishizaki ran towards the tent. I'm the one who asked for it, so I feel a little sorry for him.

"...You're pretty good friends. I'll never forgive you if you sell class information."

"What are you talking about? I don't have any information about the leader, so I don't have any information."

It doesn't matter if they don't tell you anything, but it would be a shame if they suspected me for selling information.

"Hey, hey. Isn't it important to share information with your classmates?"

Ryuen says this while laughing, but it's a line that doesn't suit you the most.

Due to Ryuen's personality, he probably thinks

'Sharing information? The pieces don't need to know about important information.'

"I didn't trust him, so I just took the obvious steps. Going back to the topic, of course you know Ibuki-san, right? Her face was swollen. Who did it?"

"Is that what you're talking about? I told Hikigaya too, but she went against my methods, so I punished her and kicked her out."

Horikita looked sharply at Ryuen's words.

"You used up all your points on the first day."

It seems that Horikita has noticed as well. If you don't participate in the morning and evening roll calls, you will be penalized, but in Ryuen's case there was no problem since he used all his points.

According to the rules, even if your points become 0, it will not become a minus.

"That's right. So don't worry about what will happen to Ibuki. And if Ibuki is staying with you guys, you'll have to prepare food, water, and a bed for one person, so it's better to kick her out. If she can't stand it anymore, she can come back here, and if that happens, I'll forgive her, if she kneels on the ground and beg me.''

Well, it would be impossible to live on a deserted island for a week.

"That's a short-sighted way of thinking. Even if it's good for now, what are you planning to do after you've had enough fun?"

"I don't know. After all, ordinary people can only come up with simple ideas."

Ryuen doesn't even show any signs of being impatient, and Horikita gives him a cold look before taking her cheater boyfriend Ayanokoji with him and leaving.

When I saw that the two had left the base camp, I opened my mouth.

"So, after you've given it your all, are you going to get information about the class leader from Ibuki and the other boy?"

When I say that, Ryuen whistles and claps.

"Hikigaya saw through it after all. Did you realize it from the time you spend with Ibuki?"

"No, at first I couldn't make a decision because it seemed like it was possible to send her in as a D-Spy due to your personality, or to expel her simply because she disobeyed you. What made my decision was the radio on the table. Isn't that a way to contact Ibuki and the spies?"

While saying this, I point to the radio on the table. Since something like this exists, I can only assume that it is a communication device between Ibuki and another man.

Or rather, Horikita didn't notice the radio? If so, she's too stupid.

As for that pervert Ayanokoji, I honestly don't know. To be honest, he's creepy. He may have noticed.

"That's correct. Well, there are other people besides Ibuki and Kaneda who can use it."


When I asked, Ryuen smiled fiercely.

"This is Katsuragi from Class A. You caused a lot of damage to him regarding private points. He easily signed the contract I gave him in order to earn class points."

While saying this, Ryuen handed me a contract so I took a look at it.

To summarize, if Class C succeeds in passing 150 points worth of supplies and information on Class B and D to Class A, 39 students in Class A (excluding Arisu) will provide 15,000 points per month until graduation.

"I see. It takes a lot of private points to spend, but if things go well, A class will get close to 500 class points. If that happens, even if I pay private points to you and me every month, he'll get some change."

If you think about it normally, it's probably a win-win deal for both parties.

Especially in the case of Ryūen, unlike me who only receives points from the Katsuragi faction, he can also receive points from the Sakayanagi faction and the Neutral faction.

In other words, Ryuen can receive nearly 600,000 private points per month.

I'm really jealous of the fact that I get 160,000 yen a month, which is almost four times as much as me.

"Well, I don't think things will go well for A-class, but...hey, Hikigaya."

Ryuen looks at me with a meaningful smile. Judging by his attitude, he must be convinced that I will do something.

"Yeah. I am planning to keep getting in the way of Class A. By the way, the leader of Class A is a man named Yahiko Totsuka."

"Haha! You're really interesting. I never thought you'd tell me the leader of Class A at this timing."

Ryuen starts laughing happily.

"I'm telling you, but I don't have the the evidence, okay?"

"Hah, You're talking about the bastard who insulted Hiyori and got pissed on the ship. You're telling the truth just to bash Class A, right? I believe you."

"Very well."

Apparently Ryuen also knows that I gets heated when it comes to Hiyori.

Well, Ryuen already knew that I get heated when it comes to Arisu, so I don't think it's strange.

"If you think about it that way, you'll probably tell B-class as well. If B, C, and D-class all nominate their leader at the same time, A-class will get 150 points at best, and less than 100 points at worst."

The class that is guessed as a leader not only loses 50 points, but also loses all bonus points from occupying the spot.

If Class B~D hits the leader of Class A, at that point the bonus points for Class A will disappear and they will lose 150 points. In addition, no matter how many supplies you receive from Ryūen, you will probably spend some points, and in the end you will only be able to get around 100 points at most.

"Thank you for the good information. I'm sure the contract with A will be concluded, and if you tell the D-class leader now, I'll give you 300,000 private points every month."

"Unfortunately, it's impossible. As Horikita said earlier, she doesn't have any trust in me, and I haven't been told who the D-class leader is."

I'm serious about this. I have no idea who the class leader is.

"Well, don't worry I'll leave Ibuki alone on this and keep quiet."

"Kukuku, you must be a piece of trash for keeping quiet even though you knew she is a spy."

I won't deny it, but I don't like trouble.

I'm sorry if I announces that Ibuki is a spy because I'll definitely get into trouble.

In fact, I don't think that clown Hirata, the class leader, will abandon her, so there's a possibility that Ibuki will stay whether I say it or not.

And losing 50 class points doesn't really matter. I'm more interested in the points I earn myself than the points provided by the school.

This school is a complete meritocracy, but at the same time, if you have the ability to see things through, you can find many ways to earn money.

I'm currently earning over 4 million yen.

"Well, I guess. However, there are some people who don't want to work a little, so I'm going to have some time off soon."

"You can take Hiyori with you if you want."

"That's up to Hiyori. If Hiyori wants it, I'll accept it."

That's always the case. Basically, I don't invite people out on my own, but I do various things by being invited by Hiyori and Arisu.

I replied to Ryuen and headed to my own tent.

This time I was very careful and checked the tent several times before going inside.

Hiyori wasn't inside, so I changed my clothes in peace.


"Let's go, Hiyori."


Five minutes later, as I was leaving the C-class base camp, Hiyori asked for permission to accompany me before I invited her, which I accepted.

The person in question hugs me in my arms, smiling happily and being completely spoiled, but I'm not sure if she's enjoying spending time with me.

I'm not an interesting person.

That's why I can't help but ask.

"Hey, Hiyori, are you enjoying spending time with me?"

Hiyori is taken aback by my question, but she immediately smiles and nods.

"Of course. I've enjoyed every day since I entered the school, but Hachiman-kun has had a big influence on me."

Hiyori's words didn't smell like lies at all, which made me happy.

"...Hachiman-kun, do you enjoy spending time with me?"

Hiyori says so. It's fun to conclude. I don't deny that Hiyori made me stand out, but the time I spend with Hiyori is so much fun, and I'm happy every day.

"...Well, I won't be bored."

I feel bad for not being able to be honest. But Hiyori keeps her smile on her face and nods.

"That would be great... Hachiman-kun."

As I said, Hiyori put her face closer to me...

"Will you please let me stay by your side forever, even while I'm in school and after I graduate?"


She puts her lips on my cheek. All I could do was nod at Hiyori.


I left the C-class base camp with Hiyori and walked along the road.

After walking for a while, I saw traces of a large group of students stomping on the path in the forest. The A class has a cave as their base, so is this connected to the B class?

With question marks on our faces, we resumed walking and soon arrived at the B-class base camp.

They have a different outlook on life than the D-class. There are many trees around the well that are used as a spot, and there is a hammock there to create a space to sleep.

"Who's there?"

Suddenly, I heard a voice from behind me, and when I turned around, I saw a serious-looking boy looking at me.

When he sees us, he widens his eyes slightly and then opens his mouth.

"C-class Shiina and D-class Hikigaya? Do you need something for our base camp?"

"I was walking to gather information and just happened to arrive at the B-class base camp...Ah, that's right. Is Ichinose there?"

"She's not here right now. If you have a message, I'll pass it on."

"Ah. Then, 'Huh? Hikigaya-kun and Hiyori-chan?'

Is that the person in question?"

When I looked, Ichinose, wearing a jersey, was coming from the forest with several girls in tow. At that time, the girl behind Ichinose glares at me, but since it's usual, I let her get away with it.

"Hey, you two. How are you doing?"

"I'm in a daze. Also, do you have some time now? I just received some information about the A-class leader, so I'd like to pass it on to you."

When I say that, Ichinose smiles bitterly, and a sense of tension runs through the other students.

"Nyahaha, I never thought that Hikigaya-kun would come to tell me too."

I see, someone from the Sakayanagi faction must have told her.

"For now, come in. This isn't something to talk about outside of base camp."

"Are you sure? We're in another class, right?"

"Jeez. The only time Hikigaya-kun will act is when Hiyori-chan and Sakayanagi-san are made fun of, and Hiyori-chan isn't interested in conflicts between classes either, right?"

Ichinose said that and guided me to enter the base camp, so I decided to accept her words and enter.

Then, as I sat down in a hammock near the well, Ichinose opened her mouth.

"So? Hikigaya-kun brought me information about the A-class leader, right?"

"Well, by the way, the A class students already came, right?"

"Yeah. Hashimoto-kun came over yesterday evening and told me the leader's name. Right, Kanzaki-kun?"

"Yeah. No matter how much Hashimoto is from the Sakayanagi faction, I couldn't trust him because there was no photographic evidence. However, Kamuro came this morning and gave me information about the A-class leader just like Hashimoto did. It's the same name that Hashimoto said at the time, so it lends credibility."

A boy called Kanzaki who stands next to Ichinose captures Ichinose's opinion.

"Then let me hear it, Hikigaya-kun."

That's what Ichinose says, but I guess she's a little suspicious of me. However, doubts are natural from Ichinose's point of view, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Ah. According to the information I researched, he's called Yahiko Totsuka."

Ichinose and the others looked at each other at my words. Judging from that reaction, I guess it's bingo.

"I see. If Hashimoto-kun, Kamuro-san, and Hikigaya-kun have the same opinion, then this story might be true."

"Ah. In any case, it's definitely  possible"

I can hear such a conversation. If Ichinose moves now, classes B to D will hit class A all at once, which will inflict so much damage that the Katsuragi faction won't be able to recover.

If that happens, I'll be able to get further rewards from Arisu, so I definitely want her to make a move.

While thinking about this, I looked around and saw an unfamiliar machine near the well.

"Hey, Ichinose, what kind of machine is that?"

"I don't recognize it, but is it a water quality control device?"

I don't seem to recognize it, so Hiyori   asks Ichinose a question.

"This? This is a water shower."

"Water shower... I'm sure it was a cheaper shower than a temporary shower."

"Yeah. Once you put water in that tank, you can get hot water in a few minutes. The heat source is gas pipes. I plan to order more when I run out.'' Ichinose points to the one-touch tent that came with the portable toilet, but there is nothing inside.

In other words...

"I can't believe they're going to use something that was provided for the toilet instead of a shower room."

"I just thought the article was waterproof so I could use it."

No, that's not what I'm saying, but the attitude of trying to make even the slightest effort without giving in to immediate greed is frightening.

In addition, the B class has a strong sense of unity, so it can be said that the B class is completely upwardly compatible with the D class.

Ichinose-san brainwashing power is really scary!

If this continues like this, they'll lose their sense of individuality and would become mindless sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

Just like social animals!

I am really glad that I'm not in Ichinose's class!

I was thinking some very rude things at the time.

"Ichinose-san, which food do you think we should go to… Shiina-san?"

The boy with glasses looks at Hiyori strangely, and Hiyori greets him.

"Is that Kaneda-kun? I'm glad you're safe."

Ah, this guy is a spy sent to B class.

However, from Hiyori's reaction, it seems that she was not informed about the espionage activity.

"I was able to get it picked up by Class B. So Ichinose-san Where should I take this food?"

"Ah, yeah. Then, could you please take it to Shibata-kun's place?"

"got it"

The man called Kaneda bows and leaves. I talks to Hiyori.

"Did he fight with Ryuen?"

"Yes. He objected to Ryuen-kun's ideas and was kicked out of the base camp just like Ibuki-san, but I'm glad that he's safe."

I know that, but I dare to ask the question.

If they ignore it here, they might get suspicious and think that Hikigaya Hachiman doesn't feel uncomfortable with Kaneda being in Class B.

"Ah, I heard from Horikita-san and the others that even D-class is protecting C-class students"

Of course, we have clowns like Hirata and Kushida after all. But I don't dare say that to Ichinose.

"Well. Or rather, did you meet Horikita and the others today?"

"She came here with Ayanokoji-kun a while ago. The two of them headed towards Class A."

"We met at the C-class base camp, so I guess they were gathering information. However, since they don't know the Sakayanagi faction, it would be difficult to get information on the A-class."

"Well, I guess so. I went near the A-class base camp as well, but I had no idea."

If I remember correctly, the A-class base camp site was a cave. Judging from Ichinose's statement, is there a blackout curtain at the entrance to the cave to prevent them from being seen?

If that's the case, it will be difficult to obtain information using a straightforward approach, as Ichinose says.

However, if you don't need a direct attack, there are many ways to do it.

"For the time being, should I ask Hashimoto and Kamuro for information about Class A?"

"Is Class D teaming up with the Sakayanagi faction? Or are they teaming up with Hikigaya-kun personally?"

"I can't say they're working with D-class because the Sakayanagi faction is unilaterally passing on information. However, the spots occupied by A-class and the food locations discovered by A-class are... They told us everything, so I am really happy."

"I can't believe the most important secret will be made public so easily. If that's true, the consequences for Class A will likely be dire."

Kanzaki says as he exhales, but he agrees with me.

Well, I'm the one who's harassing them, so I'm not saying this, but don't worry.

"However, if this result is bad, Arisu will be the only one in class A from the second semester, and there will be no blind spots, so there won't be any problems. If that happens, I can aim for class A with peace of mind."

"I guess Hikigaya-kun is going to accumulate 20 million points and aim for A class?"

"To be exact, it's 40 million. After I move up to A class, It would be really bad if they somehow fall down to class B. So, I want to prepare 20 million as insurance."

On May 1st, when I learned that only A class has the right to be advantageous in going to higher education or getting a job, I wasn't interested in any class, but since I've been able to earn more private points than I expected, I started aiming for A class on my own.

So, I started thinking not only about aiming for A class, but also to be prepared in case A class falls to B class, although I don't think Arisu will lose.

"Well, isn't 40 million tough?"

Ichinose says that with a bitter smile, and the B class members nod in agreement with Ichinose.

Well, normally that would be the case, so I don't think I was being made fun of.

"Well, 20 million, but 40 million would be tough. But I don't think it's impossible."

Even though I don't understand much about the S system, I was able to accumulate over 4 million points depending on how I did it. In your second or third year, you might be able to find a better way to earn money, so I don't think it's unreasonable even if it's extremely difficult.

"I think it's going to be a tough road, but please do your best."

"Hiyori-chan, aren't you interested in A class?"

"Not that much. Even after I graduate, my best career path is to stay with Hachiman-kun."

Hiyori says something unexpected again?

The best path forward is to be with me...

"Um, so Hiyori-chan is applying to the same university and company that Hikigaya-kun is applying to?"


Hiyori nods without any hesitation at Ichinose's confused question. Are you serious... Well, I don't deny that I want to maintain a relationship with Hiyori even after graduation...

"Ah, haha...well, I guess that's what Hiyori-chan, who lives with you, would say."

"What, living together?!"

The girls in class B turned bright red at Ichinose's words, and the boys could also hear the commotion.

"Huh? Are you seriously living together? Is that okay?!"

Then a boy from a different class B asked me with interest.

"The girls' area has a curfew, so it's against school rules for me to sleep in Hiyori's room, but there's no curfew in the boys' area, so it's okay for Hiyori to sleep in my room."

"...Is Ichinose-san living with you too?"

Then, the girl who seemed to have confessed to Ichinose before, glared at me and asked Ichinose.

This girl seems like a real lesbian.

In conclusion, Ichinose didn't do it.

The only ones doing so are Hiyori and Arisu. Arisu sometimes brings Kamuro over and stays with me, but we don't live together.

"Ichinose-san hasn't done it. Only me and Sakayanagi-san have."

When Hiyori answers before I can, the noise gets louder.

"...Seriously? Is Sakayanagi doing this too?"

"This guy is really riding on two boats, just like the rumors..."

"This bastard have two girlfriends within a few months of entering the school."


"Die Ikemen...."

There are various reactions. There were even insults from some people.

In the end, by the time I left the B-class base camp, I continued to receive looks of horror and jealousy from boys and excitement and contempt from girls.